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A few hours later

"Why did you seem so tense when you mentioned your other friend Minnie, I think?"

Sighing I look down "Minnie is the friend I like, I've known for a while that she won't see me as more then a friend but, I waited in the hopes that she'd change her mind even after she made it clear the idea of me with a female is disgusting to her".

"Why is that?"

"You've been raised in both worlds right?" I ask.

Seeing her nod I give a sad smile "she grew up in the muggle world her father's a muggle preacher, her mother's a pure blood from the Rosier family but, she was disowned for running off to marry him, while she's very interested in learning pure magic and about the magical world some things are harder to accept for her, she was fine with me till I mentioned having a crush on someone to Hagrid I never said I was talking about her but she made it clear it disgusted her".

"Oh I'm sorry" she says softly.

Shrugging I twirl my wand in my free hand absentmindedly "it's okay I knew her feelings and I was still hopeful but I've seen that she's starting to find her admirer charming, and finally I had to accept that it won't happen it's why I think courting is best".

"It's normal to want to wait for someone in the hopes they finally notice you"

Smiling slightly I glance at her "you're good at understanding emotions".

"Thank you, Aunt Tina says it's my blessing, unlike my mom I can feel others emotions without being in their mind"

"What did you feel about my friends?" I ask smirking.

"Pomona and Flitwick like each other I think it could turn into a relationship if given time, Myrtle's conflicted about seeing us together but happy as well, you're brother was confusing he's in love and happy but also sad"

Nodding I smile at her "Myrtle knows about my feelings, Hagrid recently gave a ring to a woman raised as a Ward to Veelas so he's now engaged, but he's sad because before he started school his father died he was raising himself till Dumbledore brought him to Hogwarts, in his seventh year I met him and brought him home, my parents eventually asked if he would join our family and recently they adopted him and a muggle born witch she's four".

"What of his mother?"

"She took off when he was very young she wasn't very maternal, the men in my family have been making a point to spend time with him to bond"

"Are the stories about you true?" She asks.

"Depends what ones you've heard"

"That you unknowingly help make Sprout a new pure blood line"

Laughing I nod "yes I didn't even know that would happen I was just trying to show my friend more of this world and next thing I know the magic around her exploded, I could only see blurry shapes but I know my family and some others where cheering and talking excitedly while taking her in to the medic wing. I know the light happens when we connect with magic but most half bloods don't connect and if they do they're normal ones that hold pure blood last names".

"Mother's been teaching me it I didn't understand why it was so important but I've been trying harder now, I think if I get my last name recognized as a pure line then my father will be accepted in the wizarding world even if he's seen as a Squib"

"Squibs are magically gifted"

"What?" She asks stopping to look at me.

"Squibs can see and feel magic they have a magic core it's not strong enough to do magic, but it's enough that they could have a magical child or even grandchild it's a safe guard to ensure magic doesn't die out"

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