Feeling Minnie's hand around mine I watch as she looks at me ignoring the ring "stay with me?" She asks softly.

Smiling I nod "always no matter what life" I whisper.


Putting the ring on her finger and taking back my house ring I move to sit by her watching her looking at the ring "it's beautiful".

"It came from the La Faye vault"

Minnie nods before kissing me "for tonight let's forget about everything else always on your mind".

Next morning

"Girls get up and get dressed"

Groaning I raise my head seeing Madame Bones standing at the foot of the bed with an arm crossed while holding her coffee cup.

Hearing Minnie scoff before ranting in a typical way she yanks the blank up over her head curling up, gasping I grab it trying to stop her from uncoving me before yanking my pillow in front of me using it to hide.

"Apprentice McGonagall, I prefer not to see my students naked now get up, you both have five minutes to get to ready" Madame Bones orders before leaving.

"Minnie get up" I say gently while nudging her.

She groans sitting up rubbing her face before looking at me frowning "why are you using a pillow to cover up?"

"You took the whole blanket when Madame Bones told us to get up and either told her to stick her head in something or that her head's up her own ass" I say frowning "you said it while pressing your face into your pillow so I couldn't understand it fully".

She nods before getting up gathering her clothes to get dressed "where's my bra?" She asks frowning and looking around.

Laughing I lean over grabbing my wand calling for her bra before catching it coming from across the room.

Getting dressed we leaving the tower heading for our common room walking in Madame Bones sits at her table refilling her cup "I'm not paid enough to deal with this, now go bathe and put on clean clothes" she says while pointing at us "separately" she adds.

Minnie blushes rushing to go do as ordered I smirk looking at Madame Bones "Apprentice Black" she warns.

"You're really grumpy today" I say calmly.

"Sometimes I hate being an Animagus" she says shaking her head.

Raising my brow I frown looking at her "why?"

"No one talks about how it affects you but I could do without the heighten sense of smell"

Nodding I turn walking away from her to clean up stepping in I frown seeing new hygiene oils picking up one I open it smelling them before quickly cleaning up.

Walking back to the common room using my round brush I see Minnie eating breakfast by Madame Bones "sit Aquila" she orders pointing at my seat.

Moving over I sit down starting to eat "did you girls use the correct counter conception spells?"

Minnie blushes looking down "Yes ma'am, I made sure to use one on Minnie and myself" I answer knowing Minnie's embarrassed.

"Good they don't always stop pregnancy by using two that lowers the chances more but it's still possible"

I nod going back to eating "where's everyone else?" I ask.

"They are in the great hall for breakfast before heading home for the holidays"

I nod seeing a flushed look on Madame Bones face "I'm taking two weeks off so if you stay Albus will teach you".

"Mating season for dragons?" I ask.

"Yes" she grunts downing her coffee before leaving the room completely.

"She's not going to go mate with a dragon right?" Minnie asks frowning.

Chuckling I shake my head "I don't think so, its like when your Animagus form went into heat she locked you in a room till it passed, but she may find a partner for the time to take the edge off".

Minnie groans rubbing her face "she shoved me in my room because I kept rubbing against everything and told me to practice self gratification".

Laughing I shrug "she had to lock me in mine to told me the same thing".

"How are you so calm about talking about sexual relations?"

"Walburga was very graphic with the talk and father was slightly less graphic"

"You got it twice?"

Nodding I frown "summer before starting school Walburga explained a woman's body, the importance of safety, and the importance of making sure my partner enjoys it, I had my memories from Hermione but she told me stuff that I hadn't learned anything about. I didn't know that some women could orgasm by stimulating their breasts or that a pregnant woman could just from rubbing their feet".

Minnie freezes looking at me shocked "I didn't know that".

I nod calmly eating "father gave me a book on spells meant for sex after our talk there's a spell that will make a sex doll of your partner, if your partner isn't in the mood it disappears after its finished. Apparently Walburga uses it on herself sometimes, I always thought Cyg was being an ass when he told her to fuck herself I didn't know when she told him she would she meant it".

"Why does your family have so many incest marriages?"

"Being pregnant with a child of House of Black is rough we are problems even before birth, most people can't handle it they have to be powerful to handle it and understand magic, because the child causes magical problems I would tap into Walburga's magic core causing spells to mess up or randomly make her cast. You have to be able to control your magic to keep the child from doing something crazy, but sometimes you can't like Cyg managed to make father disappear for two weeks before he could be found and brought back"

"What was the worst you did?"

"Turned mother into a crab when she was casting a detection spell to check in me then kept messing up Walburga's spells to turn her back, they had to call in Aunt Cassiopeia to help and I locked her out of the room taking away the door"

Minnie laughs before looking at me "do you think I'd be able to?"

I nod smiling at her "yes it's why my family agreed to me courting you, your powerful and understand magic but when you don't you are willing to listen to advice and learn more".

Hearing the door bang open I look up seeing our group coming in including Ariana and Myrtle.

Myrtle freezes looking at us before smiling "what's it look like" she demands points at me while looking at Minnie.

Minnie sighs standing up "I'm going to back I'll see you in two days for dinner with my parents".

"Could you try to cover mirrors or put them away?" I ask.

"Not a problem since Dad understands why Mom and I kept pushing for it, he's agreed after watching him talk to them he also built two chairs for Hagrid and Olympe I'm supposed to reinforce them with magic"

I nod kissing her before going to my room to pack seeing Myrtle chasing after Minnie "are you all coming for dinner this weekend?" I ask knowing the others followed me.

Hearing everyone confirming I nod getting everything moving to pack my trunk before turning to them "ask what you want".

"Did you ask her?" Pomona asks.

"Yes, she's wearing the ring now"

"That's all I want to know, I don't need to know what happens after" Filius says before walking out.

Smiling I shake my head "he's such a good boy".

Pomona nods shrugging "yes, I enjoy it, less trouble around him".

"I'm offended you think I'm trouble" I say dramatically.

Looking at Ariana she smiles nodding "we will be joining you and congratulations".

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