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Making my way to the ROR I pace back and forth mumbling to myself "Kreacher" I call loudly.

Hearing him pop in I sigh feeling him clinging to me trying to calm me down, taking a few deep breaths I sigh sitting on my knees feeling him hug me "Is it true? Am I the bastard child of Walburga?" I ask softly.

"Young Miss not Bastard" he says avoiding eye contact.

"Kreacher, tell me the truth am I Walburga's daughter?"

"Kreacher can not say"

Nodding I rub my forehead "Go get Walburga and bring her here please I need answers" I say softly.

Hearing him leave and return I tense feeling arms around me "Aquila are you okay?"

Pulling away I look up at Walburga "Is it true what the daily profit said about being your daughter?" I ask frowning.

"Yes," she says softly.

"Why wasn't I told? Why am I hidden as your sister?" I demand moving away from her.

"I was very young and set to marry, your other parent was older than me I believed he was an unspeakable one night we were together before he left for a mission and died, I later found out I was pregnant but because I believed he was dead he couldn't acknowledge you as their heir, mother, and father came up with the plan to pass you off as their child to protect you from any negative response you would have gotten and me for having a baby out of wedlock or courting"

"Why wasn't I told?" I ask staying away from her.

"I'd plan to tell you once you were old enough to understand but every time I started to I couldn't because I was scared you would hate me"

"Because I'm a bastard?" I hiss.


Flinching I cover my ears at her yelling "WHY DIDN'T HIS FAMILY ACKNOWLEDGE ME" I scream back.

"Because I refused to tell them and with how you are, it's best I didn't so they couldn't shame you"

"Why would it shame me?" I demand.

"He followed Grindelwald and tried to restart his mission by attempting to break his sister out of Nurmengard when I found out I refused to tell them anything"

"Who?" I whisper feeling sick trying to remember all the pure blood names that followed him.

"Alec Carrow"

Covering my mouth I fight back throwing up "his sister killed I baby like it was nothing" I say keeping my mouth covered.

"Yes, when I learned he was loyal like her I couldn't risk you being seen like them, you have siblings and cousins from them"

"Who all knows?" I ask.

"Only mother and father know who I was with but Alph knows I had you"

"He told the daily profit" I whisper glancing at her "he's trying to take the head of house from me".

She nods sitting down by me "I'm sorry I never told you but you are magical blessed you for it, no matter what he believes from the moment you were born, if mother and father passed I would have been named temporary head of house till you turned 17".

"Because of how I was born" I mumble frowning.

"What?" She asks looking at me.

"You all say that it was clear from the moment I was born, that I'm different than other girls so I figured that's why"

"That has nothing to do with it, that is a magical blessing from the Carrow family because the men always come out weak and have trouble getting a woman pregnant, magic blesses a few women like that to continue the line but what told us you were to be the new head of house was the family tree, it shows our first head of house and wife but beside them the next shows up in it with their name underneath if picked by magi, Alph was chosen by father till you were born and filled in the spot"

"What if I don't want it?"

"Unfortunately it's not up to you if magic hadn't picked you then you could reject it but you hold every gift our family could gain even ones that haven't been seen since our family was founded"

"What happens now?" I ask pulling my knees to my chest while fighting back a smile seeing Walburga doing the same.

"Now we have to address this or they will start making up stories to explain this and if Alph is coming for you then we need to be ready, it's not the first time a family member has tried to steal the title but you have to be careful he is very skilled in fighting, you need to use your head if it comes down to fighting and I'll teach you an advanced spell to check for poison in your food and drinks"

Nodding I look at her and sigh "At least he didn't get the smart and cunning mind Black's normally have" I mumble.

She laughs nodding "Yes he may have the good looks but he got the Crabbe mind".

"Guess this means you have to get me a sister I refuse to be outnumbered by boys no matter what"

"You're acknowledging me as your mother?" She asks confused.

"Yes, you're my mother as much as mother is you have both raised me, it does explain a lot like why you're portrait was so upset about me, and why mother kept insisting on you teaching things a parent normally does, I just assumed she was using me to teach you for your children someday, and why we act so similar at times"

She laughs slightly nodding "You still picked up my habits but you've always mimicked people".

"I've noticed myself doing things that Cygs oldest daughter did" I whisper.

"Like what?"

"At the dual I was twirling my wand ignoring them, pacing and talking to myself, and I've started screeching or using a mocking baby voice"

"Those are completely normal for Black's but the baby voice is new, the older you get the more common it becomes, it's the madness starting, look at Aunt Cassiopeia she's completely out of her mind"

Laughing I look at her shaking my head "No she's ahead of her time".

"Aquila don't tell me you believe muggles will go to the moon"

"1969 the Americans will be first"

She huffs throwing her hands up "And the magic box that will allow muggles to communicate around the world?"

"Completely real and will happen also muggles will have moving pictures that record everything eventually" I say shrugging.

"You're as mad as she is"

Humming I tap my forehead "All true a lot of her rantings will happen".

"We will need to address this soon Aquila" she says sighing.

I nod not smiling anymore "I know just send Kreacher for me and I'll come, I'm kind of stuck unless Madame Bones allows me to leave but with this, she may hold me closer, she's become a momma bear about us, and gets upset over anyone looking at us wrong or saying anything she thinks is an insult".

"That happens with Apprentices and Masters you spend so much time together you become a family, father still challenges anyone who says anything about his old Master"

"Father argues with his reflection" I say scoffing.

"Mother has charmed the walls to look like mirrors so he has plenty of company to argue with when she wants a break from him" she says smiling.

Hearing the door grinding I look up seeing it slam open with Madame Bones stalking in followed by my friends "Something has to be done I will not allow them to insult or humiliate her" she says while touching my head.

"I'm planning on asking my parents what to do" Walburga says.

"No, ask Aunt Cassiopeia, she will think of something that will completely change topics and focus while clearing up the problem" I say suddenly.

The way it's meant to be (Being Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora