"I don't know Queenie, does the wizarding world allow people of the same gender to be together?" He asks confused.

"They do because there are spells that allow them to have children together and with the Carrow family they are known to have females magically blessed to have children with other females" Newt says nodding.

"What does that even mean magically blessed?"

"It's what we call gifts, in my family I'm magically chosen to be head of house Black because I hold every gift in our line including some that haven't been seen since our start, but with Carrows the men are known to be weak of magic and looks making them less desirable while females are stronger with magic and more attractive that line females can either have a female with normal reproductive organs or a female born with male like me, I believe in the muggle world it would be something you hide from everyone but here it's seen as a blessing magic gave"

He nods with a stunned look "Right that makes sense" he says nodding still in shock "Honey let me handle this okay" Queenie says sweetly.

"I'm sure you had plenty of requests, why did you choose to respond to ours?" She asks.

"I got mostly marriage requests ma'am but I was waiting for a friend of mine to notice me as more than a friend, I've recently come to accept that it is unlikely to happen, I couldn't bring myself to enter into a marriage contract when I know my heart belongs to someone else so I picked the courting request because there is no lock on it, if either of us finds we do not believe we could work together it can be called off and it will allow me to get to know Evelyn building a base of friendship"

"Wait she's wanting to date our daughter to get over someone else?" Jacob asks frowning at me.

"No, she's recently had her heart broken and doesn't want a marriage contract till she heals, courting it will allow her and Evelyn to get to know each other as friends, to see if they could be more without the promise of marriage" Tina says calmly "it's a smart choice she's admitting she's not ready for a relationship or marriage but is open to getting to know Evelyn to see if they could be more when she's ready, it's like forming a friendship before a relationship a good foundation for a relationship even if they never marry"

Nodding I smile slightly at her "Thank you ma'am" I say softly before looking at Jacob "I could continue to list why I'm a good choice for courting Evelyn Sir, but it would be insulting to her and appear like I'm bragging, the truth is I'm 13 and have to many people trying to get me for fame or my money I'd rather take things slow and get to know someone before we plan anything".

He frowns looking at the others before looking at me again "I can promise you that I will never allow anyone to disrespect her and if someone does I will correct them, I will be respectful of her and never do anything that could damage her reputation as a lady, if she is in my company and something happens I will do everything within my power to protect her" I say calmly meeting his eyes.

"Honey, Blacks take their promise very seriously, to them it's the same as a contract" Queenie whispers to him.

"We are taught that if you can not keep your word then you should not be trusted, if we promise something then we follow threw on it" I say softly.

"Excuse me for a moment" he says getting up and leaving the room with Newt.

Taking a breath I close my eyes trying to pull my stray magic back in "Are you okay?" Queenie asks.

"Yes ma'am" I say softly.

"He wanted to be involved with this since it's our only daughter"

Smiling slightly I nod "It's a parent's job to make sure whoever may date their child is good enough but anyone who asks to date his only daughter will never be good enough".

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