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{House Elf harassment at Hogwarts

Elves belonging to Aquila Black have been appearing in classrooms or personal chambers throwing rubber ducks at the Professors and students.

Professors have reported things being moved around and random elf Apparation.

When questioned about her elves Aquila Black laughed and informed that she knows where and what they're doing at all times.

"I find it interesting and amusing we so easily forget sometimes our fellow witches and wizards start wars based on hate, it never hurts to stay prepared for attacks without being paranoid and these elves are keeping everyone prepared for an attack" says Headmaster Dumbledore.

"It's distracting for classes but we have seen students improve with many classes since this has started" where a few Professors answers.

When asked if we could interview the elves Aquila Black agreed and informed her elves they could speak freely.

"Pleased with helping Young Miss" was their answer but we also noticed a rose stone ring around one elf's ears}

I smile and place the newest clipping in the scrapbook Myrtle made for us "When are Minnie and Pomona going to get something added in?" Madame Bones asks from behind me leaning forward to see the book.

"It's mostly stuff I'm involved in" I answer shrugging "Are you encouraging us to get caught doing more things?" I ask smirking.

"Them yes but not you" she says chuckling.

"Go drink your coffee" I mumble turning to older clippings.

"Is my cup going to still be where I left it?"

"Yes I told them not to touch personal cups for morning drinks, I'm not insane enough to risk that"

She hums walking away "McGonagall should be out today".

Smiling I glance at her "Awe it sounds like you're happy your favorite student's coming back".

"Very much so, she listens and doesn't cause problems unless you're around"

"I resent that Madame Bones, I am a model student and never cause problems" I say in a falsely offended voice.

"You're a model student of coming up with ideas, you act unladylike and do impulsive things"

Laughing I shrug going back to the scrapbook "At least I wait till you've had your coffee before I start messing with stuff".

"You blew up a cauldron last month at three am" Minnie says coming in scoffing.

"It was a test and worked perfectly" I say waving them off.

"You brought Flesh-Eating Slugs into the school and poured them into your Potion causing an explosion" Madame Bones says while glaring at me.

"I found a way to deal with them without poison and it makes them useful" I counter shrugging.

"They turned into plants" they both answer.

"Plants that have been gone since before the founders and now allow people to use them for Potions that couldn't be brewed anymore without them"

"You threw Malfoy into them to see how they reacted to being messed with"

"And Augusta" Minnie adds.

"I was trying to help her, she was failing charms, what better way to teach her than throw her into a plant you have to use charms on and Myrtle helped me with it"

"What about Malfoy?" Madame Bones asks smirking.

"How did that help him?" She asks when I shrug.

"Made me feel better, I was justified in my actions"

"How so?"

"His presence was unwanted, his smell offensive and attitude was deplorable those plants handled it"

"He was transparent and plants kept grabbing him because he was covered in pollen that enticed them all" Madame Bones says shaking her head.

"Better than that horrific cologne he bathes in and he's looking like a spirit was a welcome change"

2 days later

Sitting in the Great Hall I laugh while chewing on a liquorice wand seeing my rubber creatures flying around people's heads or messing with their food.

Dumbledore sits with multiple Phoenixs sitting on him while he eats with one on his hand.

Myrtle huffs grabbing one before throwing it across the room when it keeps blocking her hand.

Glancing up I chuckle seeing Fleur come in holding the kitten I gave Minnie and Minnie's familiar Emerson following after them.

She hops on our table before joining us to eat "Oh look ScratchFury and DoNotPet came to eat with us" I say smirking while Minnie glares at me.

"That's not their names, they are Emerson and baby"

"ScratchFury and DoNotPet fits better they attack everyone"

Seeing everyone leaving I smile seeing Dumbledore and Madame Bones coming up, standing up I bow slightly "Masters" I say.

"Fawkes has brought eggs back with a female Phoenix, no one has ever documented the process Madame Bones has agreed to share Apprentices for this if you all are interested" he says.

Nodding I smile glancing at the others and see they look excited "Sounds fun" I say.

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