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Peeking around the corner I glance around before heading for the stairs after seeing it looks clear, but I scream sliding down the stairs that's turned into a slide.

Sitting at the bottom I huff pushing my dress back down properly "Brats" I mumble before getting up.

Hearing Hooch laughing I glare at her "Why are you here and not at the school teaching morons what end to face when flying?" I grunt.

"My class is canceled, I was placed in charge of bringing her home" she says motioning to Ly.

Frowning I walk over seeing she's glaring at Hooch "What did she do?"

"Jinxed all the brooms so they are being un-jinxed"

Sighing I point to the stairs "Ly, go to your room we will discuss this later but you're grounded".

She sneers at me before stomping her way up, hearing the door slam I sit down shaking my head.

"I'm trying to be understanding and not act like a mother to them, but I can't let them do everything they want. I'm sorry about the brooms, do I need to pay for the work?" I ask.

"No, Hogwarts has funds set aside for problems but your cousins are getting out of control at school while Anaideia is settling in and adjusting"

"I think Madame Bones has a hand in that, she kept me in line because everyone knows crossing her's a bad idea, some of my ideas would have been bad if I did them"

"I believe it's more she has a crush on her Master" Hooch says shrugging.

Waving it off I sigh "I don't know what more I can do for them, I've been patient with them because I know they were abused but I think they hate me for taking them".

She shrugs patting my shoulder "I don't know what to tell you but I have to get back now".

Nodding I sigh trying to think of things to help my cousins 'They need to safely vent their emotions' Hermione says softly.

Nodding I get up heading for one of the unused rooms clearing it out.

Once done I transfigure things into padding and punching bags and set them up, finishing up I look around seeing padding on the walls and floors with multiple punching bags and different gloves.

Turning I head to Ly's room "Come on I have an idea" I say motioning to the stairs.

Getting her to the room I grab a set of gloves putting them on her ignoring her frown.

"You're angry and need to vent so I want you to hit the bags you can scream, cry, and say anything you need to express your anger but this hurting people is going to stop"

2 hours later

Seeing Ly sit down huffing with a red face I wait till she's calmed down, watching as she curls up crying I walk over and sit down by her.

She glances up at me and I hold my arms out waiting patiently for her to decide.

Once she scoots closer I hold her letting her finish crying till eventually she cries herself to sleep.

Taking the gloves off I lift her and take her back to her room laying her down "I hope it's not too late to help you three" I say softly.

A few days later

Laying in bed with Minnie I wake up hearing my door open and see Ly standing at the door, patting the bed I lift the blanket for her.

She runs over climbing into the bed by me "What's wrong?" I ask putting my arm around her.

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