The Truth and Decision

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While the pack continued to rest, Rosalie then got up as curiosity led her to a gentle exploration. Aqua's ear twitched upon hearing her movements, leading her to join her in wherever she was heading. The daylight melted into dusk as they strolled. Rosalie's eyes twinkled as she pointed to something. "Did you see that flying little creature?" she mused, her smile playing on her mouth. Aqua's ears perked up at the mention of the winged being, remembering the conversation she had with Sparrow. "Ah, you mean a butterfly," Her eyes blinked. Surprised by her knowledge, Rosalie gazed at her with admiration.

"How did you, a water wolf, come to know the name of such a delicate creature?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. They came to a gentle stop, and Aqua began to recount a tale of their past journey with the pack. "Throughout our journey, there was this time when responsibility landed upon me and Sparrow. We needed a fresh supply to rejuvenate Yuna, luckily, we stumbled upon a lake. That was when a curious itch of curiosity nudged me forward, sensing there was more to discover beyond the surface. So, I ventured ahead, unveiling something, a delicate view. It was then an ethereal creature alighted on my nose before flitting away. After seeing it flutter, my eyes fell upon a cluster of white buds, emitting a fragrance so enchanting it stirred my soul", she exhaled, remembering the scent. 

"When we pressed on, I couldn't shake off the curiosity about the little flying creature, so I broached the subject with Sparrow. At first, he seemed surprised about my question, but he began to recount a story about a long-lost friend who had once corrected him for using the term "flying flower" and that it was called butterfly", she continued. "I taught my white bud well", Rose chuckled, not knowing that it triggered that deep thought Aqua had hidden in the back of her mind. With thoughts weighing heavy on her mind, she finally gathered the courage to confront her. "Rose, can I ask you something?" Taken aback by the sudden request, she nodded gently, encouraging Aqua to speak her mind. 

In a timid voice, she stumbled over her words, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Sparrow that night at Vizel... about the white buds. Was it true?" Rose's expression shifted subtly at the mention of the white buds, her eyes betraying a hidden emotion. "What do you mean, Aqua?" she inquired, tilting her head slightly. Feeling her heart racing, she took a deep breath and blurted out, "When you mentioned wanting a few white wasn't just about flowers... did you mean a family?" The silence that followed felt like an eternity as she waited for Rosalie to respond.

Finally, she met her gaze and replied quietly, "Yes..." Realization dawned on her, connecting the dots. She recalled the fleeting expression on Rose's face that night, a look of longing and hope that hadn't gone unnoticed. Aqua managed a smile and replied, "That's great! I'm genuinely happy for you. I wish you and Sparrow all the happiness in the world."  She felt her mouth wanting to tremble, but she controlled it and excused herself, leaving Rosalie behind.

A pair of eyes collected the scene.

*End Of Flashback*

Sparrow's words lingered in the air, heavy with unspoken truths. "She wants a family with me," he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. Shadow could see the conflict painted across his face. The weight of his words was evident in his furrowed brow. Sparrow had always seen Rosalie as a sister, someone he could always count on, but now, she had caught feelings for him, and he didn't know what to do. "The problem is, I only see her as my little sister. Nothing more," His voice cracked with raw honesty. Shadow could see the sadness in Sparrow's eyes, reflecting his heart torn between duty and desire.

The bonds between Sparrow and Rosalie were unbreakable, forged through years of shared laughter and tears. But now, the lines between familial love and romantic desire seemed blurred, tangled like vines. It was a mystery, an enigma that even Shadow could not unravel. Sparrow stood at a crossroads, unsure of how to navigate this delicate balance between friendship and something more. His heart ached at the thought of hurting Rosalie, someone he cherished deeply, a precious gem in his otherwise chaotic world.

Yet, his feelings once suppressed, now clamored for attention threatening to upend the equilibrium of their relationship. Rosalie's words echoed in his ears, causing a turmoil of thoughts and emotions to swirl within him. But it wasn't just Rosalie who occupied his thoughts. No, there was Aqua, the other piece of this twisted puzzle. He remembered the look on her face when Rosalie had spoken, the pain and hurt that flickered were evident in her gaze. Sparrow excused himself to be in solace as his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the conversation he heard.

Instead of finding a place to be alone, he found himself walking towards the edge of the meadow, the withered grass crunching beneath his paws. A figure lay huddled in the distance, the silhouette starched a contrast to the dying landscape. Sparrow's breath caught in his throat as he approached the small form. "Aqua?" he called softly, uncertainty lacing his voice. Her head snapped up, her eyes glistening in the dwindling light. She hastily wiped her face with delicate paws, attempting to conceal her emotions. Her voice was barely above a whisper, breaking the silence.

"I didn't expect you to find me here." His paws moved closer to her small frame. "I ... overheard your conversation with Rosalie. You were right." He sighed. Feeling her eyes watering again, she quickly stood on her paws. Sparrow had a questioning look as his eyes searched, but her gaze was looking away. "Well, now you know the truth. So, congratulations. I wish you and her a wonderful life in the future", her voice filled his ears, noticing something was off. "Once this is over, I won't be a bother and I'll leave the pack." Surprised to hear her response, he wondered why she was doing this to herself. "Aqua. Why are you doing this? What has gone into you?", he questioned her.

"I'm grateful for this pack and I'm grateful that everyone looks out for each other, but I think I should depart when the time comes", her tone saddened. "But why?", he insisted to know. "Please. I don't want to make this harder for you and me", the tremble in her voice was evident. As she walked away, Sparrow couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He knew there was more to her decision than she was letting on.  

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