Sigh of Relief Pt.1

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Shadow's keen gaze scanned the horizon, his amber eyes flickering with resolution. The towering mountains loomed overhead, their peaks draped in blankets of snow that sparkled like diamonds under the pale light. Their prints left a trail in the untouched snow as the sound of their paw steps echoed off the rocky cliffs. Finally arriving at the bottom, the big pile of rocks and snow was still there. The weary pack of wolves paused for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Their breaths came out in icy puffs as they prepared themselves for the next phase of their search. A glimmer of hope shone in Shadow's eyes as he examined the footprints imprinted in the snow. 

Different scents filled their nostrils. Fear, excitement, and resolve were combined into one. His heart raced with anticipation, driving him forward, leaving his packmates struggling to catch up with his brisk pace. Their paws pounded the ground, their muscles aching with every stride. Hearts thundered within their chests, matching the rhythm of their pounding paws. The frigid air pierced their throats and lungs, yet they pressed on, their breaths visible in the freezing atmosphere. The icy wind whispered secrets, urging them to persevere. Finally, they came to a halt. Their chests heaved up and down as they gasped. Little clouds kept their formation as their warm breaths mingled with the cold surroundings, creating a mystical aura around them.

Shadow sniffed the air again, desperate to catch any lingering scent. But alas, it was already fading, slipping through his grasp like a wisp of smoke. Lifting his head, he stared at the pale sky, its vastness mirroring his uncertainty. With closed eyes he let out a long, chilling howl, pouring his heart into the desolate winter landscape. Silence fell upon the pack, their breaths held, their hearts pounding in unison. The icy stillness of the surroundings seemed to listen, providing solace and strength.

As the last echoes of the howl faded into the distance, a howl reached their ears, carrying a glimmer of hope on its mournful notes. Thier eyes gleamed with renewed will, their spirits kindled by the distant call of their kin. Without hesitation, they pushed through the unforgiving terrain, their resolve unyielding. As they reached the imposing Ice fort, they were met with suspicion and scrutiny by the resident wolves. But under the wise guidance of Kida, the pack was granted entry, welcomed by the warm embrace of their long-lost comrades. Yuna's joy was palpable as she rushed to greet them, her tail wagging with unrestrained happiness.

However, amidst the reunion, Shadow remained aloof, his emotions shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. After breaking the reunion, Yuna caught his gaze, her concern deepening with each enigmatic glance he casted. Tentatively, she approached him, a silent question hanging in the frigid air, waiting to be answered. "Shadow, are you alright?" she asked, her voice imbued with genuine worry. His expression remained stoic, concealing a storm of emotions raging inside him. He longed to break free, to cry in relief and shed the weight of anxiety that had burdened him. He had always been the tough one, indifferent to the needs of others. But in that moment, he realized that even the strongest of hearts can falter.

His stiff legs moved, as if an invisible force moved him. Yuna's eyes fluttered slightly as she stood still in her place. His figure towered over her. Slowly, he placed his head on top of hers, wordlessly seeking solace and connection. Ignoring her question, his words were simple yet profound. "Glad you're okay..." he murmured, his voice laden with relief and vulnerability. Her ear twitched slightly, feeling the weight of his unspoken emotions. Finally, he pulled away. His golden gaze captured her sapphire eyes, capturing her pure essence. A sigh of relief escaped from him, and in that moment, everyone felt a collective sense of ease and unity.

She smiled, not only at him, but at her pack.


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