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Seeing Mother and Walburga holding Vela step outside the door to talk, I take a deep breath "Morgana I need to do something" I whisper glancing at the door.

'What do you need?' She asks.

"Can you handle focusing your magic to keep my pain away and give me strength?"

'No, but I can direct our magic to heal you faster'

"How long?"

'A week'

"Work on that" I mumble watching them argue with Aurors.

"Kreacher, come get me" I whisper.

Seeing him pop in I hold my hand out "Where to?" He asks nervously.

"The Forbidden Forest to my tree"

He nods quickly getting us there and lands outside I huff clenching my teeth at the pain 'Stop moving so much' Morgana yells.

"Elysius" I call out loudly.

Hearing the hoof beats running towards me I lean on the tree tired but waiting for him.

"Foal of time, what happened?" He asks holding me up.

"I need to heal but I have a few requests I need sent out"

"How can I help?"

"I need my hiding spot guarded just in case, someone needs to find Alphard Black and watch him, I want to know if he has others helping him but whoever does this must not get caught, I found a list of ingredients in a book to boost magical strength and speed along with a few others once I check what is hidden here I need what's not here found if it can be, I need my friends and family secretly guarded and yes that includes the muggle posing as a Squib at the Scamander's home"

"I will organize this now" he says nodding before running back to the herd.

Looking at Kreacher I take a deep breath "Kreacher, go get Missy and Beeley bring them here when you return I need you all to help me".

He nods quickly leaving, turning I open the door stepping in and sit on a chair, hearing them return I look up seeing them step in closing the door "Miss needs healing" Missy says frantically.

"Stop Missy" I order gently making her stop.

"I am hiding right now to heal but I need some help" taking a deep breath I look at Kreacher "Go to Grayhook and tell him I need to adjust my last wishes, that I sent you to bring him to me because I can not be moved" he nods leaving quickly.

"Missy, I need you to go to Dumbledore and tell him I messed up, another has taken the place if he needs more information bring him to me" she nods leaving.

"Beeley I have a big job for you, do you think you can handle it?" I ask looking at the small elf who nods looking at me nervously.

"I need you to help me if you're parents are gone, I need you to get me water or food have you learned to travel yet?"

"Yes" she whispers glancing up at me.

"If they're gone I need you to go to the Hogwarts kitchen and tell the head elf Mipsey you need food or something to drink for me when I need them, can you do that?"

Seeing her nod I relax in my seat "Thank you Beeley".

She nods grabbing a blanket and puts it over me "Beeley take care of Miss Promise" she says sounding nervous but determined.

Hearing two pops I look up seeing Dumbledore and Grayhook "Perfect timing, Dumbledore would you mind waiting while I handle this?"

He nods sitting down calmly as I focus on Grayhook.

2 hours later

Seeing Grayhook leave I look at Dumbledore "I forgot one of the most important rule when messing with history".

"And what's that?" He asks.

"If something is meant to be it will be" I whisper.

"The war" He says nodding.

"Yes, by removing Riddle and being alive I accidentally opened a spot for someone else to fill the role"


"Alphard, I believe he is trying to start a war because he hates me and anything I stand for, he tried to kill me without using the killing curse and almost succeeded"

He nods stroking his beard "Do you have a plan yet?"

"I'm working on it but I had to handle my will just in case, I need you to do something for me"

"What's that?" He asks.

"I entrusted you with my memories allow my friends to view them, if I die I left one in my will for Minnie alone, let her watch it tell her I'm sorry for not telling her the truth before, promise me you will push for equal understanding like I have been, do not become blinded by loyalty to your old house, and if possible find someone who you can love again don't let him hold that power over you"

Seeing him nod I give a sad smile "Please let Mipsey know my three elf friends may come to the castle to get food or drinks for me".

He nods standing up letting Missy take him away before I ask Beeley to give me a few of the books to read.

2 days later

I frown seeing an owl land at the window hooting softly before Beeley gets the mail "Miss, The shiny man sent news" she says while giving the owl a few treats.

Holding my hand out I look seeing three different copies of the daily profit.

{Black Heir attacked

Aquila Black was attacked while walking in Hogsmeade village}

{Black Heir missing

Aquila Black was reported missing after she disappeared from the hospital along with her three elves who are believed to be following her orders to hide while she heals after naming her attacker}

{Alphard Black wanted for questioning in response to the attack on Aquila Black}

Sighing I toss the papers aside "Young Miss, Missy made lunch" Kreacher says allowing Beeley to bring it to me.

"Thank you" I say smiling.

"You must walk today Young Miss" Kreacher says while smoothing out my folded blankets.

"I will Kreacher, I have to start brewing my Potions today"

Hearing a knock Kreacher looks out the window before opening the door "Give this to your mistress it's an account of who's been helping Alphard".

Kreacher nods shutting the door and brings it to me, after reading it I sigh handing the list back to Kreacher while I copy everything twice "Kreacher take this one to Mother do not get caught".

He nods leaving while I hold the next to Missy "The daily profit and again do not get caught, Beeley take the last one to Dumbledore".

3 days later

Standing I stretch twisting my body checking for any pains, feeling nothing I look at Kreacher, Missy, and Beeley "Do not follow me if I die it's not your fault, go back to Walburga and know I have enjoyed your company and see you as my friends".

Turning away I fight back my tears seeing them crying while I walk towards Hogsmeade downing my Potions.

Lifting my wand I swirl it above my head causing dark black clouds to form that have lighting flashing in them.

Seeing it's spreading I bring my wand to my throat to raise my voice more "ALPHARD BLACK I CHALLENGE YOU, FACE ME NOW IN THE PLACE OF GREATNESS OR FOREVER BE KNOW AS A COWARD" blowing across my wand I listen as my voice travels further out staying loud enough to be heard clearly.

Taking a breath I pull at my magic feeling both Hermione and Morgana's magic twisting up with mine 'We will help' Hermione says making me nod.

The Way it's Meant to be حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن