Standing in front of a window I frown seeing Charlus being monitored for the damages to his lower body as Aunt Dorea stands with her arms crossed glaring at him.

"You attacked my family" she screams.

I frown watching as he talks calmly saying something to her before Aunt Dorea laughs "no even if they fix your legs you will never walk again".

She smirks at whatever he says "No, your family can take care of you I warned you about targeting my family again, your stuff is with your aunt because she's the only one willing to take you after this, do you realize how stupid you are to target her?"

"No you moron, she is protected by the royal Veela family and houses of Black, Crabbe, Carrow, La Faye, Lastrange, and Slytherin she has duel citizenship. This has turned into an international crime and angered Veela royalty and my niece you will be lucky if you get the same punishment Tom Riddle got"

She chuckles leaning forward on his bed smirking "I don't need your money Charlus, keep in mind your family has had to barrow from mine and still owes them. I can divorce you and not take anything without struggling, other then Cassiopeia I'm my nieces Favorite Aunt, now I maybe able to help you if you tell me who's in charge".

She nods before turning walking to the door yanking it open and coming out "Flymort Weasley" she says crossing her arms while looking at Moody Senior.

"How stupid is he? I mean come on following a Weasley's orders and why did Alphard choose him?" I rant shaking my head.

"Same reason you didn't think of him the first time we all disregard him, the youngest Weasley we just see a social climber to lazy to do anything himself" she answers.

"Lady Black, you've signed for charges against him with all your houses and Lady Delecor has pressed charges as well" my lawyer says.

"What's the penalty for this if she win?" I ask relaxing on the wall.


Humming I glance to Aunt Dorea before nodding "can we join our cases?"

"It's possible as long she agrees"

"See if she will if not then we will have two trials, either way he dies so it hardly matters Parkinson"

He nods rushing away to work on it "we've moved the McGonagall family to a property belonging to you that's unplottable for protection after their house was set on fire traces show use of Fiendfyre".

Nodding I frown "my orphanages are targets" I say while starting on a plan while we walk.

"Olympe handled that they are placed in one of your properties with the same protection" Aunt Dorea answers.

"Good that's covered, now we just need to catch everyone involved and remove them"

"Black village has been destroyed and it's upset the creatures that were set to move in"

"They will be rebuilt once it's safe till then I can't risk their safety any on the list can stay at a La Faye property" I answer seeing Aunt Dorea making notes "You need to move to a different home for now to be safe and please contact Alouette let her know I'm sorry about the house and I will cover the cost to rebuild it as well" I add.

She nods leaving to handle what I've asked, looking at Moody I sigh rubbing my face "how's Alastor?" I ask.

"He's fine healing, he managed to get Robert Senior out safely"

I nod frowning "I have an idea that could help him with his missing eye Sir".

He nods walking with me out as I quickly sketch out the design and how to make it "take this to Flamel, I'll cover the charges that the ministry won't".

I watch as he looks it over before nodding and putting it in his pocket "I will thank you and we will stop them" he says before walking away.

Sighing I look down walking "I just hope it doesn't turn into a war placed on hold again" I whisper to myself.

Stepping outside I Apparate away landing in Dumbledore's off "I'll keep you on so you can Apparate when needed but only for emergencies" he says not looking up from his paperwork "Oberon Stellan Black and Celestine Estelle Black are listed for school in 11 years" he says smiling.

I nod sitting across from him "they may go to Beauxbatons since Olympe was asked to take over as headmistress".

He hums nodding "I was thinking about hiring Hagrid".

Relaxing in my seat I hum "allow him leave on weekends and nights and I'm sure he'd do it".

Dumbledore smiles shaking his head "no I believe I'll wait till the twins start school, can't have him missing anything with them" he says before frowning at the papers "maybe you can explain this" he adds handing one over.

"This is the list for Squib school?" I ask

"Yes, last name Umbridge"

Nodding I move down the list to the name "Marcus Umbridge on Squib list" I answer shrugging.

"Yes, but why is he also listed as a wizard?"

"Are there any other and is Petunia Evens on that list?" I ask.

"14 more and yes"

"We need to find a way to check magic cores, maybe this is showing their cores are active"

He hums stroking his beard "Squib children who are really witches and wizards but need help with opening their cores, I've met a child once who was Squib but he could do magic when got upset".

Rolling my eyes I sit the papers down "they were not Squibs you senile old goat, something was wrong with their magic core" say feeling frustrated.

He chuckles leaning forward "we know someone who can check cores".


"Nagini, her tribe practices it she may be able to figure out how to open cores that need help"

Groaning louder I slump in my chair "what's so interesting about Petunia?" He asks.

"She's Lily Evens older sister I'll need to add her to my list of who needs extra attention"

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