White Bud

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The wind howled through the trees as Sparrow spread his wings and soared up into the sky, the clouds partially obstructing his view. The rest of the pack, Aqua and Shadow, followed close behind. "We're almost there," Sparrow called out, his voice carrying over the rustling leaves. Aqua, feeling the pang of hunger in her belly, chimed in, "I'm famished, I hope we can find something to eat." "With that little body of yours, I don't think so, she-wolf," Shadow replied bluntly, earning a scowl from Aqua. "I am not little!" she protested, puffing out her chest.
"We'll see about that," Shadow smirked, his eyes gleaming mischievously as they finally arrived at their mysterious destination. The pack scanned the surrounding area for any signs of danger or food but saw nothing but the dense forest.

However, their keen noses picked up a scent nearby. They cautiously moved closer and spotted a group of wolves. The pack was outnumbered, with only four wolves against the five strangers. Sparrow leapt into action, pinning down the strongest wolf and clawing at its face. "We're not here to harm you. Let us explain," his voice was stern, giving shivers down the spine of the other wolves. The rest of their pack whispered amongst themselves, unsure of the unfolding situation. Meanwhile, the mysterious clan emerged from the shadows, their numbers overwhelming. Approximately 80 to 90 wolves stood before the small pack.

Shadow lowered himself to the ground, allowing Yuna to step forward. The Alpha's gaze swept over each member of the pack. He spoke, his voice commanding authority across the clearing. "What brings you to our territory?" he inquired, his eyes piercing through them. With a steadfast gaze, they began to recount their journey. As the tale unfolded, the pack of strangers listened intently, their expressions changing from suspicion to curiosity. The Alpha's gaze shifted over each member of the pack again, but his attention lingered on Sparrow, the one with wings. "Have we met before?", the Alpha asked. "I'm not sure, Alpha," Sparrow had a confused tone.

"Please, call me Elias dear boy. I believe we have met before, a long time ago." "I don't think I've heard that name before. It doesn't ring a bell." "Maybe it was another wolf. My daughter and he had a special bond. I remember she would call him a name because of his fur. I believe it was... White Bud." "White Bud... White Bud... Why does that sound so familiar?", his mind spoke to him. "I see. What is your daughter's name?" Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from somewhere. A wolf emerged from the shrubs, running towards the small pack, aiming at them.

"No! Wait! Stop!" Elias's voice echoed through the forest. Yuna and Aqua froze in their tracks. Sparrow leaped forward just in time, letting himself get pinned. He lay there, completely vulnerable, staring up at the majestic creature whose fur was a unique shade of green with a white face. Sparrow, with his emerald eyes gazing at the wolf, remained surprisingly calm, recognizing its look and scent. "Long time no see, Rose," he said, his voice soothing and familiar. The wolf, now known as Rosalie, hesitated as the recognition dawned upon her. "Who are you and how do you know my name?!" she requisitioned, her voice sharp with uncertainty.

"I am your long-lost white bud," Sparrow replied softly, a hint of nostalgia in his tone. Rose's demeanor softened as she recognized him, her eyes welling up with tears that cascaded down her face, resembling glistening dew drops. "Sparrow?" she whispered, almost disbelieving, as if the years of separation had made her doubt his existence. Sparrow nodded, his voice trembling with suppressed emotions. "Yes, it's me," he breathed, reaching out to comfort her, nuzzling her gently. The rest of the pack awed and we're smiling at them. Aqua observed the scene, as emotions swirled within her. She felt happiness for Sparrow, witnessing the reunion with his long-lost friend. However, a tinge of envy pricked her heart, longing for a connection as strong and enduring as theirs. 

Breaking the small reunion, Sparrow suddenly approached Elias with a request. His eyes were filled with concern as he explained about the two injured wolves in need of attention. Without hesitation, Elias nodded in understanding. As they made their way to the den, Sparrow informed Elias that he would be heading out to hunt for food. Rosalie volunteered to accompany him, the two ventured into the wilderness in search of prey. Back at the den, the Alpha introduced Yuna and Aqua to Sage and Tor, two skilled wolves known for their prowess in medicine. He entrusted them with the care and the wolves quickly tended to their wounds.

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