Watching the Aurors come down with Dumbledore I turn walking off "so glad he's not as young as I though,t he's not able to get his filthy claws into my nephew and start influencing him" I mumble heading for Madame Pomfrey's wing.

Stepping in I glance around seeing Cissa sat by Isabelle comforting her, walking to the spare uniforms kept here for emergencies I grab a new Slytherin outfit before walking over to her.

"Ms. Zabini I need your robes for evidence"

She looks up at me frowning before pulling my robe off from around her, turning around I cross my arms waiting with Madame Pomfrey "did you get to check her fully?" I ask.

She nods frowning "I did, other then bruises and what this does to her mentally she's unharmed".

Nodding I sigh seeing the curtain open and her frowning at the robes I gave her "I know they are not a quality your used to but they are emergency robes".

"They are fine" she says trying to sound confident.

Nodding I Transfigure a chair and sit down by Minnie "Ms. Zabini I want to make sure you understand somethings, first this is not your fault and if anyone says different are morons, second I will do everything in my power to make sure he is punished for attacking you, and third if you need anything or need someone to listen to you no matter if it's yelling and being upset, or someone to just sit with you in silence we are here for you" I say motioning to myself, Minnie and Madame Pomfrey.

She nods looking at me frowning "before you ask what I get or want the answer is simple, I get to make sure you're ready for whatever you do in life" I say smirking slightly.

She scoffs rolling her eyes "that's such a Gryffindor answer".

"I'll take that as a compliment since my lovely wife is a Gryffindor and it's head of house" I answer hearing Cissa snort in amusement, looking at her I raise my brow "Narcissa a lady does not snort".

"I would never make such a noise" she says while playing withing  Isabelle's hair as she lays her head on her shoulder.

Turning to talk to Minnie I keep glancing at them seeing Cissa blush looking at Isabelle before quickly putting her mask back in place, smiling slightly I watch Isabelle stay close to my niece I can't tell if it's about comfort or because she likes her.


Walking into the common room I see Ariana sitting on the couch looking at the Phoenix that brought her, she's been feeding it since it's been reborn.

"Have you named them?" I ask.

"I been calling her Ashara"

Nodding I smile gently petting the Phoenix chick "does it mean anything?"

"Like the ash from the rebirth, I thought it fit since we both have been reborn here in a way"

"It's a beautiful name and it does fit" I say as Fleur hops up and carefully take the check before chuckling at seeing her place it in her bed before curling around the chick.

"Fleur babies Ashara like her kitten" Ariana says smiling "what made you name her that?"

"She reminds me of someone I knew so I named her after that friend"

She nods smiling at our familiars cuddling up in a bed happily.

Summer 1979

Hearing the fireplace flare I look to it after closing my book seeing Alouette holding a sleeping toddler smiling I stand up carefully taking her.

Sitting down I cradling her in my arms "Hello Fleur" I whisper seeing her eyes open I smile moving her blonde hair.

Seeing her smile at me I chuckle tapping her nose, her bright blue eyes cross looking at her nose before she giggles "Aunt quila" she squeals hugging me.

Hearing my fireplace again I look up seeing Apolline "Hello Aunt Aquila" she says before placing air kisses on my cheeks.

"Not that I'm unhappy with you're visits but you didn't send any alert before coming, is something wrong?"

"No, just wanted to see how you are" she answers while sitting down.

"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I ask glancing at them confused.

"You haven't heard?" She asks nervously.

"Heard what?"

Alouette shrugs handing over a paper "Lily divorced James after catching him cheating she's taken everything he has".

"Fuck what about Harry" I hiss.

"Fuck" I freeze looking at Fleur who smiles proudly at me.

"Thank you for that Aunt Aquila" Apolline says sighing.

Hearing the door slam I sigh seeing Andromeda come in with Nymphodora following her.

"Hi Nymphodora" I coo messing with her purple hair.

She hisses at me as her hair turns red "don't call me that".

"I'll call you what I want and you can't stop me" I tease watching her glare at me.

"Not allowed" she grunts.

"Aunt Aquila will call you by your name just to tease you, the more you react like this the more she will do it because she's a child" Minnie says coming in picking her up.

"I am not" I say placing a hand over my heart.

"Father plans to send Bella here"

"Why?" I ask glancing at her.

"They are fighting over her plan for the future he wants her to marry but she wants to be an apprentice"

"Why can I not have things go the way I want Lily and James and divorcing I don't know if Harry will be born, and now I have to have my loud and dramatic niece lets not forget I'm almost sure she's secretly dating Alecto" I say groaning.

The way it's meant to be (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now