Hunger and Pain

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With all the strength and energy, she roared and gave one final push, trying to prevent the piece of land from falling. She couldn't hold on much longer, feeling the control slip away from her, Shadow rushed and covered her protecting her from the flying rocks. Once everything had settled, everyone emerged from their hiding places. Shadow uncovered Yuna and stepped back. His eyes peered at her, noticing that her body was trembling slightly. Aqua and Sparrow managed to escape just in time, avoiding the downfall from the land. Getting up shaking off his fur and wings, a small yelp escaped.

"Are you okay?" Sparrow asked, concerned. "My paw hurts a little," Aqua replied, wincing. "Let me take a look." Examining her paw, there was a small scratch. "It doesn't look too bad. Can you walk?", he inquired. Aqua nodded, trying to put weight on her paw. "I can manage. It's not a big deal", she assured them, masking the sharp pain she felt. Sparrow hid his wings and picked up the orb. Upon leaving, they were a few miles ahead till Yuna's strength waned and collapsed. Her head revolving and her body hurting, she felt too weak to get up. Quickly, Shadow moved her and placed her next to a big stone. She needed food urgently. 

Insistent to find safety, Sparrow decided to hunt for food, Aqua insisted on accompanying him despite her injury. Together, they returned with small birds for substance. Amidst their weariness, Shadow carefully assisted Yuna in eating, tearing the meat into bite-sized pieces for her weakened state. After sharing the collation, Shadow lifted her on his back and searched for a secure resting place knowing the dangers lurking around them. Sparrow guided them towards a large dead tree where they could take a much-needed break. Settling under the "shade" of the tree, Shadow put down Yuna. She leaned against the rough bark, feeling the throbbing pain subside, thanks to her pack. With eyes heavy with exhaustion, she drifted into a restless sleep.

Sparrow fluttered around, using his sharp eyes to scan the area for any potential threats, while Shadow kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. 

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