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I frown looking at the hard shoe I convinced my family is from the hospital while I have a sling on my arm to keep my shoulder in place while I lean against Walburga as she reads out loud.


"Yeah?" I mumble lifting my head slightly.

"Mother is thinking about adopting Hagrid and possibly another daughter"

"You should adopt a kid" I mumble cuddling into her more.

"I think I will eventually, maybe a muggle born witch since you said that I had two boys"

Nodding I sigh closing my eyes 'Are you going to tell her that Cyg is going to get Dru pregnant in just a few years?' Hermione asks.

"Make sure you and Cyg explain what toujours pur means so they know it means your relationship with magic and not blood" I say instead.

She frowns looking at me "You know something you're not telling us".

"Walburga, what if no one wants to marry me because of how I was born?" I ask instead of saying anything about what I know.

"Someone will love you as you are, it's just a matter of finding who it is"

"In my past life, I was in love with Minnie and I am too now" I whisper sadly "She was disgusted with me for liking girls".

Holiday Party

I stand with Eleanor on my arm while watching as Minnie talks to a guy who's trying to charm her "Mademoiselle Aquila, I'd like to introduce you to my mate".

I smile seeing Alouette on the arm of one of the Delecor children.

Smiling I shake his hand "Hello I'm Aquila Black".

"Baptiste Delecor" he says with a charming smile.

"Alouette I'm very happy for you finding your mate"

She laughs before kissing my cheek leaving a lipstick print "Merci mon adorable ami".

Laughing I nod "I'd like to introduce you to Lady Eleanor Rosier" I say motioning to her ignoring that she's staring at Thomas Prince.

"pourquoi es-tu avec celui-ci et pas avec ton compagnon" Alouette Demands with a slight rumble in her voice "celle-ci a un compagnon avec qui elle veut clairement être et tu veux ton

"Alouette it's complicated" I answer calmly.

"il ne s'agit pas simplement d'aller voir ton pote" she hisses.

I sigh as she keeps ranting "ma compagne ne me désire pas, elle me rejettera parce que penser à moi avec quelqu'un la dégoûte" I harshly whisper.

She gasps looking like she's in pain giving me a sympathetic look as Thomas steps up "Hello Thomas" I say nodding.

He nods back greeting me "May I borrow Ms. Rosier for a dance?" he asks.

Glancing at her I see the hopeful look she has and nod placing her hand in his "of course".

Seeing her leave to dance I smile before looking at Alouette to talk more.

A few hours later

Stepping out into the garden I take a deep breath tilting my head back "What happened?" Minnie asks from behind me.

"Honor dual" I answer calmly.

"You haven't spoken to me all night"

Nodding I hum smoothing my dress "You made it clear how you see me and what you think about me being in a relationship with anyone".

"I didn't mean it that way, I don't know why you liking someone upsets me, I just don't like hearing you speaking about someone like that"

"Minnie eventually I will be married to someone who hopefully loves me as I am and hopefully I will have children, I would prefer you in my life but I will not accept you speaking to me like that, you were my first friend outside Kreacher I made because it's no secret that I never really made any before you"

She sighs stepping closer to me "You're my best friend" she says while wiping the lipstick print off my cheek before kissing it.

Pulling away I frown looking further away from her "Don't do that Minnie" I whisper.

"Kissing your cheek, why you had no problem with Alouette doing it" She says stepping back.

"You wouldn't understand Minnie"

Back to school

Walking down the hall I sigh seeing people looking at me fearfully as I make my way to Dumbledore's office, stepping in I dig in my pocket tossing him Lemon drop candies before sitting in the chair beside Myrtle.

"Mr. Warren has watched your memories, I believe you two ladies need to speak about what she's seen" he says before placing a candy in his mouth.

Nodding I look at her waiting for her to say something "Your dreams are real?" She asks frowning.

"Yes, I didn't lie about my dreams I did dream them but it's also memories"

"I'm dead?" She asks.

"Not anymore, the timeline is different, I was a Gryffindor know it all who ran with two boys one was the last living member of the Potter family the other was the 6th child of the Weasley line we were fighting a war, the leader was Riddle we eventually won but lost a lot of people, you were killed this year when he released the basilisk, I became friends with two women that are the last living members of the Black line, they used old magic to send me back here my mission was simple change what I can and stop Riddle from gaining power"

She nods slowly "Why did you become my friend?"

Smiling I shake my head "When I met your ghost I found you funny, you explained once that you never made any friends because people found you annoying, so while I was being sorted this time I told the hat I had to be a Ravenclaw to be your friend while placing you under my families protection, that meant no one could mess with you unless they wanted to fight that's also why I got to the basilisk to get it out before he set it loose"

"Are we real friends or only friends to protect me?"

"My motivation was to protect you but yes we are friends I enjoy being your friend I trust you and our madness fits together perfectly"

"Minnie's a teacher?"

"Yes and Pomona was and with you alive this time you have a chance to be anything you want to make a difference for the world"

She nods slowly before looking at me "I want to learn more about pure magic and try to gain a pure blood line".

"Myrtle it's extremely rare a muggle born gains that"

"I'm willing to learn more about it I will gain it and show that muggle borns are just as worthy of our magical gifts"

Nodding I sigh seeing she's determined to do this "Okay I'll help and ask Mother and Walburga to help teach you too".

"Does Minnie know?"

"The only ones who know are Dumbledore, my family, Alouette, the Centaurus because of some prophecy and now you"

"Why the bloody hell does Alouette know before me?" She screeches pointing at me.

"Long story short her granddaughter saved me in the war and later I was taken in by them when my parents rejected me and I refused to date or marry the Weasley son I was friends with"

"That doesn't explain why she was told before me"

"Veela have a unique mind you can't get in unless they willingly allow it so even if you tortured one till they agreed it wouldn't work, I was taught some things about them including how to share memories once done it forms a kinship bond the person, sharing has to have complete faith and trust because the Veela will know everything about you they are both one of the greatest friends you could have or the worst possible enemy"

"So like your family's mind?" She asks.

"No our minds are scattered jumbled thoughts that make no sense to anyone but ourselves, a veela's mind will cause intense pain, it's worse than the torture curse"

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