Walking back to the my room I sigh glancing at Minnie before motioning her to follow me.

Stepping in my room I sit down waiting for her "what's wrong?" She asks sitting by me.

"I'd like to do our Soul bonding next weekend" I whisper nervously.

"Why I thought we would do it after Bella was born?"

"I'm planning ahead I know this fight isn't over I'd prefer we are married so everything I have gets left to you, if I die I doubt it happens since a Weasley is in charge but I'd like to plan for the worse case" I answer softly.

"Aquila" she says making me look at her.

"Please Minnie I have to make sure you're taken care of even if I'm gone"

Minnie nods before kissing me "okay send the letter and I will too but you're not dying, you will live to see what you changed because if you die fighting a Weasley I'll have to reevaluate if you are really as smart or strong as everyone claims" she says before getting up to write the note.

Swallowing I nod fighting back feeling insulted while waiting till she leaves 'you are not planning to try for a child' Hermione says suddenly.

"I am you know that she was upset she never had one before, if we die we can at least make sure she's taken care of and has a child like she wanted"

'we are not going to die because of a Weasley'

"It would be embarrassing and very unlikely but I want to cover for that"

Getting up I quickly write my note and rush out to send it off meeting Minnie coming down.

Whistling for an owl I send it off with my letter before taking her hand kissing it and walking back inside to my room.

Minnie lays down smiling at me "tell me something about Hermione's life at Hogwarts".

"We spent most classes watching you instead of focusing on your lessons, you always looked so beautiful with how you took control of the class, in the first class you sat as an Animagus on your desk and jumped off turning back and threatened to turn either Harry or Ron into a Pocket watch so they would be on time" I answer smiling.

"At the battle I was watching behind a door as you came out telling students to blow up the bridge to the school, one asked something I didn't really hear but you said Yes boom and was excited about activating the protection wards, so the stone warriors came to life you said you'd always wanted to use that spell" I add.

Seeing her smiling I chuckle taking a breath "I once seen you playing with the stairs jumping from one to another while they shifted before patting them telling them to not scare the students so much".

"Minnie I need you to be my secret keeper" I say after a moment.

Her eyes widen before she shakes her head "please everything I've documented about Hermione's life needs burned, if I die I need you to do this".

She looks at me biting her lip before nodding, leaning closer to her I whisper the location of the information I've hidden before backing away watching as a light forms around her before soaking into her disappearing.

Taking a breath I nod pulling her closer to sleep.

2 weeks later

Standing on the Soul bonding rock I look out seeing our family and friends watching us, taking a deep breath I look at Minnie "I Aquila Black, vow to support and encourage you, to stand by you even when we fight or disagree, and to honor and protect you".

Listening to Minnie repeat her vows before the soul bond lights move up our arms disappearing I smile looking at her hand in mine.

Pulling Minnie close I kiss her before we step down holding hands as we move to the gathering group of our family and friends.

Looking around I see Isobel watching her mother and father as they stand to side watching, kissing Minnie's hand I move away from her going to them.

"He's actually a nice man and trying to understand this world and your grandchild are very smart" I say seeing Lady Rosier glancing at Isobel.

She frowns looking at me for a moment before looking to her husband "that's two from our line married to a Black" she says softly before he nods.

"Why is he here?" He asks.

"Because he's Minnie's father and I pushed till the ministry agreed he could come for the wedding"

"She's named after my grandmother?" Lady Rosier asks.

"Minerva" I answer nodding "she's powerful and smart" I add.

Glancing back I chuckle seeing her arguing with Myrtle before jumping on her, sighing I shake my head "of course Myrtle and her have to fight" I mumble.

Seeing them catch Walburga dragging her down I cringe seeing them both freeze looking at her before trying to get up while pushing each other, once both get up they run in opposite directions getting away from her.

Turning back to Lord and Lady Rosier I smile like nothing happened "as I was saying I believe you would find Mr. McGonagall a decent man worthy of Isobel if you give him a chance, and you'd be proud of your grandchildren now I have to go stop Walburga from killing Myrtle and Minnie".

Turning I take off catching Walburga as she stalks after Myrtle "I'm married" I say proudly.

"Me to" she snarks glaring at Myrtle hiding behind Alastor.

"Can we put off killing my wife and friend till at least we have a child?" I ask.

"Fine, first child then I kill them" she says smirking.

Rolling my eyes I link our arms leading her to get a drink while spotting Minnie and her family talking to the Rosiers.

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