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Two days later

Sitting outside with Myrtle I smile seeing her punching her taffy with one hand while the other yanks it trying to get a piece off.

She growls putting it in my lap "Hold" she mumbles.

Grabbing it I watch as she gets up backing away stretching the candy, feeling it get harder to hold I dig my fingers in trying to hold on, my eyes widen seeing Myrtle's legs shaking with the effort to stay up and back away.

"Myrtle this is a bad idea" I warn just as my grip slips, the taffy shoots off changing shape to devil's snare.

It wraps around her taking her down, jumping up I move over to check on her seeing her proud smile while chewing on her candy "Got it" she says proudly.

"Why is it your candy attacks you?" I ask.

"I asked Madame Bones, she said it matches what you would enjoy most with your candy and that's why she said enjoy"

"Myrtle, you know you're very strange right?" I ask.


Nodding I move closer to her moving her glasses back on properly "Tell me another one of your dreams" Myrtle demands.

"I was a muggle student here Minnie, Pomona, and Hagrid were teachers, but you were a ghost in the perfects bathroom called Moaning Myrtle you kept flirting with a boy who was my friend and would flood the bathroom when you were upset"

She laughs tilting her head back "I did that my first year on accident but I found it funny".

"Myrtle, why were you going to stay here for the holidays?" I ask.

"My parents love me but they don't understand me anymore and with the history of how muggles respond to witches and wizards, they feel like It'd be better if I stayed here where I'm safe, I heard them talking one night my mom was crying because she was worried about what will happen if it's learned I'm a witch, my dad was trying to reassure her but my mom has become convinced the neighbor knows and is reporting everything to someone, I'm waiting it out till she calms down again it's not the first time she's gotten like this"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's just she sometimes hears things or sees things that's not real, she gets these fits where she thinks someone's watching or following her, dad tries to keep it hidden I'm not supposed to talk about it but I know with your family you wouldn't judge"

Nodding I frowning "Myrtle I think she may have Schizophrenia, it's a mental problem".

"What are you talking about?" She demands rising up with her candy back as a ball.

"Her fits, she's like my family we're called mad but it's problems with our minds"

"She's not mad!" Myrtle screeches.

Sighing I tilt my head back "Myrtle go to Professor Dumbledore's office and tell him Hermione, after you've talked with him come find me in the ROR and I'll answer your questions".

Getting up I walk away shaking my head "Great job Hermione you just had to butt in with that" I hiss.

'I couldn't help it she needed to know what's going on with her mom even you know it sounds correct'

"That doesn't mean you needed to jump in telling her"


Dropping down to a crouch I cast a shield looking behind me, my eyes widen seeing multiple spells flying at me crashing threw my shield throwing me back.

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