Rocky Avalanche

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The small icy hills that transcended from the dunes stood as frozen sentinels in the desert, where time seemed to have frozen alongside the landscape. The pack felt the frostbite creeping onto their noses and paws and refused to let it hinder them. Yuna reached out and touched the fire orb around her neck, radiating warmth to defrost her shivering companions.

Their tired legs carried them as they progressed, looming mountains appeared in the distance. The peaks were buried under blankets of snow. Desperately sniffing the cold air for guidance, the absence of familiar scents left them reliant on instincts and their bond. They scanned for danger as they traversed through the rough terrain.

Suddenly, a deafening rumble filled the air, trembling the ground beneath their paws and sparking fear in their hearts. As one, they turned their gaze towards the source of the noise. An avalanche, a behemoth of snow and rocks came tumbling towards them while panic surged through their veins, fueling their instincts to survive.

The pack raced against time to escape, each heartbeat synced with the thunderous roar of cascading snow and rocks, and their paws pounded against the cold ground. In their haste, they came upon a cliff, the edge looming dangerously before them. Their eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty.

Yuna's leadership shone through as she urged her fellow wolves to leap across the gaping chasm. The cliff yawned before them, a test of not just physical strength but also unyielding courage. Without hesitation the group leaped into action, launching themselves into the air, and turning into graceful descendants.

As they landed on the rocky ledge, relief washed over them, all except for Rosalie, whose body was hanging dangerously over the edge of the cliff. The strong wind whipped her fur in all directions, her claws desperately clinging to the rugged surface.

Her wide eyes reflected sheer terror as she fought to maintain her grip. The fear etched onto her face mirrored the precariousness of her situation. Without a second thought, Yuna sprang into action, inching closer to her regardless of the treacherous condition. With a steady reassuring voice, she helped Rosalie to safety, her heart pounding with adrenaline.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally stood on solid ground, the perilous ordeal behind them. Rosalie trembled, grateful for the support that had saved her from a fatal fall. Yuna closed her eyes briefly, focusing all her energy on controlling the tempestuous winds from the orb, protecting them from the looming disaster.

The pack suddenly paused, and gasped at the sight, their hearts began trembling. "Keep moving, don't falter!" Yuna's voice rang out, filled with urgency. Rosalie hesitated, calling out to her. "Just go! Trust me!" her words cut through the air, final and resolute. With a heavy heart, she glanced back at her pack, a brave smile flickering across her face.

Her eyes conveyed reassurance a silent promise that they would persevere. With a final burst of strength, she let go, allowing the avalanche to cascade behind her. In that frozen moment, the pack stood in horror. Rosalie, with her piercing blue eyes, stood unmoved on the edge of the cliff, her gaze fixed on the abyss below where Yuna had vanished. Shadow felt pain welling up inside him, an unbearable wave of emotions crashing against his chest.

His body trembled as the memories of his past trauma ignited within him, reopening old wounds that had never truly healed. The anguish consumed him, drowning his thoughts and clouding his judgment. His growls grew louder, the sound reverberating through the icy air like a warning bell. The darkness within him churned, a tempest of raw emotion that threatened to consume everything in its path.

In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to tear Rosalie, to shreds. Sage stood before her, refusing to let his anger take control. Beside him, Sparrow echoed Sage's sentiments. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER", his voice erupted like thunder, his anger resonating through the hollow place. But Sage, with his unshakable resolve, stepped forward, refusing to let his fury cloud his judgment.

"It's not her fault, Shadow," Sage spoke firmly, his gaze unwavering. "Yuna not only saved Rosalie but urged us to keep moving. She didn't want to us to get hurt; she protected us. We must trust in the Great Alpha's wisdom and believe that she's still alive." Shadow's growl intensified, a fierce sound that reverberated through, sending shivers down the pack's collective spine. His claws dug into the earth, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

"What if she didn't survive the fall?" Shadow's voice cracked with pain and desperation. "How do you know if she's still alive?" Sparrow, stepped forward, his eyes reflecting the sorrow that gripped them all. "We will find a way, Shadow. We will search every inch of that ravine until we find her. We must have faith in her strength and resilience."

Shadow's chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh. The pain and fear in his eyes were still present. With a nod of agreement, he suppressed the raging storm within him, letting his eyes speak. He would not let his pain consume him; instead, he would channel it into divination. They would find Yuna, no matter the cost. Together.


In the serene, frozen landscape where silence reigned supreme, Yuna's body was buried beneath the unforgiving snow. A mere whisper of life struggled against the oppressive cold that threatened to extinguish it. Each breath she took felt like a battle against the icy tendrils that coiled around her. As she lay there, on the verge of succumbing to the frost that enveloped her, a disturbance shattered the tranquil stillness.

The heavy thud of approaching footsteps cut through the hush, sending tremors through the icy ground. Her heart, though feeble, quickened with fear and hope. A pair of intense luminous eyes emerged from the white expanse, locking onto her fragile frame with unwavering focus.

The creature possessing these eyes drew closer, its heavy paws leaving deep imprints in the snow as it moved towards her. Yuna's heart raced with a blend of curiosity and dread, unsure of what fate awaited her in this desolate realm. The other beings, with fur glistening like diamonds in the pale light, bent down and sniffed delicately, as if trying to decipher her essence.

In that moment, her senses heightened, a wave of memories and emotions flooded her mind, painting vivid images of a life she had almost forgotten. However, just as clarity seemed within reach, a veil of darkness descended once more, shrouding her in its embrace.

The voices that had whispered in the recesses of her mind faded, leaving her adrift in a void of nothingness. Her consciousness ebbed away, carried on the currents of the abyss, as she surrendered herself.

 Her consciousness ebbed away, carried on the currents of the abyss, as she surrendered herself

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