The Exiled

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Looming clouds stood over the area, threatening to unleash their fury at any moment. Yuna embarked through the rugged terrain gazing at the sharp and steep ridges of rock, seemingly rising against her, challenging her every step. The ground beneath her shifted unpredictably, despite the obstacles and the endless creatures that crossed her. She fought valiantly against the foes, while deafening roars reached the air.

Massive creatures lunged towards her, and with swift reflexes, she dodged the attacks and countered with a series of precise strikes. Giving every ounce of strength, a blast came from her. Breathing heavily after the battle she grabbed the orbs and continued, slowly, and soon enough drops began tapping the ground. Each paw ached with each step, and her heart weighed her down with worry as it attempted to overpower her body, causing her to collapse.

She recalled her family's warmth, her pack's love, and the joy of her friendly encounters with different elements of her fellow wolves. With a deep breath, she pushed herself, her eyes reflecting unwavering resolve knowing that the journey ahead would not be easy. With weary legs and pads dragging, the altar finally stood before her in a secretive area, filled with ancient symbols that glowed beautifully. Her focus was thrown off when a sudden force threw her, slamming her onto a hard rock and roughly landing on her side. The pain surged through her body, causing a glint to shimmer in her eyes. Gazing at her surroundings, she spotted a figure amidst the darkness.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" a voice cut through her like a blade. She winced as she tried to push herself off the ground, her eyes fixed on the mysterious figure approaching her slowly. Its body was cloaked in shadows but exuded power and danger. Clutching the orbs close, she stood in stance to protect herself. "Who are you? Show yourself", she commanded. The figure stepped into the dim light revealing itself, causing her to gasp and tremble in fear.

The eyes she had envisioned before now came to life, gazing towards her. The wolf had the same markings, telling her that this being was from the same clan as her. "You're him", her eyes widened, as her pupils became little specs. She was in disbelief to see the fellow wolf who was once a hero, now an exile. "Why?... Why did you do it?", a growl was let out from her throat. The wolf locked its gaze with her fierce look, "I had my reasons." Her growl echoed louder, "Answer me." Anger began to take over her.

"The cosmic clans were in harmony till the Great Alpha's crafted another life form, called Earth. Though the clans were thrilled to see the new type of form, jealousy arose from one, the Sun clan. They sought to take over the controlled flux, stirring a battle between the clans. Not only did I desire peace among them, but also see the destruction of Earth as the only solution to prevent further discord," the wolf responded. "That doesn't justify the reason for all the damage you've caused." Her voice declared with rage. "How are you even alive?", she asked once more. "Simple. I sucked out the life of everything that made the Earth live," its eyes shone with darkness. Hearing his reply, the rage continued to burn within, tired and ready to end this madness once and for all.

"Move, I must fulfill my purpose," she commanded as she approached the ancient altar. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that," the wolf growled, its fangs bared as he lunged towards her, aiming to thwart her mission with a brutal attack. However, Yuna's reflexes were as quick as her wit, gracefully evading his assault with a deft sidestep. "Once I have the orbs in my control again, this time, I won't fail to destroy this planet. Soon, I'll be free from this exile," Its tone rang out with a chilling promise as it chased after her, its shadowy form trailing behind him like a cloak of darkness.

Unleashing her innate power, she called upon her element, causing a whirlwind of rocks to materialize around her before hurtling them toward the being with precision and force. The projectiles struck true, buying her precious moments to gather her strength and focus on the task that lay ahead. However, fueled by unbridled rage and thirst for power, the wolf let out dark energy that ensnared her in its malevolent grasp, pulling her towards him with an invisible force that threatened to overwhelm her.

As she stumbled and fell to the ground, the earth trembled beneath their epic clash. She refused to surrender, her paws clawing at the ground with fierce resolution. With a plan forming in her mind, she knew she had to act swiftly. She let go of the orbs and herself crashing into the wolf, their bodies intertwining in a fierce struggle. The wolf, taken by surprise, threw her off and tried to seize the orbs, but Yuna's invisible force pulled them out of its reach. As it lunged again, she dodged skillfully and managed to pin him to the ground.

The fight that ensued was brutal, each blow leaving its mark as blood trickled from their wounds. In a swift move, the wolf managed to move and switch positions, pinning her beneath its weight. With a claw against her face, it taunted her with promises of power and dominance. A yelp shot out from her, letting out a whine afterward. "Such a shame that a she-wolf like you has to end its life this way. Although, you could live if you're by my side. We both have the key to ultimate form. We could take over and control the galaxy together", his face leaned in towards her. Her eyes widened realizing that he too, had the symbol to full power.

"I will never reign with someone evil like you just to take control of everything", she spat. "You had your chance she-wolf. Remember this name when you arrive upon the constellations." Its claw clenched deeper into her face. "Airius", he whispered, revealing his name then tore his face away from her. Her eyes widened as he bared his canines. Just as the tension peaked for the inevitable strike, a sudden deafening noise shattered the tense moment, forcing them to turn their attention towards the source of the disturbance.

 Just as the tension peaked for the inevitable strike, a sudden deafening noise shattered the tense moment, forcing them to turn their attention towards the source of the disturbance

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