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A week later

{Werewolf registration approved by Wizengamot

You read that right Ladies and gentlemen as of now werewolves now have to register and agree to being monitored

They will also have to attend ministry-controlled containment for the full moons}

Growling I throw the paper in the fireplace 'We know how to make wolf's bane Potions, we also read the one Snape made but never got to make before his death'.

"That's his personal property I won't steal it from him" I snarl.

'Then make the other version Snape showed you that improves the original'

"You realize that's stealing?"

'No, it's not, it's speeding up the timeline the man who makes it hasn't even been born yet'

Sighing I bite my lip ignoring that I haven't been feeling well and I keep itching, turning I walk to Dumbledore's new office as headmaster mumbling gumdrops.

Walking up the stairs I walk into the office seeing him playing with muggle blocks happily.

"I have an idea that I know will work but I need advice"

He nods motioning me to sit before putting a bubble around us to keep sound in "This idea?" He asks.

"The original maker won't be born for years then would need to grow up, later another person takes it and alters it for personal reasons that he keeps to himself it stops werewolves from turning on full moons"

"You want to make this Potion to speed up progress but by doing so you would be stealing two people's work correct?"

Nodding I frown looking down "I think you are overlooking several things".

"No, I would be stealing someone else work before they are even born"

He nods looking at me with that same twinkle "Tell me have there been any changes to what happened in your time compared to now?"

"What does that matter?"

"From your own memories and what you have told me many things have changed you're here, Ms. Warren is alive, Tom didn't get to let the basilisk out, Mr. Hagrid is still a student, and may pass his owls because you, he also never got that spider because he was lonely and didn't understand the difference between misunderstood and dangerous, Tom is having trouble with gaining followers because you made it where your family openly spoke against him, and you showed even the most stubborn pure blood magic choose who is pure as well as started showing them you can include the muggles and still practice your own traditions"

Nodding I cross my arms looking at him "Your point?"

"Who's to say that that timeline was right maybe this one is correct maybe those people won't make those Potions because you're supposed to make them now not them" he says shrugging.

"If I make it can you help me with getting it registered" I ask while scratching my shoulder.

He nods "Yes and I'll help with the testing".

Nodding I sneeze and then clucking like a chicken, freezing my eyes widen as I shake my head while Dumbledore looks at me frowning.

"Ms. Black, have you been feeling unwell?"

I sigh looking away from him shaking my head no.

He stands up leading me out of the office "Come along the healer needs to check you".

Following along I cover my nose sneezing again before I crow like a rooster "Oh this is humiliating" I groan.

Hearing Dumbledore's chuckle I glare at him "It's not funny".

"It is a simple clucking cold, they are common and very treatable"

Grumbling as we reach the medic wing I sit on the bed with my arms crossed while he gets the her.

'How old was she?'

I frown seeing a very young Madame Pomfrey who looks like she just finished school "She has a clunking cold and keeps scratching herself" Dumbledore says.

She nods waving her wand as I sneeze multiple times before clunking "She also has chicken pox a muggle virus, I'll need to check the other students Albus".

"Lay back dear you'll be here till we can get you better" she says calmly.

2 days later

Yawning I sit up seeing my friends standing outside the containment bubble I've been put in to keep the muggle virus from spreading.

"You got chicken pox it's a muggle virus that makes you have itchy little red spots" Myrtle says digging threw the treats people sent me.

"Yes, I understood that Myrtle thank you for explaining it again" I groan.

"Geeze you're grumpy when you're sick"

"Kreacher brought you some homemade cookies that Myrtle claims are so good she's going to start a religion to worship him as a god" Minerva says glaring at her.

"He does cook and bake amazingly delicious stuff" I say softly.

"I agree but I don't plan to worship him like a god" Minerva grunts.

"Blasphemy how dare you mock the great and powerful Kreacher" Myrtle screeches while placing her hand over her heart.

"Out she needs rest" Madame Pomfrey orders rushing them out before she floats a tray of food to me.

"Can I have my cookies instead?"

"Eat your breakfast and you can have some at lunch time" she orders sternly.

"You're going to be amazing at this job" I say softly.

Taking a bite I groan tilting my head back "Madame Pomfrey did Kreacher make this?"

"Yes he begged your parents to make it clear while you're sick all meals are to be cooked by him"

"Madame Pomfrey, if a house elf loses their mistress what happens to them?"

"That depends on how long and how close they were normally a family member will take the elf, but the closer the bond is between them they may never recover fully my mother's elf she had since she was a baby and when she died, the elf never was the same she became withdrawn after I took her she would only speak to me"

Nodding I frown "What if the elf's mistress is murdered?" I ask nervously.

"They could become hateful, a house elf will feel everything that happens when their mistress is killed the magic treats it like they failed their one job"

Nodding I look down focusing on my food till she walks away "Maybe that's why he was so hateful and devoted to Walburga, they both never recovered from losing me" I whisper.

'What does it matter?'

"Think about it, his face looked like it was broken and healed wrong, Sirius always claimed Walburga abused him and acted like his looks explained that but what if his face was like that because his house elf magic reacted to my dying, he wouldn't allow himself to be healed or helped and would punish himself every chance he got, Walburga had him, our relationship is closer then mine and Cygnus so it makes sense she took the only living thing left of her sister, then she died and he was left with her portrait that he always cared for no wonder he hated Sirius"

'So what if he did'

"Sirius treated Alphard like he was perfect and talked bad about Walburga I bet he never listened to anything she tried to tell him and would call her a liar if she admitted she believed he killed me, so Kreacher hated him for speaking badly about Walburga who gave him a purpose after my death and for idolizing the one they believed killed me, he had to listen to that every day and we weren't always respectful of him or Walburga's Portrait"

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