Going Under

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Yuna continued walking, her body aching with exhaustion, yet her pertinaciousness pushed her forward. Her ears perked up when a faint voice whispered, "Follow,", and a strange spark ignited in her paws. The symbol on her paw glowed mysteriously, compelling her to follow its guidance. Through dense forests and winding paths eventually stumbling upon a lake, illuminated by the moon's gentle glow. As she approached it, rustling in the nearby bushes caught her attention. A small, innocent-looking wolf emerged, trembling with fear.

Introducing herself, Yuna learned that the wolf was named Aqua, a Water Wolf with a unique appearance and a timid demeanor. Her fur was wavy with light and dark blue hues and distinctive ear shapes, that captivated her attention. Comforting Aqua, she learned of the young wolf's fears and offered her help. In return, she sought Aqua's assistance in uncovering a hidden secret she felt was lurking beneath the surface of the lake. "Aqua, could you help me with something?", Yuna inquired. "Sure, what do you need?" Aqua questioned. "I have a feeling that something is hidden down there. Would you be willing to help me?", she questioned once more. "My powers aren't that strong, but I could try. I'll come with you", Aqua replied.

With her modest powers and Yuna's willpower, they delved into the depths of the water, guided by Aqua's glowing aura. As they reached a cave concealed beneath the lake's surface, a brilliant glow beckoned from behind a boulder.  After some attempts to remove the rocks, there it was. Yuna's intuition resonated with the presence of the orb she had been searching for. With combined efforts, they retrieved the glowing orb, a symbol of significant power and responsibility. However, their triumph was short-lived as the cave began to collapse around them, trapping Yuna's hind leg beneath a fallen rock, a loud yelp echoed. In her moment of peril, the power finally waned. 

Calling out a cry for help, something responded to Aqua. It was the appearance of a kind-hearted beast named Zephyr that saved them from the crumbling cave. Zephyr's strength freed her, and the trio emerged from the cave's depths. Grateful for their miraculous escape, the kindhearted beast gave a gentle goodbye. Yet, fate took a dark turn when Yuna collapsed unconscious, leaving Aqua to fend off approaching danger. Two male wolves, Shadow and Sparrow, appeared, their intentions unclear. Aqua, fiercely protective of her newfound companion, stood her ground against the advancing wolves, unwilling to back down.

. The tension in the air crackled as the she-wolf growled a warning, her eyes blazing. Ignoring their attempts to calm the situation, she made it clear that she would not tolerate any further intrusion. Amidst the stand-off, they caught sight of Yuna lying unconscious on the ground, her form bathed in moonlight. Concern etched on their faces, realizing the gravity of the situation. Sparrow signaled to Shadow to hold the she-wolf back while he approached to examine Yuna. As Aqua and Shadow battled, Sparrow examined her condition, discovering the strange blue blood oozing from her wound, a sense of foreboding settled over him. They needed to act fast to save her. "Shadow, you can let her go now," Sparrow called out. Aqua got up and approached the wounded wolf, whining softly with her ears down.

"Is... is she going to be, okay?" Aqua asked, concerned. "She'll be fine," Sparrow reassured her. "Shadow, I think there's a cave not far from here. Let's take her there so she can rest properly." "Alright, I'll take her. You keep an eye on Miss Feisty over here," Shadow replied. "I'm not feisty, I was just trying to protect her!" Aqua protested in a defensive tone. With careful precision, Shadow lifted Yuna onto his back, while Aqua, ever gentle-hearted, cradled the fragile orb containing its essence, protecting it. They made their way to the nearby cave where they spent the night.

 They made their way to the nearby cave where they spent the night

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Aqua (15 years)


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Fire Orb

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