Running threw Cyg's home I follow the sounds of screaming before finding Bellatrix, with a feral grin throwing spells as Dru blocks them "Bella stop now" she orders.

Seeing the same almost feral sneer on her face as she starts to cast again, I see a flicker in her eyes as tears run down her face catching her attention with a stinging jinx I smirk at her.

"How pathetic targeting someone so weak, what's wrong Bellatrix scared someone more experienced will beat you" I ask laughing while moving between them.

Casting a Bombardo I see her try jumping away only to be thrown back "get the Veela here now" I order pushing Dru out.

Warding the room to keep us in I chuckle hearing Bella screeching as she jumps up 'let me, I won't kill her but I need to do this' Hermione screams.

Taking a deep breath I let her take control rolling my shoulders I block her spell walking closer "auntie's gone now but I've been waiting a long time for this" I say forcing her back to the walk while blocking her spells.

"What was it you said oh yes,
we need to have a little chat girl to girl" I sneer before punching her in the face and yanking her wand from her hand.

Grabbing her dress I yank her forward pushing her across the room seeing her fall hitting the floor.

Feeling myself struggling to keep control I force Aquila back more "this is between us, she won't die" I hiss while freezing her to the floor before she can move.

Walking over I glamour myself to my muggle look and strattle her stomach "see I looked into this more, there was a chance you would awaken here because of something you did to me, but no you had to go and use mind magic yanking this shit here".

"Now do you remember me?" I ask lowering the spell allowing her speak.

"Filthy mud blood I'll kill you" she screams with a wild look in her eyes.

Chuckling I shake my head "This time I'm in control, the little mud blood has control of you and you can't stop me Bellatrix, your sisters sent me to change events and I have, but why pass up a chance to show you the pain and fear you put me threw".

Calling a dagger to me I smirk looking at her "oh don't worry this won't do what you did to me" I say while showing her the cursed scar.

Grabbing her face I turn her to look at her arm pressing the blade to her arm "you tortured two young parents to insanity leaving a sweet and caring boy in a world with his grandma but he didn't get to know his parents you even mocked him for it, killed multiple people, tortured many, you then tortured me for hours and carved my arm with a cursed dagger, the only reason I didn't go insane is because your baby sister held my mind together and now you come here and attack your mother".

Listening to her rant and insult me I sigh backhanding her "SHUT THE FUCK UP BELLATRIX DRUELLA BLACK I AM YOUR MASTER, YOUR AUNT, AND GODMOTHER".

Forcing her to look at me again I lean forward slamming my hands on the floor "you're a pure blood, I'm sure you remember the traditions about your masters, now you can either stop fighting or things will get painful".

Seeing her muscles flexing I roll my eyes "fine, now I'm sure you remember everything I've changed but let's go over a fact that has been hidden from all my nieces and nephews, Hermione Granger was Aquila Black reincarnated only to be sent back I'm technically your cousin, Walburga gave birth to me after learning Alec Carrow supported Grindelwald and got sent to prison. Pollox and Irma passed me off as their daughter I was killed by Alphard then sent back to survive with my memories as Hermione".

Chuckling I shake my head tapping my fingers on the floor "I'm very disappointed in you Bellatrix you hurt me".

Hearing banging on the door I glance at it "Yes?" I call out.

"She's coming using the emergency portkey" Dru calls.

"Let me know when she gets here Dru"

"Aquila?" She asks.

"Kind of, I've taken control to confront Bellatrix Lastrange"

"Don't hurt her please she's still your niece and goddaughter"

"Dru, I've slapped her around and punched her but nothing else, now let me deal with this and wait for a Veela to strut in like some wannabe goddess"

Looking back to Bellatrix I smile "I've done something you never learned about, I can live with Hermione and Morgana in my head but you don't know how, I want my niece back so release control and let her come back".

15 minutes later

Sitting on the floor I glance at Bellatrix bruised with small cuts on her arms before looking at Alouette "she won't let Bella back in control".

She nods looking at her nails like she's bored "if she did would she still be a threat?"

"Yes Bellatrix is to hateful"

"Then knock her out, think this isn't your niece it's is someone else"

Sighing I nod walking over to Bellatrix and place her hand on her head making her look at me "Bella we will get you out but things are about to get very uncomfortable".

Stepping back I pull my wand "Stupefy".

"For the record Alouette, Bellatrix and Bella are two different people my niece is a challenging, annoying, and dramatic brat and Bellatrix is a childish psychopath now please get us in her mind so I can save my niece" I say calmly.

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