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Drumming my fingers on the table I lean closer to Dumbledore "Remember to not show favoritism Albus, I have been making a new spell just for you in case you need a reminder" I warn.

He smiles nodding as the students are brought in hearing the hat sing, I sigh discreetly rubbing my temple "That hat should not be allowed to sing, it sounds worse than Myrtle".

Feeling her slap my arm I chuckle seeing her glaring at me before focusing on the sorting and hearing Lilly, James, and Sirius go to Gryffindor.

"Severus Prince"

Sitting up more I watch as the pale long haired boy stands with the hat on his head, he stands tall and confident while dressed in nice fitting robes I smile hearing him placed in Slytherin.

"Monoceros Black"

I smile seeing her look at Myrtle crossing her eyes while turning her mouth and nose into a bird beak before the hat is placed on her head.


Jumping up she laughs blowing a kiss to Pomona before skipping off to the Hufflepuff table tripping slightly.

"What does her name mean again?" Pomona asks frowning.

"The unicorn, it's the between Orion and Hydra" I answer.

"Right Unicorn, that girl is far from graceful"

Laughing I nod watching Monoceros knock over a pitcher of pumpkin juice "That's the Metamorphmagus gene in her, it makes the person clumsy".

"Leave my wee lassie alone you two she's perfect" Minnie says pointing at us.

"Yes, she's perfect and clumsy" I say proudly.

Looking back to the Hufflepuff table I smile seeing her waving at us with a large manic smile "She's also as nuts as Bella" Myrtle says cackling happily.

1947 France

Looking around I smile seeing a woman who has many features that Fleur will have before nudging Pomona "That's our host" I whisper.

She nods grabbing my arm panicking "We don't speak French".

I smile patting her arm as our host makes her way over "Calm down I can and Walburga can".

"Hello Madame Apollonia, thank you for inviting us" Pomona says nervously before looking at Walburga.

"Thank you for coming Mademoiselle Sprout" she says smiling.

"Oh, I'm sorry our Master is just starting us on French" Pomona says gripping my arm harder.

Hissing I start trying to get her grip to loosen "Pomona, stop gripping so hard I'm not a Mandrake needing to be repotted".

Getting her to let go I frown flexing my arm "I'm sorry about that, she's still getting used to all
the expectations of being a new line I am Walburga Black, this is Aquila Black, Myrtle Warren, Minerva McGonagall, and Rubeus Hagrid" Walburga says easily.

"Wonderful to meet you all come please we shall return to the home"

Following her I look at Hagrid seeing he's completely unfazed by the thrall looking around

"Aquila wha' ya reckon tha's fer?" He asks slipping on his language while pointing at a muggle car parked on the side of the road.

"That's a car Hagrid, it's used for transportation by muggles" Myrtle whispers before smiling at

He nods looking at it "Reckon I won' fit 'n it" he says nodding to himself.

Smiling I pat his arm making him look at me "That's okay Hagrid, we like you just as you are".

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