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Walking down the hall I glance at Minnie seeing her glaring at me "What?" I ask already knowing why she's doing it.

"I was under the impression that you were to start courting me and as such when we walk you are to be a gentlewoman and escort me"

Laughing I shrug but stop walking "I was under the impression that you didn't want the same treatment".

Seeing her hand twitch slightly I smile offering my arm "I don't want to make you uncomfortable so I was trying to continue as normal".

"This is far from normal you have escorted me many times as friends, I expect you to continue and do a few proper courting things" she says placing her hand on the crook of my arm.

"You're very bossy and demanding" I say smirking.

"I will not allow you to be looked at as improper because you failed to court me properly"

Laughing I nod leading her out of the castle to Hogsmeade, walking around I frown seeing Aunt Cassiopeia coming out of the forest.

Gently getting Minnie to let go I take a deep breath and run up behind her "What are you doing?" I screech before ducking her throwing a spell at me.

"Do not sneak up on me Aquila Aurora Black" she hisses grabbing my robes.

"You're the one sneaking out of the Forbidden Forest" I say frowning while looking her over "Aunt Cassiopeia what is that?" I ask narrowing my eyes at a mark on her neck while ignoring Hermione laughing about proper pure bloods shagging in the Forbidden Forest.

"What?" She asks calmly.

Reaching up I poke her neck frowning "Who has been sucking on your neck in the woods like some dirty secret?" I hiss glaring at the forest behind her.

Stalking past her I watch the ground following her trail back to a tree with a home built on the branches, snarling I pull my wand out "Evanesco".

Seeing the tree house disappear I smirk seeing a half-dressed Hooch come down catching herself before safely landing on her feet.

"Apprentice Black I doubt your master will be pleased to hear of this" she says while transfiguring some clothes to wear.

"I doubt my grandparents will be pleased to hear you are having relations with my Aunt in the Forbidden Forest like it's a dirty secret" I growl pointing my wand at her.

"Aquila you will stop right now" Aunt Cassiopeia says from behind me.

"No, I don't think she fully understands what you are fully aware of Aunt Cassiopeia, if either of you get pregnant outside of marriage it's frowned upon but accepted as long as you are courting, since there has been no proper introduction or requests to court it will be seen as disrespectful and the child would be seen as a bastard"

"Aquila you need to think before you continue speaking" Aunt Cassiopeia hisses.

Turning to her I cross my arms looking at her "Aunt Cassiopeia we both know she could get pregnant by you if you use the spell" I say softly knowing that she was unmarried because she was unable to get pregnant herself.

"That's your problem a child out of Courting or wedlock?" Hooch asks frowning at me.

Throwing my hands up I huff "That and if you want to see my aunt do so properly not sneaking around like it's some secret" I screech.

Hooch looks at me frowning "You realize that I am considered a creature correct and she is a pure blood?" She says slowly.

"I don't care about half blood or creatures Hagrid is half giant he's now my brother, Minnie is part muggle, and Flitwick is part goblin my Aunt deserve better than sneaking around so you need to get your ass to my grandparents, and ask for permission to court her before you screw up getting pregnant and send them into a fit because I don't want to deal with that"

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