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Each paw trudged wearily through the shifting sands of the Sauda Desert. The wind whispered ancient secrets as it swirled around them, carrying with it a haunting melody that seemed to both soothe their tired souls and fill them with a sense of foreboding. Although the fatigue weighed heavily on their bodies, Yuna's determination remained unshaken. The landscape transformed before their eyes as mirages danced on the horizon, playing tricks on their weary minds. They needed to stay focused and trust in their instincts as they navigated the treacherous territory. Noses twitched, inhaling the myriad scents that hung in the air. It was then that Shadow picked up on something intriguing.

Curiosity piqued, and the others followed him with anticipation, eager to discover what had caught his attention. To their surprise, Shadow returned to the group with a mouth of frogs clasped between his teeth. Sparrow couldn't help but tease him, remarking that he had indeed unearthed their dinner.  Chuckles of amusement rippled through the exhausted group as they watched Shadow proudly toss the amphibians into a growing pile. The hunger that gnawed at their stomachs urged them to partake without hesitation. With voracious appetites, they devoured the frogs, gulping them down with little regard for taste or texture. 

Yet, amidst the feasting, Yuna demurred from it, her appetite unaffected by the slimy creatures before her. Noticing her abstention, Shadow inquired, "You're not eating?"  She looked up at him, and replied, "I already had one piece. I think that's enough for me to handle." Her nose wrinkled after she confessed. As the group finished their peculiar meal, they felt a renewed energy coursing through their veins. The frogs, surprisingly, were a source of unexpected sustenance in this vast wilderness. The place was some sort of jungle. Dead vines dragged along the dented trees, weird sounds echoed, and sharp thorns were visible everywhere.

In spite of the eerie atmosphere, they felt a sense of peace, deciding to explore a bit further as their curiosity compelled them forward. Nerves were reaching towards the surface - if anything were to happen, they were ready to flee wherever they could go. But that would mean they would get separated and lost, so they stuck together.


The pack sought refuge in a damp and pesky cave, shielding them from the relentless creatures that inhabited the surrounding forest. They huddled together, seeking solace in the crackling warmth of the fire they had kindled with great effort. Flickering flames casted shadows on the cave walls, while Yuna's mind raced with thoughts of their perilous journey. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her weary shoulders. Standing at the cave entrance, she inhaled the humid air, watching the sky transition from a canvas of vibrant hues to a tapestry of deepening shadows, signaling the imminent arrival of nightfall. 

As she retreated into the safety of the cave, her eyes beheld the sight of her pack, each member nestled and seeking comfort in the warm embrace of the crackling fire's glow. The exhaustion etched on their faces revealed the toll of their arduous journey. Leading a sizable pack came with its weight of responsibility, a burden Yuna carried with resolute divination. She settled by the fire, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames, seemingly lost in contemplation. Shutting her eyes, in a soft whisper laden with reverence and hope she beseeched the Great Alphas for guidance and protection, yearning for a safe passage back home. 

A gentle breeze brushed her face, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and assurance, as if nature itself acknowledged her plea. Soon, dawn broke. And a pair of eyes fluttered open scanning the cave until they settled on Yuna, who stood at the entrance. Her figure was draped in weariness. "You're up so early, I see," Her tired eyes looked upon at him. "You're up early yourself. Aren't you tired like the rest?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice. "I'm not tired," she replied, though Shadow detected a trace of falsehood in her words, knowing all too well the burden she carried on her shoulders.

"I'm not that tired," she insisted, her voice strained and her stance wavering slightly. He saw through her facade, knowing her strength was faltering. Acting swiftly, he supported her before she collapsed, guiding her to safety. Exhaustion reflected in her tired eyes. With her strength waning, she succumbed to sleep, her breaths becoming slow and rhythmic. His gaze watched over her, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He admired her resilience, her spirit unbroken despite the hardships they faced. Yet, a sense of unease gnawed at him. The realization that he cared for her deeply, more than he dared to admit, unsettled his guarded heart.

His thoughts were in turmoil. "I'm going crazy, aren't I?", he scoffed at himself.

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