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Walking with Hagrid holding a baby puppy while leading a young Abraxans behind him I laugh seeing him smile proudly "Think she'll like her?" He asks.

"It's got huge paws" I say softly.

"She a Great Dane Mastiff mix"


"Yes, she's gonna be a big one"

"And the Abraxans?"

"She's for Olympe, she's a beauty, made me think of her"

"So you got Mother a muggle puppy and her a magical horse?"

"Yes, Olympe mentioned wanting to breed them so here's her first one the prettiest one they had"

Nodding I help him lead the horse inside a transfigured stall in the garden.

Turning I walk back inside seeing Mother holding a huge bottle of single malt whiskey out "Give it to him" she says holding it out to Kreacher.

"Aquila, what did you get Eleanor?"

Sighing I pull out a package opening it and showing her a black dress with black makeup "You got her clothes and a dress?"

"Silk from a rare pure white Acromantula" I say shrugging.

She nods but frowns hearing whimpering "Aquila Black do you have a dog?"

"Technically Hagrid has a puppy that's a Christmas present for someone" I say before closing my gift and placing it underneath the tree.

"Your sister has agreed to help you practice go train with her" she orders.

2 days later

Standing in the dueling arena I twirl my wand patiently waiting till I see both Lestrange and Riddle come in looking smug so I smirk looking around.

"The rules are simple all spells are allowed including the unforgivables if you lose then you lose all titles and claims as a heir" the minister says "Aquila Black as challenger choose who
to fight first" he adds.

Humming I barely look at them while twirling my wand carefully allowing Hermione and Morgana to feed their magic into mine, while feeling them both pushing to take control with me 'Who is taking control for the fight?' Hermione asks.

'Let her, we will keep watch and help feed her more magic' Morgana says.

"I'll fight both together" I answer calmly.

Hearing the people who have gathered to watch gasp I ignore them bowing slightly showing my respect for traditions, while they ignore it 'I want their blood' Morgana screams at the disrespect.

2 hours later

Standing in the area I breathe heavily with my body shaking while I stand watching as the only Lestrange Heir lays on the ground covered in blood dead.

Turning to Riddle I shiver feeling Morgana push her way to the front taking control, looking
around I see everyone look shocked at me "YOU HAVE TWISTED OUR HISTORY AND TRADITIONS INTO HATEFUL LIES, MAGIC WILL JUDGE YOU ON YOUR WORTH" she screams before tossing a spell.

I watch the bright purple spell hit him, Riddle screams as cracks form along his body with a white light shining threw them pouring out.

Hearing a loud crack I watch as the light shining from him pours out of him forming a basilisk that looks around before shooting forward and slamming into my chest.

Laughing I double over seeing Riddle shaking while trying to cast a spell with a look of horror on his face "Magic has rejected you".

He screams looking at the Slytherin ring on his finger tightening till it cuts off his finger before he passes out in shock, stepping closer to him I smirk standing over him "Obliviate".

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