The Night at Vizel

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The place they wandered into was a city that lay in the center of the land called, Vizel, a forgotten realm that was once brimming with life many years ago. Venturing deeper into the city, they couldn't help but notice the desolation that surrounded them. The once magnificent architecture had crumbled, leaving nothing but scattered rocks and boulders in its wake. Ancient texts on the pillars were faded, their meaning lost to the passage of time. The streams that once flowed with crystal clear water were now dry riverbeds, bearing witness to a forgotten era. Many dens, once occupied by bustling creatures, now stood empty, their only inhabitants being overgrown weeds and dead plants.

As evening gracefully transitioned into night, exhaustion caught up with the weary wanderers. They felt a glimmer of hope when the pack spotted a place to rest. Sparrow, ever resourceful, gathered some wood and twigs, skillfully crafting a fire that illuminated the surrounding area and provided warmth. Aqua helped Tor search for a specific plant, while Yuna stood away from the flickering light, deep in thought. Sage stood by Shadow, offering comfort as he nursed the wound on his back with dried blood on his fur. Despite the pain still lingering in his eyes, he pushed it.

Rosalie, the gentle heart of the pack, nestled close to Sparrow, her laughter ringing through the night and weaving a tapestry of warmth and camaraderie. Shadow observed them, his gaze lingering on their easy banter and shared history. Turning to Sage, Shadow's voice cut through the crackling of the fire, prompting a moment of reflection. "How long have you watched over the little flower?" he inquired, his eyes searched for answers. Sage, the elder statesman of the pack drew a deep breath, his eyes distant with memory. "We've known her since her first breath, a beacon of hope in a time of darkness. Her mother fell to illness, leaving a void, not only in our hearts, but the Alpha too. His daughter, a reflected strength and beauty, brought light back into his and our lives."

As the tale unfolded, Shadow listened intently. "And Sparrow," he pressed on, "what of him? I've been told a little about his backstory from him and the Alpha, but I would like to know from your view. How did their paths intertwine, leading them to this moment of reunion?" Sage's gaze softened, a hint of sadness clouding his wise eyes. "Sparrow had a wandering spirit with a fire in his soul and had crossed paths with our young heir in a time of upheaval. Their bond was instant, a connection that transcended time and distance. But fate, cruel in its tests tearing them apart, leaving wounds that took years to heal. Now, against all odds, they had finally reunited," he observed them from a distance, his heart filled with both joy and sorrow.

Shadow noticed his gaze change. "You like her, don't you?", he questioned out of curiosity. Sage sighed, his eyes betraying his feelings. "No, I don't. Besides, she already has her future mate. I'm just her bodyguard, so I doubt she'll have feelings for me. That would be imprudent," his tone was heavy with defeat. Shadow furrowed his brow, trying to understand his dilemma. "Are hybrids allowed in your pack?" he inquired, his mind wandering. Sage nodded slowly. "Hybrids are allowed, though it is rare. But right now, our pack is counting on her. The lineage needs to be carried on, meaning she has to have purebreds if it's possible."

Shadow paused, contemplating the situation. "If everything goes back to normal, will she be able to have someone who is not her kind as her mate?" Sage looked up, feeling a sense of sadness. "Yes, if everything returns to equilibrium, the pack will be able to reproduce since food will not be scarce anymore, she will have the freedom to choose her mate. It won't matter if he's a different element or not." As they watched her still nestled beside Sparrow, Sage then added, "But like they say, love is a wild beast that cannot be tamed. And in its wildness lies both tragedy and triumph." Sage knew that he would support her no matter what, even if it meant letting go of his desire. Love was not bound by rules or expectations; it was about loyalty, sacrifice, and the hope for a future where everyone could find their own happiness.


Rose and Sparrow sat by the crackling flames, their laughter blending with the ambience. Their bond was woven with threads of nostalgia and camaraderie, providing a shield against the harshness of the world around them. Sparrow, do you remember when we played chase, and you bumped your head into a rock?" Rose asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Sparrow's face flushed with embarrassment as he recalled the incident vividly. "Yes, yes, don't remind me. That was so embarrassing," he replied sheepishly. Rose couldn't contain her amusement. "Oh, come on! It was funny. And what about that time in hide and seek when you fell into the water? You were panicking, yet the water was only at leg level!" Her laughter burst forth again, echoing through the trees.

Sparrow rolled his eyes playfully. "Don't remind me of that either. You were always full of surprises. Like that time when you scared me when we were playing hide and seek."
Rose's laughter subsided, replaced by a mischievous grin. "Ah yes, that was priceless. Your little wings were just flapping as you tried to escape. Good times." Sparrow couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, let's not forget that you were clumsy too. I distinctly remember you trying to jump over a root and tripping." Rose huffed, playfully offended. "Hey now, at least I tried! Unlike you, you were born with wings, you flew over them." "You were meant to be within the trees, don't worry, Rose," Sparrow began, his voice gentle yet filled with conviction. "You'll use your full power once everything is restored. Your clan's powers can barely hold up the Earth."

A warm smile spread across Rose's face as she gazed at Sparrow, her childhood friend and confidant. "Yes, and when that day comes, maybe I'll have some white buds of my own, just like how I imagined them to be." Sparrow's eyes glinted with affection as he remembered the tiny white flowers that Rose had always admired. "You still remember that small bunch, don't you?"

"Of course. How could I forget? I gave you that nickname, because you remind me of them," Rose replied, her voice filled with tenderness. "That's why I hope to have, perhaps two or three of them," she replied, trying to give him a hint. "I promise to give you a good amount of them, as many as you wish," he replied, a hint of confusion flashing in his eyes. "Well, I should head to sleep now. Are you going to stay up a little longer?" she stretched her tired limbs. Sparrow nodded, his gaze lingering on Rosalie, "Yeah, I'll stay up in case something happens. Sleep well, Rose."

With a final glance at the dwindling fire, she headed towards the pack, leaving Sparrow alone with the embers of their shared warmth. With time, his eyelids grew heavy with sleep. He glanced over at the sleeping pack, and joined them. Aqua, with her shimmering fur and keen eyes, lay still but alert, her thoughts seemingly far away. She understood the weight of their recent conversation, knowing that Sparrow unknowingly made a promise to Rose, weighing heavily on her heart. Her internal struggle brought small tension with her desire to honor his commitment to Rose. With a soft sigh, she finally relented, laying her head on her paws and closing her eyes, knowing that they were meant to be, even if it meant sacrificing her place in the pack.

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