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Next day

Walking over to the head table holding the invitation my mother sent for me to give out, I stand waiting patiently for Madame Bones to acknowledge my presence.

"Yes Apprentice Black" she says while stirring her tea.

"Master, my mother sent invitations for you, and Professors Dumbledore and Slughorn for our Christmas party, we would be honored if you could join us and of course your family" I say handing each person their invitation.

"Thank you Apprentice Black" they all say, nodding I turn going back to my table.

"Who all did they invite?" Minnie asks smiling.

"Don't know"

"Do you think they invited Alouette?"

Shrugging I smile "I don't know but I hope so".

Minnie nods going back to eating "I hope they invite them and they bring Olympe" Hagrid says with a dreamy smile "Never seen a more beautiful lady than her, I think she's the perfect woman" he adds sighing.

"Yes Hagrid she is beautiful, I know the feeling" I say smiling at him.

"I didn't know you knew how I feel bout her" he says sounding confused.

"I do, I know a lady who is graceful, beautiful, talented, strong, and fierce I think of her as the perfect woman" I say smiling slightly thinking about Minnie.

Hearing Minnie scoff I frown looking at her "What?" I ask confused.

"Nothing I'm done, I can't stomach listening to you fawn over a woman" she says before
storming away.

Jumping up I chase after her "Minnie what the bloody hell does that mean?" I ask defensively.

"Exactly what I said"

"You can't stomach it? What does it disgust you?" I demand.


Stepping back I fight back my tears looking at her "IF THE FACT THAT I LIKE WOMEN DISGUSTS YOU MAYBE IT IS BEST WE ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS, I THOUGHT YOU ACCEPTED ME BUT CLEARLY I WAS WRONG" I scream before rushing away from her.

Running outside I look around before charging for the forbidden forest, walking deeper in I wipe at my face.

"It's not safe out here for you Hogwarts foal of time"

Turning I see a Gray centaur with gray hair, bringing my fist up I place it over my heart bowing at my waist "I apologize if I have trespassed on your territory, I look not for war but for peace I am Aquila" I say calmly.

"You are forgiven Foal of time I am Elysius, why have you come here?"

"Fought with my friend and told her we shouldn't be friends anymore" I say softly while leaning on a tree.

"Friends come like the winds change sometimes you must part to grow and the winds will change again bringing you together again"

Nodding I sigh looking up at him "And what of someone you have loved in two lives but are always placed just out of reach?"

"Do you truly wish to know?" He asks.

"Like future reading?"

He nods "I mean no disrespect but I think divination is useless, most prophecies never come to pass or won't pass for many many years" I say calmly.

"Then trust that fate has a plan for you even with love" he says while placing a hand on my shoulder.

Nodding I look at him "What are you doing? I ask.

"I am trying to choose who will become leader but so far the stars have been unclear about who shall be in charge"

"Firenze and Magorian, make it clear they have to lead together or they will lose the role" I say.

He nods smiling at me "I will check with the stars on that".

Turning I wave to him walking deeper into the woods "Foal of time, I can not allow you to roam the forest alone" he says joining me.

Glancing at him I smile "I'm not ready to return".

"Then I shall protect you"

"Elysius, I heard rumors that Lady Morgana had a tree here that hid her collection of personally created spells, is this true?

"It is possible"

"Is it possible you or someone you know has an idea of where it may be located?"

"What do you want her books for?" He asks stopping.

"The stories are exaggerations she was a dark witch but she was not evil I want to preserve her books and see if anything can help me with the war coming"


"Minnie let Myrtle bring in the first years" I say as Myrtle nods with a big smile.

"It's the deputy headmistress's job to bring in the first years"

Pacing Dumbledore's office I huff glaring at him for smiling "Minnie think about what year it is for a moment" I say throwing my hands out.

"It's 1991" she says completely unfazed.

Screaming I cast Bombardo at a chair without my wand 'that was unnecessary'.

"Shut up Hermione it makes me feel better" I hiss ignoring Minnie repairing the chair "At least you didn't target Albus's collect this time" Minnie says sitting in the chair.

"Minnie I need you with me when the names are called" I rant taking the list from Dumbledore's desk and hold it out "Nicostratus and Hermione Granger, what was my name before I was Aquila Black?"

Minnie sighs taking the list and gives it to Myrtle then grabs my hand "All you had to do was say that you're panicked about this but she's not you, because you made sure she'd never have to endure what you did at the hands of Bella and a war, you have given these students the chance to experience Hogwarts without a war coming in the background darkening their experience" she says while touching her finger to my forehead "both of you changed it".

Nodding I smile at her "But you need to control that Black temper and stop blowing things up" she says smirking at me.

Stepping back I lift my chin standing tall "I am a Black, we are mad you knew this when you married me" I say proudly.

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