Passing Through

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Shadow's POV

We were all so exhausted from pulling those two nights. The pack had been on the move, running through thick and thin. I didn't mind the weariness; it came with the territory. However, amidst the fatigue, there was something peculiar stirring within me. It was a sensation I could not quite comprehend—a feeling of purpose and protection that seemed to rise from the core of my soul, I found myself inexplicably drawn to a fellow member of our pack, Yuna. She moved with a captivating grace and resilience that both intrigued and mesmerized me.

I had always dismissed emotions as a frivolous game played by the heart. But now, I realize the sheer depth of my feelings. The dark shadow of my past lingered, whispering tales of loss and regret. It was a haunting melody that played on repeat, a symbol of my failure to protect "her". The fear of history repeating itself consumed me. After entering the jungle, hunger clawed at our stomachs, a cruel reminder of our dire situation. Desperation drove me to scour the unforgiving terrain in search of sustenance for our dwindling pack. It was then, in a stroke of luck or perhaps fate, that I stumbled upon a small pond hidden amidst the thick foliage.

To my surprise, the pond was teeming with frogs, their croaks echoing through the humid air. While not the most appetizing meal, they were sustenance we could not afford to overlook. With a makeshift spear in hand, I set out to catch as many frogs as I could, each success a small victory in the face of our adversity. Yuna's reluctance to eat puzzled me, till she confessed her disliking. Each of us succumbed to sleep, exhaustion blanketing us, yet I lingered in the shadows, my curiosity piqued. Yuna sat by the dwindling flames, lost in the depths of her contemplation.

With silent vigilance, I observed her every delicate movement, a dance of shadows and light. Time ebbed away, and eventually, she rose and approached the solemn entrance of our refuge. Morning loomed over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of dawn as I pretended to awaken, finding her still standing guard. Approaching her, concern creased my brow, though she greeted me with a gentle smile that barely masked the weariness in her eyes. Her assurances of rest rang hollow, and I bore witness to the exhaustion plastered upon her visage. 

A heavy silence enveloped us, the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air. Without warning, her strength wavered, and her body crumpled. I let her body fall against me, her touch searing against my chest and then led her inside the safety of our cave. Her eyes, seeking solace in mine, held a fleeting moment of vulnerability before succumbing to the embrace of unconsciousness. I watched over her, a sense of protectiveness stirring in my soul, a feeling foreign yet strangely comforting.

But when moments passed, an unease crept into the corners of my mind, a nagging sensation that refused to be ignored. I tried to push it away to focus solely on ensuring her well-being, yet the inexplicable essence lingered, teasing the edges of my consciousness. It was a whirlwind of emotions cascading within me, a tempestuous sea of conflicting feelings I dared not name. And though I sought to bury the unease gnawing at my core, it lingered like a phantom shadow, refusing to be ignored. As the pack stirred to life, I enforced a reverent quiet, allowing her the respite she so desperately required.    


The members of the pack ventured out into the unknown wilderness. Their mission was clear - to search for food and any signs that could guide them in their survival. Aqua chose to stay behind with Yuna and Shadow, keeping a watchful eye on their shelter. Upon returning, Rose and Sparrow emerged from the shadows. Between them lay a peculiar lizard-like creature, the fruits of their successful hunt, placing it on the ground. Sparrow's gaze briefly flickered towards Aqua, who was peacefully dozing, a slight smile tugged on his face. Time passed, and the group grew restless for the return of Sage and Tor. When they finally arrived, their expressions were grim.

 They had scoured the area but found nothing substantial. Their exploration led them to a path blocked by a daunting forest of thorny trees, a barrier that appeared impenetrable. The sharp thorns seemed to leer at them menacingly, a formidable challenge in their quest for sustenance. Yuna continued resting till she woke up and ate the prey that had been caught, then headed out with the pack. Her symbol wasn't giving that spark, nor feeling the force of energy pulling her. Had they taken a wrong turn? Soon, they found themselves standing before two paths, both lined with thorns that appeared to stretch for miles. The only way to cross was to crawl. 

The pack members lowered their bodies almost touching the ground, their heads hanging low. They attempted to be cautious, but the narrow passages didn't allow for much maneuverability. Scratches and cuts became inevitable. Concentration was at its peak as they pushed through the impaling barriers and each stride was met with a prick, testing their limits. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the end of the path. Exhausted and relieved, the pack celebrated their success. Everyone was overjoyed. Little did they know, however, that one of them had left behind a trail of red prints on the ground.

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