Playing with Fire

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As the wolves remained in a deep slumber, Yuna called out to the rest of them, and their eyes slowly opened. Gathered around her, their stomachs growled in unison, except for Yuna, who was preoccupied with thoughts. Sparrow brought forth some rodents to share, and the three wolves hungrily devoured the meal. Once satiated, they turned their attention to her, eager to hear her plans. "I found this orb at the lake. I believe it to be a fire orb, one of four we need. The others must be out there, waiting for us to find them," Yuna explained. "We should set out at once. Time is of the essence," Sparrow urged, his eyes reflecting the will of the group.
Yuna looked at her companions, uncertainty in her gaze. "Are you sure you want to join me on this precarious journey?"

The wolves nodded unanimously, their loyalty unwavering. With a sense of purpose, they began their trek into the unknown, guided by Yuna's unwavering resolve.
While padding silently through the wilderness, questions danced through Yuna's mind like shadows in the moonlight. "Do you think there are other packs in this area?" she inquired, breaking the silence. Shadow, with his vast knowledge of the land, responded, "There are others, but many prefer to remain hidden. The dangers in these lands are great, and few dare to venture far from safety." Yuna nodded, absorbing the information. "I once encountered a creature made of stone," she shared, her eyes glinting with recollection.

Sparrow chuckled softly. "Ah, the Golems. They may be massive, but their slow movements make them easily avoidable." Aqua shuddered, remembering her own encounter. "I once saw a monstrous beast, a sight that chills me to this day. It is a predator like no other." Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as a menacing creature leaped out from the bushes, snarling and baring its teeth. Aqua's quick reflexes pushed Yuna out of harm's way, and Sparrow and Shadow sprang into action, ready to defend their pack. "Both of you, run! We will handle this!" Sparrow commanded, his feather daggers glinting in the sunlight as Shadow lunged at the beast.

Yuna and Aqua fled, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline, leaving their comrades to face the foe. Just as the situation seemed to be under control, another unexpected event occurred, causing them to fall and roll on each other. The orb fell out from the large leaf. The creature glared at the orb, baring its teeth, ready to attack. "Save them," a voice commanded. Yuna's ears perked up at the sound of the voice. Her paws tingled, and she saw the symbol glow from underneath her again. She felt a strong pull towards the orb. "Touch it," the voice instructed. As she was about to approach the orb, the creature's attention was immediately drawn towards her, ready to attack. 

An idea materialized in her thoughts, and she promptly acted upon it. Aqua was instructed to keep the creature still, and she complied without hesitation. The monster focused its attention on the small, vulnerable prey, becoming increasingly agitated as it tried to catch up with her. Aqua's agility allowed her to evade the creature's grasp. Yuna, sensing the creature's frustration, quickly touched the orb and felt a surge of power course through her body. Her veins filled with hot blood, and her vision began to blur. Hot tears began to trickle down her face, and she took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Augh-", she groaned. She inhaled then exhaled before roaring with all her might. The flames from her mouth engulfed the creature, causing it to stumble and screech in pain. Aqua stood still and Yuna roared once more, this time with even more force. The creature fell to the ground, defeated. The scent of smoke and blood wafted through the air. The sound of other footsteps approached them. Sparrow and Shadow appeared, their fur covered in blood and dirt. Sparrow had blood stains and dirt marks on his cotton-white fur while Shadow had a small cut on his paw and some dirt stains.

 "Sparrow, is this blood yours?", Aqua asked in a worried tone. "I'm fine, I didn't get injured. The blood is from the creature we just attacked. I see you and Yuna are okay. How did you guys defeat the creature?" "I used the orb," she replied. "I see. But, how did you know what to do with the element?" Sparrow asked. "I heard a voice. It told me to do it," she replied to him. "Are you sure?" Shadow asked in a slight stern tone. "I'm sure of it. I believe it was the Great Alpha's. They told me they would guide me." "Is that so?" Shadow inquired. "Yes. I swear to you, I did hear a voice", she replied, insisting. "Guys, we shouldn't doubt her. We should listen to her if she said she heard a voice," said Aqua, trying to keep things balanced between them.

  "We're not doubting her, feisty wolf. Nothing in this place can be easily trusted. Not even your own conscience," his tone was low, and his golden eyes stared at her, but not a single inch from her shivered from his look. "Shadow, we need to trust her if we want to help her", Sparrow added, trying to balance the small tense argument. His ear twitched, and he stood silent for a moment, then exhaled. "Let's just keep moving forward, shall we?" he quickly dismissed the tension.

 "I hate that word so much. Trust," he thought to himself. They traveled again and time flew by. Yuna wanted to keep going, but the small pack was exhausted. The two she wolves went and settled down to sleep, while the other two males, kept guard. She wondered why Shadow said not to trust so easily. Those words kept repeating in her mind over and over.

 Those words kept repeating in her mind over and over

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