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"You're mother and Walburga are bringing my mother and Nagini to take me and Ariana shopping for a Yula ball dress" Minnie says standing by my door "Your father is coming with your brothers, Arturus, and Charlus".

"Not Charlus he's so annoying" I groan.

Minnie rolls her eyes "stop being a child".

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Yes, they said you're to find a proper gift this time" she answers frowning at the letter in her hands "what does that mean?" She asks.

"I'm supposed to find you a gift that I put real thought into, instead of an outfit and make up like I did with the future Lady Prince"

"Aquila, you better not give me something with no thought like you did her"

"Minerva McGonagall, are you saying you think my courting gifts have no thought?" I ask smirking.

"No but you're logic is questionable at best"

"Not as bad as my future nieces and nephew" I snark.


"Sirius kept a Hippogriff in the house and helped me with holding a woman prisoner over summer in a jar"

Minnie frowns looking at me "you kept a woman prisoner?"

"Year of the Tri-wizard tournament, she was an unregistered Animagus using her beetle form to gather information to write lies and start drama I caught her and she couldn't change back"

"That's my point questionable logic"

Huffing I wave her off "set a professor's robes on fire, botched polyjuice Potion, broke curfew, snuck into the restricted section multiple times, broke into Gringotts to steal the Helga Hufflepuff's Cup from the Lastrange volt and rode a dragon out causing millions of dollars worth of damage".

Minnie sighs nodding "must have been this life helping you with insane ideas".

"I will get you a gift that means something"

"Black and McGonagall time to go" Madame Bones says opening the door.

Nodding I get up offering my arm to Minnie before walking out with her.

"I'll assume you plan for a Black dress" Minnie says smirking slightly.


Stepping out I kiss her hand before joining Dad to join them for shopping "hey Aquila" Charlus says patting my shoulder.

"Hello Mr. Potter" I grunt moving away from him.

"How's your intended? She seems like a lovely young lady"

"She's fine sure"

"Seems a bit tall and lanky plus she doesn't have much in her chest or lower area for you" he says laughing.

I take a deep breath trying to keep calm "oh come on that's funny" he says slapping my back laughing.

"I happen to find her being taller then me attractive, she's lanky as you put it because she will be 5foot9 she's currently 5foot7, I'd appreciate it if you stop talking about her when you know absolutely nothing about her and stop commenting on her body before I dual you for slander, it's not funny it's annoying and I will only say this once more keep your hands off me" I hiss shoving his hand away.

Hearing him laughing I turn to my dad motioning to Charlus "why was he invited? I don't like him he's loud, obnoxious, crude, and doesn't keep his hands off me".

Cygnus huffs glaring at Charlus "because Aunt Dorea asked us to include the worthless excuses for a man".

Nodding I look to Hagrid "how's Maxime doing?"

"She's fine" he says nodding while nodding.

"Do you have a preference for boy or girl?" I ask.

"No, Mother Irma said what matters is the baby is healthy, I trust her on that she knows best"

"Smart, is she having any symptoms yet?"

"She wanted green beetles, I had to go find some for her"

Father laughs proudly patting Hagrid's arm "he's doing great as a father-to-be always pampering his wife".

Nodding I smile as Arturus holds his arm out to escort me "I was needing to speak with you Aquila" he says leading me further away.

"About what?"

"Orion is to marry Walburga this summer, Your parents haven given their blessings however your blessings is required since she is your birth mother, do you have any requirements to give your blessings?"

Nodding I stop turning to face him "their boys will be named Sirius Orion Black, and Regulus Cygnus Black and no anger if one of them is placed in Gryffindor".

He nods "I will insure that is added to the marriage contract" he says while offering me his arm again.

Glancing back to my brothers I smile seeing Hagrid glaring at Charlus because he probably said something else offensive.

Looking to Arturus I slip my hand around his arm "I don't understand why she married that git and his brother is just as horrible, how two of our family could find them attractive is unbelievable".

"To be fair cousin Euphemia is questionable at best for a Black I still believe she's a Gaunt, but family law says she's a Black and has to be accepted same as Hagrid"

"Rubeus's grandfather was a disowned Black it's easy to accept him but Euphemia I find it hard to believe as well, she's an only child and her father was unable to get his new wife pregnant after her mother passed" he says nodding before pulling a black dress out with purple swirls like smoke designs on the corset top "what do you think?"

"It's nice, the design is beautiful but I don't like the design color"

He nods turning it to himself "yes purple doesn't seem like your style but we can always have it made with different colors, maybe green like your intended's eyes"

"I like that idea" I say nodding.

"Perfect let's go get your father's opinion on it then we can help the completely helpless men in our family"

Laughing I nod following him back to the family "does that include the man child?" I ask

"Not ever, I barely consider him an in law"

The way it's meant to be (Being Edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin