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Two months later

Standing at the home my grandparents lived in I glare at the charred remains of what's left "A family member is telling where Black property is, this is the second home that's been burned down" I say growling slightly.

"Aquila?" Minnie says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I have to call in the family everyone is taking Veritaserum and answering questions"

Taking her hand I Apparate us to Black Manor stalking threw the halls, I reach the tapestry room where I slam my hand on it and push my magic into it.

Hearing people screaming or groaning I stalk to the room constantly pushing my magic out bringing wards down around the house before freezing everyone and taking their wands.

"Every single one of you will be taking Veritaserum and answering questions, no one leaves till I find what I need" I say raising my voice slightly.

Turning to Hagrid I have him tested first knowing he'll pass, once done I nod before doing Olympe and the rest of my close family clearing them.

"If you have information on this speak up now because the punishment for withholding information or endangering our family will be horrible for you"

3 hours later

Rolling my shoulders I sneer having put four members in the cellar already "Euphemia and Fleamont Potter" I call.

Hagrid and Olympe drag them forward allowing me to test them.

"Do you have any information on the attacks against our family?" Getting negatives I nod.

"Did you know about Charlus plans?"

Getting one no and a yes I look at Fleamont narrowing my eyes "Did you support his plans or plan to join him?"

He answers no and I nod "Have you told anyone the locations of Black property that may be a threat or is a known threat?"

Getting no from both I send them to a different room to wait before moving on to the next couple or children if old enough to understand.

2 hours later

Huffing I cross my arms "15 members who knowingly turned on our family" I grunt before calling everyone back in pacing in front of the tapestry.

"Because our own have turned on us, all compromised Black properties will be abandoned for the time being"

Taking a deep breath I point my wand at the tapestry "Because of them, two members of our family have been murdered, others have been injured".

I quickly blast each off the tapestry "I Aquila Black, disown each person burned off the tapestry, I revoke all rights or claims to the Black name" I say loudly.

Seeing the family shiver at the feeling of the spell washing over them I motion to the tapestry "This is the final warning betray our family and you will be disowned, if you help them you will be disowned, if you live at a compromised property grab anything important and come back here other then that return home".

Lifting the wards I hold out the wands letting everyone collect theirs before leaving.

Having the traitors brought up I hold up the wands standing near the lite fireplace smirking before snapping them half and tossing them in the fire "You are disowned and will be Obliviated of all knowledge of Black secrets, you will not be able to get back on the properties, you will live with the knowledge that you caused the death of our family and feel guilt for it, you will never lie about why you were disowned and will tell the truth to your children if asked".

Quickly completing the spell I see their defiant looks turn to horror and pain "For the death of your family, you are banished never to be accepted again, but your children will be accepted at birth".

Seeing them leave I groan hearing someone knocking, moving to the door I yank it open and frown seeing Alastor with four people the oldest being 16 and the youngest being 12 each holding school trunks.

"Investigation was completed these four are the ones who have no other family willing to take them"

Nodding I motion them in leading them to the library and sit down "Okay let's see if I remember correctly, you are Anaideia named after the spirit of Ruthlessness, shamelessness, and unforgivingness" I say looking at the oldest "You are Typhon after the Titan who tried to overthrow Zeus" I say looking at the only boy.

Looking at the next I hum "You are Lethe named after the spirit of forgetfulness and oblivion" coming to the youngest I nod "That means you're Lyssa named after the spirit of rage, fury, and rabies in animals".

All four nod not speaking, I bite my lip before sighing "What Carrow is your parent?" I ask.

"Alec Carrow" the oldest says crossing her arms with a disgusted look on her face "They are cousins from one of the Carrow's that died pissing off Veelas" she adds.

Leaning back I cross my arms looking at Anaideia "I know why I hate him but why do you look disgusted saying he fathered you?" I ask.

"Halfblood, my mother was a muggle he held in the cellar till I was born" she grunts glaring at me.

Nodding I frown looking at their hands "No house rings?"

"No, we're not pure bloods we don't get one" Lyssa says shrugging.

Rolling my eyes I stand up getting them to follow me to rooms "I'll handle getting your rings, a few rules, blood status means nothing you will not treat anyone badly for being anything but pure, if I find out you are it will not be fun. Take a moment to unpack and get used to being here then join us when you're ready".

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