Walking to Bella's room I find her sat on her bed glaring at the wall "want to tell me why you were fighting?" I ask leaning on the door frame.

"No" she mumbles.

"Did the voice tell you something again?"

She huffs looking away from me "when you were five your mom found you slamming your head on the wall covering your ears screaming shut up, do you know why they brought you to me for this?"

"Because they don't want to deal with me"

Sighing I sit down on the floor in front of her pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them "No they did it because I can understand it, sometimes our gifts cause unwanted affects, making us seem even madder then normal we learn to hide it and some can hide it completely unless something happens".

She nods glancing me "your magic is so strong it pulls your past lives into your head and they talk telling you to do things or how to do something, it can be helpful but when you have ones who want to do something you're uncomfortable with. They don't stop till you give in and do it right?" I ask.

She nods frowning "they want me to hurt creatures and a lot of people".

"Do you know why my face is like this?" I ask tracing the scars.

Seeing her shake her head I tilt my head back closing my eyes "I was 13, Alphard the brother who was magically disowned attacked me, I died but Myrtle brought me back using muggle knowledge, I was to weak and needed to heal where he couldn't find me. During the time I was missing I used mind magic before going to fight him, I took out a group he brought while protecting Hogsmeade, when it was done I passed out between the magic and Potions, I used on myself and how much magic I used it drained me. Alouette had to come save me from what the mind magic was doing to me, they show how many past lives I pulled forward to fight him it's a punishment from magic for using something I didn't understand".

"You pulled up three?" She asks.

"Yes and no, I'm counted as a past life and present life because I died, I pulled up the two I had already and it merged us together for the fight"

"How do I make them stop?" She asks.

"Learning to live with them and helping each other helps if the ones who try to be helpful would help control the bad ones it would make it easier, have you gotten to know any of them?"

"Nellie talks the most" she mumbles frowning "I can't tell if she's bad or good".


"She's a cannibal and tricked others into eating humans with a guy she was in love with that killed them but she keeps saying times were hard"

Sighing I nod "sometimes you have to look at a bigger picture then good or bad, during hard times people do bad things trying to survive it doesn't make them bad it's just surviving anyway you can".

"Like during the war when you brought a building down on them?"

"In a way yes, but wars are different I'm talking about the aftermath where everyone struggles to recover because money is short or food is more expensive to repair damages, people who are poor struggle because they can't afford much they do things they normally wouldn't to make it"

"So her being a cannibal doesn't make her bad?"

"Not really it sounds like she did something to survive"

"The guy she loved killed her" Bella mumbles frowning.

Nodding I stand up holding my hand out "come on lets go work on shielding your mind and getting your mind under control".

Bella nods grabbing my hand "mother says I was supposed to be your daughter" she says smiling up at me.

"I agree you and Monoceros are like twins but magic blessed you as heir of La Faye, that's why we joke about that plus you said my name as yours first word"

1951 Yula ball

Leading Minnie threw a walts I smile easily moving us away from a pair that almost bumps into us "you look beautiful" I say bowing to her after the song ends.

She smiles giving a slight curtsy "thank you, you look beautiful as well".

Leading her to a chair I pull it out before kissing her hand "I'll grab us a drink" I say before walking away to get it.

Reaching the bowl I fill two glasses as Ariana comes up smiling "you both look amazing out there".

I nod smiling at her "thank you, how's your escort doing?"

She glanced back to the person "they are nice, I like them but how do you know them?"

"That's Madame Hooch's sibling I asked her for help with an escort for you so you could enjoy yourself, my father and your family personally checked them out to make sure they were right for this"

She nods grabbing two drinks "well I better get back and Minnie is waiting for you".

Turning I walk back to Minnie handing her the drink seeing her smile "she seems like she's enjoying herself".

I nod taking a sip "yes, Alex is doing great with this I think Ariana has a crush on them".

Minnie nods chuckling "I think it's mutual".

Turning I look at them seeing Alex blushing and looking at their joined hands.

"Aquila when are we going to our tower?" Minnie asks

"Soon, let's enjoy the party a little more" I say before standing up holding my hand out to her.

She nods taking my hand following me to the dance floor, turn to face her I pull her closer placing my hands on her waist as she places hers on my shoulders for a slow dance.

Swaying us to the music I smile turning us so I can watch for Myrtle, seeing her finally slip in and nod Minnie frowns turning to see what I'm looking at finding Myrtle eating with Moody, who glares at the students that have moved further away from them.

"Alastor always scares people away" she says chuckling.

I hum before gently pulling her hand "I think we've been her long enough".

Minnie nods walking with me to our tower, stepping in I smile seeing it's set up like a room with a couch on the other side set with drinks and snacks.

Leading her to the couch we sit down facing each other I look at her green dress and smile "green looks beautiful on you".

"Thank you"

Taking a deep breath I get up and kneel in front of her "Minnie I know we have another year of school before we finish but I love you, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives and any other lives we have Will you marry me?"

Holding the ring between us I look at her waiting for her answer.

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