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Walking down the stairs I stop seeing Orion, he nods to the library and walks in following after him I sit down waiting.

"You're 17 and by law have taken custody of your sister and younger cousins" he says calmly.

"Yes, and I'm newly married, trying to have a child while fighting some social climbing moron, and change the future so what happened doesn't happen again" I snark.

He nods "Walburga and I could stay here to help you out".

"Wow, look who's trying to step up to the stepfather role" I say sarcastically.

"Stepfather or brother in law it doesn't matter what you call it, you're dealing with a lot we want to help" he says chuckling.

Standing up I shrug "you can stay, I'm about to have a house full of people" I say before walking out.

Coming to mother's tea room I sit down by her feeling her put an arm around my shoulders "what are you planning?" She asks.

Shrugging I sigh "I need to figure out where they meet so I can take the fight to them but my knowledge of Weasleys properties are useless, because they are dirt poor and lost everything they lived in a rickety house only standing because magic".

"You forgot that our family married a Weasley, Cedrella has three sons one named Arthur and can fight emergency callings from the tapestry" mother says smiling slightly.

Frowning I look at the tapestry seeing she's still in place, jumping up I rush to it pushing my hand over her and her husband pushing my magic in while pulling past life magic in to help make them come.

Hearing her yell my name I walk back in sitting across from her glancing at her children smiling slightly "hello cousin, I've come across a problem that needs yours and your husband's help".

Feeling small hands grab my leg, I glance down seeing Arthur and smile picking him up sitting him on my lap "with what Aquila?" She asks sounding frustrated.

"Charlus Potter and Flymort Weasley joined Alphard, since Alphard is dead Flymort is running these attacks and has killed grandmother and grandfather, destroyed Black property, endangered Olympe and Hagrid's children, and I'm finished with whatever this fit is over"

She looks at me shocked before glaring "you're making this up because you don't like the Weasley family".

"No, I hate Flymort he is a whiny lazy social climbing gold digger, Septimus is a decent man, honorable, respects our heritage of magic, he's always been respectful, and when I proved how pure blood lines are found he had no problem accepting it. Little Arthur here will be a good man maybe a little obnoxious, obsessed with muggles, and goofy, He's first five children will be impressive in their own ways, the sixth will be like Flymort, but his daughter will be powerful and smart"

Seeing her shock I shrug "I have no problem with Weasleys it's always one specific Weasley that's my problem, now tell me where Flymort would hold a meeting".

Septimus sighs nodding "the barrow property it's where he built his home".

Nodding I stand up holding Arthur looking at him and seeing his cute little chubby face smiling at me happily, handing him to Septimus I ruffle his hair making him babble happily "don't disown him for his obsession with muggles, he will be a good man with a big heart" I say before walking away.

Sending my Patronus off to alert who I need, I step in my library and pull out a paper, sketching what I remember of the barrow property.

"You are a seer?" Septimus asks coming in.

"Something like that" I mumble checking my sketch "Kreacher" I call.

Hearing him pop in I hand him the information I have "take it to the Centaurus ask them to watch that place and him, I need to know his routine so we can end this".

Once he leaves I look at Septimus raising my brow at seeing him standing there "I'll help but I can't kill him".

Nodding move around and lean on the desk "I would never ask you to kill him, he's your family and you love him but do not stand in my way, if he isn't stopped permanently your grandchildren will be dragged into a war that was never meant to be their problem".

"He's head of house, if you kill him you take the title and rights" Septimus say unsurely.

Nodding I pull my necklaces out ignoring the bone necklace while I lift the one with two rings "till a worthy Heir is found I hold these as mine, I made sure Riddle would survive I will do the same with House Weasley, you will be given money to survive and I will make sure you have everything you need but the Heir is unborn".

Seeing his confusion I smile sliding over a sketch of Ginny "the Weasley heir is a female and the youngest of seven".

He picks up the sketch looking at it before smiling slightly "how do you know?"

"I seen it, she will be magical chosen to be head of House Weasley on her 11th birthday I'll give her the ring".

"I have your word it will be returned to her?" He say looking at me.

"I give you my word she will have what rightfully belongs to her, I will not fight it or her, the day of her 11th birthday I will give her the heir ring, the day she turns 17 I will step down allowing her complete control"

He nods relaxing at my answer "then let's figure out how to handle Flymort".

Nodding I smile letting him help "by the way you're sixth grandchild I will torment at Hogwarts when he tries to act like Flymort".

He nods smiling slightly "you will be a professor at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, Dumbledore asked myself and Minnie to join the staff when we finished"

2 weeks later

Barging into Walburga's room I ignore her and Orion yanking the blanket up covering themselves, walking to her Potion hoarding closet I yank it open looking threw them.

"Aquila" she screeches.

"I really don't care I interrupted your attempt of making my brother? Nephew? Whatever it doesn't matter, I need something stronger it still hasn't taken. Minnie had low chances of pregnancy in my old life, I have to make sure it happens this time" I say moving stuff around.

Walburga gets up pushing me away from her Potion groaning at my messing them up before handing over a new one "now get out" she orders.

Walking to the door I stop glancing back at Orion smirking "if you need help she likes sex dolls of herself" I say cackling while yanking the door closed to avoid the vase she threw.

Walking down the hall I frown hearing someone getting sick, slipping the Potion in my pocket I follow the sound to Anaideia room.

Stepping in I check on her frowning "want to tell me what's wrong?" I ask.

She sighs looking away from me "pregnant".

Nodding I help her up moving her to the bed "good news is I know how to monitor children and deliver them if you want" I say before casting the spell.

Hearing two heart beats I nod casting another I made to mimick an ultrasound, moving my wand over her stomach I sigh seeing two developing babies "well they have been found now" I mumble.

Ending the spells I sit down by her tilting my head back "twins, I can't say if they are boy or girl yet but I know who they will be".

She huffs sitting up "who and how?"

"Seer gift" I say use to using that answer "I won't say the names yet and they are going to be trouble as students, but with me around I'll make sure they don't turn out like they did in the visions or like the Carrow family".

"You're not mad? I'm pregnant but haven't been courting anyone or set to be married".

"I'm not mad, I'm sure after living with the Carrow family you ate up any positive attention and did a lot of things just to feel wanted, so we will figure out what next and if you want to keep them" I say shrugging.

"I'm not getting rid of them" she hisses covering her stomach.

"Okay, we will figure out how to make this work I'm not making you do anything, you're almost 17 but you will not be doing this alone we will help you out"

The way it's meant to be (Being Edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن