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"How can I explain why my sister who's long been dead has suddenly came back to life, I can't tell the truth she could be punished for it" he mumbles pacing the room.

"Sir I think first you need to meet with Aberforth and explain what's happening I have an idea but all three of you need to agree to it"

"What is your idea?" He asks sounding frustrated.

"It involves a few lies but would help you all" I say nervously "and we need Nagini as well for it to work".

Seeing him nod reluctantly I relax "Kreacher please bring my parents here it's important" I call.

Seeing them come in I smile waving nervously at them "I may have stumbled onto something we need help with" I say softly.

"Kreacher please go grab Aberforth and Nagini this is taking too long" I say suddenly.

Seeing them suddenly land on the floor I laugh slightly while helping Nagini up "Hi so we have a problem that we need you both to help with" I say while motioning to Ariana seeing Aberforth pale as well after seeing her.

"I'm guessing it wasn't Fawkes but a Phoenix landed with her problem is she's dead here, but not in another timeline we need to explain how a Dumbledore can suddenly appear when you two are the only known living members"

Seeing I have everyone's attention I rub my forehead frowning "We need to pass her off as your grandchild Aberforth you're the one who had a child and that child only had one known relationship with Nagini, so we need to figure out how to make it seem like they had a secret child she lost when her curse took over and how to make it appear that she has been found."

"He died later 1935" Nagini says softly.

"Okay, she's 14 it's possible to have a secret child if she was conceived before his death she would have been born after in 1936"

"You want to pass our sister off as my lost granddaughter" Aberforth demands glaring at me.

"Oh I'm sorry should we tell the public that a Phoenix brought her from a different timeline? She could be charged with tampering with time and sent to prison for something, she had no choice in Do you want to risk that?" I screech.

Seeing him glare at me I huff pushing my hair back "I'm trying to make sure no one gets in trouble and Yes it will involve lying to protect an innocent girl who happens to be a version of the sister you both failed".

He flinches but nods looking down "Now her looks can be explained she's a Dumbledore after all so her looking like her so-called great aunt is reasonable add in the belief of reincarnation and no one would think twice about it because they would believe she could be her reincarnated".

{Dumbledore heir found

Yesterday the MSW team located a girl in a muggle orphanage after an alert for magic performed in front of muggles.

Auror Moody reportedly found her hiding under a bed and removed her
After examinations, it was concluded the girl had an unmistakable resemblance to Ariana Dumbledore.

Heritage testing was performed to determine if she had any possible relatives who could take her in and it was found that she is a Dumbledore.

Aberforth Dumbledore was questioned about other possible children
"I only had the one" was his response.

Nagini, the former lover of Aurelius Dumbledore who has been living with Aberforth while recovering from a curse, was asked if she knew of any possible children to her former lover.

"We had a daughter but I lost her when my curse took over me, I have been trying to find her" was her heartbreaking response}

{Heir meets Heir

Headmaster Dumbledore arrived at his brother's home to meet his great niece with him Apprentice Aquila Black.

Witnesses report that Nagini welcomed Black and quickly introduced her to Ariana Dumbledore.

"I doubt there's a better witch to help the girl adjust to our world" one witness says.

"Apprentice Black is why I am no longer cursed, without her help I'd still be cursed and never find Ariana" Nagini says in response to questions about why she wanted them introduced.

"I have faith that Apprentice Black will be able to help Ariana see the wonder of our world that sadly as adults we are no longer able to appreciate" says Headmaster Dumbledore.

Aberforth refused to answer any questions but seemed happy to have his granddaughter in his life and was heard telling her to stay with Apprentice Black when at school, where Madame Heather Bones has taken her as a new Apprentice to help her catch up.

It seems the entire Dumbledore family trusts Apprentice Black to keep an eye on their returned Heir}

Leading Ariana to the apprentice table and sitting down I smile at Minnie while taking the newspaper from Ariana "This is Ariana Dumbledore, She's the newest Apprentice for Madame Bones".

Minnie nods not looking up while holding her head with an elbow on the table, reaching over I rub her back frowning "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm feeling unwell" she says softly.

"Let's go see Madame Pomfrey" I say gently while holding my hand out to her.

Feeling her take my hand I lead her out hearing Ariana following after us "Why is she following you and what are you hiding about her?" Minnie whisper while laying her head on my shoulder.

"She's nervous and her family has asked her to stay with me till she adjusts, but I can't tell you what I'm hiding because it could endanger her" I whisper glancing at Minnie to see if she's upset.

"Will you tell me when the danger passes or becomes a problem?" She asks.


Reaching the medic wing I lead Minnie to a bed seeing Madame Pomfrey get up and come over "What's wrong?" She asks Minnie.

"I feel unwell ma'am"

Stepping back I pull Ariana with with me while Minnie gets checked "You have a cold" Madame Pomfrey says looking at her wand.

Minnie groans as Madame Pomfrey makes her lie down "A cold is manageable" Minnie says glaring at her.

"Yes but till the Potion has completely removed this virus you will stay here to avoid spreading it" Madame Pomfrey says before walking away.

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