Battle of Restoration

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With their ears perked up and looking at the scene, the steps and heavy breathing from each chest heaved as low growls rumbled from their throats. Shadow growled the most than the others. Seeing Yuna in a battered state, deep down within him ignited, causing him almost to lose control. They were ready to fight tooth and nail to defend her.

As they prepared to launch their attack, Airius had let out a bone-chilling taunting howl, almost summoning something. The ground trembled beneath them, and before they could comprehend what was happening, grotesque creatures emerged from the shadows. Their eyes glowed with malice, and their sharp claws glinted in the dim light.

The pack stood frozen in disbelief as they surrounded them, their roars drowning out the rumble of thunder overhead. They went into formation, battling against the relentless onslaught of foes that seemed to multiply. While the others engaged in fierce combat, Shadow, maintained his focus on Airius. With a menacing snarl, he pressed his sharp claw against Yuna's delicate face, eliciting a pained whimper from her.

Shadow's protective instincts flared as he continued to lock eyes with him, the intensity of their gaze sparking a silent challenge between them. "What's the matter? Am I hurting your...lover?" He taunted him. His voice was tinged with amusement. A growl reverberated from him, his golden eyes reflecting anger and determination. "Yes. You. Are," His response was low and fierce, a promise of retribution underlying his words.

With a sudden surge of primal instinct, he lunged at him, catching him off guard and throwing him to the ground in a swift and powerful motion.
Yuna stumbled as she regained her balance, a groan escaped from her as her aching body flinched. Her gaze fell upon the two male wolves, who grappled with each other, a whirlwind of fur and teeth locked in a deadly dance; their eyes gleamed with primal ferocity.

Without delay, she seized the glowing orbs and sprinted towards the altar. However, a sinister creature materialized before her, blocking her path. It lunged at her, its claws slashing through the air. She stumbled backward, her jaw connecting with the creature's hideous form. Ignoring the searing pain, Yuna fought back with all her might, her claws tearing through its flesh.

Blood oozed from the wounds. Gasping for breath, she snatched up the orbs once more and made a desperate dash towards the center when an unseen force struck her, sending her sprawling across the rugged ground. As her vision cleared, a sinister creature with piercing eyes held Shadow captive, his body bearing the marks of a brutal struggle.

The rest of the pack, their fur bristling in fear, were helplessly held hostage by the other creatures, awaiting orders from their apparent leader. Airius approached her with a malevolent smirk, relishing her struggle to stand firm. "To see a she-wolf in such distress is truly entertaining," he taunted, his voice like a chilling whisper in the tense air. He pinned her fragile form with his massive paws, casting a shadow over her trembling figure.

With a mix of fear and divination in her eyes, she met his gaze and felt a surge of defiance within. Despite her exhaustion, she refused to yield to despair. He leaned in closer, a hint of uncertainty crossing his face. "Any last words?" he growled, the dark amusement fading from his tone. Her mind echoed something, something important that would help.

They were words of the Great Alpha's that she remembered from her past dream: "You must not murder. You must not expire." She repeated the words in her mind, sparking an idea. Standing her ground, her sapphire eyes locked his gaze and spoke, "Kill me." Airius was somewhat baffled at her unexpected response. He scoffed, "Is that what you really want? How pathetic. I thought you'd beg for mercy, but here we are. You really wish to die so soon?"

Her beautiful orbs continued locking his gaze unyielding as she repeated, "Yes." His dark presence now crackled with evil laughter, filling the area with a sinister energy. "Oh no, dear. I cannot simply do that. It would be a pity for you to not see my destruction and witness the final moments of your friends."

"If you let me pass slowly, I can still see your destruction. Just let me die in peace," she stated calmly, her voice devoid of any fear or emotion. Airius sneered, baring his sharp canines as he lunged at her without hesitation. His teeth sunk into the back of her neck, tearing through her flesh and drawing forth droplets of her cerulean blood. She cried out in pain, but her resolve remained unbroken.

The rest of the pack watched in horror, realizing their once revered savior was now in mortal danger. Yuna knew she had one chance and had to act quickly. Using every ounce of strength within her, she seized the element of surprise and managed to push him off her, sending him crashing to the ground with a resounding thud as his body skidded across the ground. Summoning her powers, a fierce surge of energy emanated from her, creating a brilliant blast that sent the vile creatures scurrying away.

Her pack members were now free, and they stood by her side ready for battle. The creatures regrouped, launching another assault, but the members fought valiantly, each showcasing their unique skills in defense of their leader. Yuna quickly placed the orbs onto the ancient altar that shimmered with long-forgotten runes. With a steady voice, she began to intone the ancient words, each syllable resonating with power when suddenly, Airius, lunged towards her.

His gaze had evilness. Before he could reach her, Shadow leaped in front, engaging in a fierce duel. The clash of claws and fangs echoed through the clearing as they battled for supremacy. In a swift move, he managed to overpower Shadow. With a strong force, he launched Yuna off the edge of the cliff. Her body tumbled down, hitting jagged rocks along the way until she laid motionless at the bottom.

Giving the last vestiges of her strength, she whispered the final incantations. As the words left, her life slipped away.

Chaos of ElementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora