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Walking outside I sigh seeing Professor Slughorn poking around in the greenhouse window "Hello Professor".

He jumps spinning to look at me "Hello Ms. Black shouldn't you be in class?"

Shrugging I lean in the window looking at the plants "I was sent out after my spell knocked Professor Dumbledore across the room into the wall, some other teachers had to come figure out how to remove it because the wall closed around him".

"You encased him in a wall?"

Nodding I grab a few things handing them to him "These are good for healing Sir".

Hearing him laugh I turn walking away ignoring Riddle glaring at me.

"Hagrid" I call seeing the half Giant at Black Lake checking over the Giant squid.

Running up I jump on his back watching him clean its tentacles "How's your friend doing?" I ask.

"She's 'ine jus' need little care" he says proudly.

"That's good so I had an idea if you will trust me"

"Okay" he says shrugging and making me sway slightly "Finish up with your friend then come to our hang out room".

Jumping down I turn heading back to the castle finding Minerva, Myrtle, and Pomona I grab them dragging them along to the ROR.

Getting in I smile seeing a room set up for a makeover "So Hagrid's looking a little wild and while it fits him, I think we need to tame it back just a little".

They nod as I walk around getting stuff set up, when the door opens I smile at Hagrid coming in nervously.

"Come sit, we have work to do"

He sits down and looks around as I hand the scissors to start trimming his hair and beard to Myrtle "Now you look great but we need to trim back some of the wild look, once done you need to go shower in that room, and put on the clean robes then we'll finish up" I say smiling at him.

2 hours later

I smile seeing Hagrid standing in proper school robes, his wild hair pulled back and tied with a black ribbon, his beard is more controlled and less overgrown while he still has the wild man look it doesn't overwhelm his natural looks.

"You look amazing Hagrid" I say proudly as he looks at himself in the mirror.

"I want to learn pure blood magic" Myrtle demands raising her wand shooting off red sparks.

"Myrtle, that's something hard to teach someone if you don't know what you're feeling for"

"Your family taught you it right? So you can teach us, so do it" she screeches.

Sighing I nod leading them back outside and pull my shoes off transfiguring my clothes to loose white robes then theirs, stepping on the grass I frown pushing my magic out to feel the lay lines finding what I'm looking for I smile.

Carefully getting them sat on a line each I stand in the middle "The way my mother explained it is lay lines have multiple spots with hearts, it's where they meet in multiple overlapping paths the largest heart is where you build your home, learn how to feel them and you can learn to understand your land and home they will protect you as long as you respect them, the more powerful the heart is the more magic your house gathers and will eventually become like Hogwarts".

Looking up to the school I smile closing my eyes while pushing my magic out to feel "the school, the land, every brick, and rock on Hogwarts ground is alive, I can feel every breath they take every emotion they feel".

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