Chapter 55: (Damarius backstory)

Start from the beginning

That whole experience was intense, and I still remember it so vividly, as if it happened yesterday.

Ignoring the cold ache in some parts of my body, I knocked on the doors of each house hastily.

Several people opened the door, but no one wanted to help.

They thought I was lying to get their attention. Or I'm a little swindler who wants to take their sympathy to make money.

To this day, I want to laugh at that nonsense. I realized when I got older that they just didn't want to be bothered.

People their age should've known when they saw my condition, that at that time I really needed help.

I also know that they knew my mother was sick for a long time. But they turn a blind eye to that fact.

It's hilarious...

Despite running for hours, I returned home empty-handed.

My little body was covered in wounds. It was heavy and painful, considering that I ran non-stop on that snowy day.

In the end, I just held my mother's hand which was almost as cold as mine. The only thing I could do was wipe the blood that mother vomited with a warm wet cloth.

Her breath was shallow, her eyes were glazed and unfocused looking at me. She gave me a warm smile as if to say that she was fine, and everything would be fine.

I'm unsure which facial expression I should display in that situation, and I'm finding it difficult to express my thoughts.

On that cold night, there's not a single conversation between us.

My mother just looked at me and endured the pain.

Meanwhile, I could only wait, hoping my father would come soon and help my mother. Hoping my mother could hold on until then.

But it wasn't until the sun appeared that she took her last breath.

Ironically, I didn't shed a tear when that happened. I just stared at my mother's peaceful face, even though her skin had turned pale.

My head felt strangely calm and clear. I don't know if it's because I'm still a kid, or because I truly am a monster.

I wasn't sad but felt relieved.

'Mother won't feel any pain anymore.' Was what I thought at that time.

Remembering that, I became more convinced that I was indeed a monster.

I didn't move from my place ever since then until my father came in the afternoon.

As soon as he saw the still form of my mother, he dropped his luggage and rushed to her side.

With a worried expression etched on his face, he took a deep breath and leaned in to put his ear against mother's chest, trying to sense her heartbeat. He kept his ear there for a few seconds, hoping to hear a heartbeat, but there was nothing. Her chest wasn't moving, and she wasn't breathing either.

He got up and stared at her peaceful face.

He called out her name, his voice was choked with emotion.

He gently touched her cheek to wake her up, but she didn't respond. She was lying there, still and lifeless, with her eyes closed. It's very clear that my father is devastated by my mother's death..

He embraced my mother's body tightly as if trying to bring her back to life.

I watched as he poured out his heart, his tears falling on her still form, while holding her warm hand, considering that I held them all night.

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