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Landing in Bella's mind I frown looking at tangled mass of bodies with one barely held, crossing my arms I look over the rest seeing Bella on the bottom trying to claw herself free crying.

Rushing over I drop down to eye level with her "Bella stop struggling it makes it worse" I whisper.

"Please make them stop I don't want to" she screams trying to grab me.

"We will but you can't struggle it's like devil's snare, stop fighting so we can help"

She nods taking shakey breaths "two want to hurt people" she says softly.

Nodding I look at Alouette "two are dangerous".

She nods drawing on the ground making two half circles with runes "I'll have to contain them and break the connections they need to be in this first".

"What do I need to do?" I ask stepping back as she starts the second half near me.

"Grab her because she will need to be grounded, but Aquila you can't step into that circle or it could drag you in"

Nodding I lay down grabbing Bella's hands "focus on me Bella nothing else matters right now".

Feeling someone grab me trying to pull me in, I turn around pressing my feet to the ground, pulling away while holding onto Bella's hand.

"Don't fight mud blood come on we can have another chat I'll even be nice and give you another gift" Bellatrix coos before cackling.

"Alouette get this bitch off me" I scream feeling myself sliding.

Bella let's my hand go grabbing the arm slamming it into the other "BELLA" I scream trying to grab her.

Seeing them swirling I go to jump after her as she's pulled in further but Alouette grabs me stopping me "you can't".

Seeing it finally stop I pace beside the circle panicking "what can we do? she's trapped I can't reach her to ground her" I ask frantically.

A hand reaches out to me "any form can be used to ground us right?"

Turning I look at who spoke seeing a woman with straight Black hair and bright blue eyes, her eyes look soft and kind "who where you?" I ask.

"Ursa Black a disowned Squib"

Nodding I look at her hand unsure "please you need a connection to help her".

Taking a deep breath I grab her hand seeing Alouette start untangling them.

2 hours later

Holding Bella and Ursa's hands while four other hold my arms I grit my teeth watching as Alouette struggles to break the connections between them and the last two.

"This mute is strong" she says as Bellatrix's connection finally snaps but she grabs the mute keeping herself grounded.

"La Faye" Bellatrix singsongs cackling "this one is thinking about some jewel she had stolen from a village of creatures".

"Figures you're crazy ass is her reincarnated" I grunt looking at Bella.

"Enjoying the curse? even in death it's so nice not hearing your whiney voice" I say suddenly.

"Aunt Aquila, now's not the time to taunt past life enemies"

"Bella now's not the time for your smart ass mouth"

"Now's not the time for you to be bitching at me" she snarks.

Rolling my eyes I look to Alouette "how's it going with breaking the connection?"

"Not good, this one is stubborn and this psychopath is feeding her magic into it"


Walking with Hagrid and Cyg I smile looking at jewelry "Aquila I have to know are all the Potters gits?" Cyg asks leaning on the counter.

"Harry wasn't but I'm starting to think his being away from his dad was why he wasn't a complete git, don't confuse that with him being a great guy but at least after all the fighting was over he was a decent man he married a Weasley, I'm not sure about his dad because he was a huge git who bullied a Slytherin. Our nephew almost killed him but Potter did stop it he stayed a git long after that, It's hard to believe he was such a great or wonderful guy"

Cygnus nods "what are we looking for?"

"I need to find something for Minnie"

"You told me jewelry is given for who you plan to marry" Hagrid says nervously.

Nodding I smile feeling Cyg pull me into a side hug "Rubeus, she's planning on asking Minerva to marry her".

Hagrid laughs hugging me and Cyg "I need to find something perfect for her, I'm thinking a ring and necklace set and you boys need to get your wives gifts".

Laughing I walk to another section looking at more "are you finding anything?"

"No nothing here seems like it's what I want for her" I answer while still looking.

"You could always check the family heirlooms for something we have plenty" Cygnus says before pointing out what he wants to see.

Nodding I make my way out heading for Gringotts, walking down the street I glance around seeing Ariana talking with a someone, frowning I make my way over seeing it's one of the Weasley boys who is known to pick rich and famous witches or wizards to try and latch onto.

"Weasley back off or I'll make you a unic"

"We are just talking" he says glaring at me.

"No you are trying to use her for fame same as you tried with me, go make something of yourself" I order leading her away.

"Black stay out of other peoples business"

"She is my business since her family has asked me to help her, I will not allow you to sink your gold digging, fame craving, lazy ass claws into her" I hiss stepping closer "I'm going to remind you my brother beat you, I am twice as strong back off or I'll take you following us as a challenge, your family is already struggling don't cost them everything because you can't take rejection".

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