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{House Carrow first claim of Bastard children.

Anaideia Carrow was seen leaving pregnancy healers, an unnamed Nurse reports she is pregnant with twins.

Accompany her was half sister and Head of House Carrow, Aquila Black}

{House of Black and Carrow sues nurse Miranda Flint for breach Of privacy}

{House of Black growing

Aquila Black and Wife Minerva Black Announce they are expecting.

Cygnus and Druella Black
Announce they are expecting}

{New spell release to the public

Aquila Black created a spell she has Released for medical use, that allows Expecting parents to view their child's growth before birth.

Gender can now be known before birth}


Groaning I get up before making my way downstairs stepping into the kitchen, I jump slightly as Missy pops in holding up a bag of muggle pineapple ice cream.

I smile looking at her "Thank you Missy, but how did you get this?" I ask while taking it.

"Missy went in and left muggle Money on counter for taking creamy ice, hurry Miss go feed Miss baby"

Turning I head back up ignoring her pushing me to get me moving faster, reaching the room I walk in knowing Missy's gone.

Sitting down I hand her the ice cream "Missy broke into a shop and took the ice cream, she did leave money as payment".

Minnie nods before moaning at the taste "She still calls it creamy ice" I add.

Seeing her smile I settle back while she eats "Sorry I hit you with a stinging jinx".

Nodding I chuckle "That was the baby taking control of your magic".

"Is that how Dru set the couch on fire trying to wake up Cyg?"

I nod smiling "Yes it's what happened".

Two days later

Hearing something breaking I run down the stairs finding Minnie glaring at a teapot on the floor shattered.

Covering my head I duck a tea tray flying across the room before Minnie screams stomping off.

Shaking my head I quickly repair everything going to get her more tea.

Getting it finished I lift the tray then take it up to her and find her in the library where she sits glaring at a book on the table.

Walking over I make her cup for her "House of Black has demons, not children and at birth, you morph looks to pass as human".

Nodding I watch as she carefully takes her cup getting a sip "That makes sense and explains our insanity, we're demons hiding as humans corrupting all the humans" I answer.

Minnie nods chuckling "I can't grab the book the brat keeps pushing it away from me".

"Taking our approach to calling younger Blacks Brats?"

"It fits perfectly this child is a brat set on driving me as insane as the family I've married into"

Hearing Cyg scream I smile seeing him run past with birds attacking him.


Hearing a child laughing I smile seeing Araminta come running in the room with Aunt Cassiopeia following after her.

"Finally walking?" I ask.

"This brat took her first flight, I turned my back for a moment to get her drink and her nanny elf pops in screaming about her on Rolonda's old broom" she says grunting while putting her bag down.

Picking her up I stick my tongue out at her "How's Ana doing with going to school pregnant?"

Sighing I shake my head frowning "I've had to scare multiple families for the kids messing with her, Ty, Lethe, and Ly are fighting anyone who messes with her meaning I have to go up there often to deal with it, Madame Bones has taken her as an apprentice to keep her safe and away from the others students, that's made them back off since no one wants her after them".

She nods watching as I hold Ara by her ankles upside down before lifting her so she doesn't get sick.

"How's Minnie handling pregnancy now?"

"Still swears we're demons and understands why we call children Brats in our family, she and Dru have taken over a room as their own to share when we move wrong and make them mad"

"Are you still supposed to deliver the babies?"

"It's become a threat for them to use but yes, I doubt they changed their mind so they threaten to make me deliver them when they get mad"

"Where's Cyg?"

Hearing thumping and his muffled greeting I point to the wall "In there, if we try to get him out he gets moved, The last time someone tried he was moved to my bathroom, it got uncomfortable when he started asking where he was while I was taking a bath".

"Impressive, what's the worst to happen to you?"

"Getting thrown from my bed every time I try to sleep so I sleep on the couch, I took it down once and was locked in a closet for two days before I found the door"

Aunt Cassiopeia nods looking at the wall "I'll put a lock on him to keep him in place so you can get him out".

Nodding I follow after her watching as she gets her spell done before I soften the wall again, reaching in I pull him out curling my nose "Go take a bath you smell".

"You spend two weeks trapped between the walls" he barks before walking away.

Feeling Ara pulling my dress I look down at her smiling at her spikey black hair with white tips and yellow eyes like Hooch "Hooch was right, she's got the beauty our family is known for but her eyes make her stand out more" I say while poking her nose.

"She takes after her she wants to always fly, Rolonda's family loves her I was a little worried because of our family history that they would dislike me and not want her but they have accepted us easily"

Nodding I tense hearing something crash before Cyg screams "Two Black pregnancies in one house is going to bring this place down" I mumble seeing Aunt Cassiopeia nod as we watch water come pouring down the stairs flooding the floors.

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