Walking to Anaideia room while she's being helped with walking around, I sit out my emergency Potions and put a protection charm over her bare bed.

Checking everything one more time while hearing her yell I start counting till her next yell "okay it's close enough get her in bed" I call out while her healer stands by in case she's needed.

Seeing her get sat down I wait till mother and Walburga hold her legs up while Madame Bones holds her hand, checking her I nod coaching her threw the process.

5 hours later

Getting the first child out I quickly hand it off to the healer getting ready for the next, once he's out I quickly pass him off finishing up "Shit, keep her legs up" I order.

Grabbing a Potion I pour it over the rip getting it closed seeing more blood then I should, I hiss jumping up grabbing another making her drink her before moving back down to try getting the damage fixed.

Seeing the bleeding slow I finish healing her before casting to see if she's okay, looking at the results I sigh nodding "okay internally scaring but she is healed" I say softly.

"Get them latched to feed" I say before sitting down looking at the results I got.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I ignore it "what happened?" Madame Bones asks.

"She can't have children ever again, I'm not sure my potions will help her next time" I say getting rid of the results.

"A boy and girl right?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yes, they have some hair as well the boy has darker hair but the girl has auburn hair"

Standing up I make my way over to them looking "who are they?" Ana asks softly.

"Alecto after one of the Furies who were born from Gaia and Amycus after the Son of Poseidon and a Nymph"

She nods looking at them smiling "I like it, Alecto and Amycus" she looks up at me nervously "you promise I can keep them right?"

Nodding I sit by her "yes I promise they are your babies I won't make you give them up, just raise them right and make sure they never feel shame or embarrassed about being part muggle".

Her healer steps up gently lifting one "I'll check them then go file the paper work, what last name will they have?"



Sitting at the opening feast Minnie and I hold one of the twins so Ana can eat with worrying about them, looking at Madame Bones I chuckle watching as she glares at anyone who looks at Ana or the babies.

Tapping my fingers on the table I narrow my eyes see someone throw food at a squib student, pulling my wand I quickly Transfigure them into a toad before lifting them in the air making them bounce a bit before coming to me "you will behave and now have detention with me" I sneer while putting them down and turning them back.

"Back to your seat" I order watching as they rush back looking pale.

"Was that necessary?" Minnie asks.

Humming I nod glancing at her "yes I'm head of house for Slytherin".

Seeing Ana get up coming to our table I hand her Amycus while Minnie hands Alecto to Madame Bones for them to leave.

Next day

Standing in my classroom I glance at the twins sleeping with a charm over them to block sound beside my desk, seeing the first year students coming in I roll my eyes at their slowness as they look at me nervously.

"To your seats children, I do have a limited time to teach you till my next class" I say turning to check some papers.

Turning back I look at the group before my chalk starts writing on the bored while keeping my hands in front of me with my wand in my hair "welcome to wizarding studies a new class I am professor A. Black, I teach multiple classes right now till we find teachers that are not completely useless to cover them, try not to confuse me with Professor M. Black"

Standing up I pull out a bored setting it up in front of them "in this class you will learn about wizarding culture and heritage, I will not tolerate disrespect or hateful comments, I will teach you the beauty of magic and how to understand pure bloods and why we are so proud of this, if you are lucky and learn true magic you may find your name added to the list of pure blood lines gaining magical blessings, I have helped one half blood and one muggle born gain this title, now any questions?"

"Are those your babies?" One kid asks raising her hand.

"No, they are my niece and nephew but let's stay on topic"

"What's the difference between the pure blood, half blood, and muggle born?"

"Great question, the difference is the understanding of magic now some pure bloods don't follow this anymore and have lost gifts for it but a pure blood can see, hear, taste, and feel magic while also having gifts, half bloods may have a gift passed down but do not understand true magic, muggle borns have no gift or understanding"

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