Dream or Nightmare

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Retracing her steps through the dense thorns, it seemed to have been more persistence to impede her progress. They clawed at her, testing her resolve yet she pushed through, determined to protect the precious orb she carried. She finally emerged from the thicket, battered but victorious. Her fellow wolves rushed to her side, their voices a cacophony of concern and relief. She held up the orb, the soft glow casting an ethereal light on their faces. Their eyes widened with wonder and excitement. They marveled at its beauty, taking solace in the hope it represented.  

Night descended upon the land, its ebony veil stretching across the sky like a shroud. The pack settled to sleep, their heavy heads finding solace on the hard ground. Exhaustion washed over them their thoughts drifting into the realm of dreams. Within the realms of slumber, Yuna found herself trapped in a hazy nightmare. Darkness wrapped around her, its weight pressing against her chest and clouding her thoughts. Her senses heightened as she felt a presence lurking in the shadows. Beady eyes pierced through the darkness, staring straight at her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. The being's pupils were mere specks, yet they seemed to hold the weight of the unknown. It lunged at her with a forceful aggression, its intentions clear.

Jolting awake, her heart pulsed, and her breath trembled as her teeth clenched. The remnants of the nightmare lingered in her mind, leaving an unsettling sensation in its wake. The pack continued sleeping, not a single body moved. Her eyes wandered through the dark and dangerous foliage then fluttered and took off into the darkness, waking up once more in a dream. A majestic howl filled her ears, listening very clearly. The Great Alpha's appeared before her, its body giving a soft glow. "Alphas, you're here?" she questioned, the awe evident in her voice.

"Yes, fellow wolf," they replied in unison, their voices echoing with wisdom and power.
"Alphas, I have found the third orb," she announced proudly. The Alphas smiled at her; their eyes filled with pride at her accomplishments. But there was a gravity in their gaze, a seriousness that settled over the clearing. "Fellow wolf, we are indeed proud of you," the Great Alpha spoke, its voice a rumble like distant thunder. "However, there is something crucial you must know. Earth is hurtling towards the end of its life, the balance disrupted beyond repair. And something dark and malevolent is coming after you, drawn to the power of the orbs." 

Her heart sank at the revelation, a mix of pusillanimity and agitation coursing through her veins. "You must hurry and find the last orb to fulfill the prophecy before it's too late," the Great Alpha's voice echoed in her mind. The quest for the final orb was not just a journey; now, it was a race against time, against the encroaching darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path. "Alphas, what do you mean something is coming after me?" The Alphas exchanged solemn glances before one finally spoke, "There is a darkness, ancient and malevolent, that has sensed the power of the orbs awakening. It will stop at nothing to possess them, even if it means destroying you."

Her head tilted with confusion as they continued, their voices blending with the fading dream. Images of shadows and whispers haunted her as she drifted back to reality. When she awoke, the night was still young, but her heart pounded. The weight of the world now rested heavily on her.


The images of the bodies that lay scattered before the young pup were like shards of glass that pierced his heart, shattering him into a million pieces. But amidst the devastation, there was one sight that broke him even more – a pup, motionless and lifeless, lying amongst the fallen. As the young pup approached, trembling with fear and sorrow he heard a weak voice, barely audible. "Shadow..." it called out, struggling to speak. The pup, overcome with grief, choked on his tears, unable to find the strength to respond. He simply stared in agony, his eyes filled with disbelief and deep sorrow.

"Why... are you... crying?" the voice questioned, the words barely escaping the frail pup's mouth.
The young pup wanted to answer, to explain the overwhelming pain that consumed him, but his voice failed him. He clung onto the pup's last moments of consciousness, desperate to hold on to any connection he had left. "I feel sleepy..." the pup murmured, its voice growing weaker with each word. The weight of his heavy head and closing eyes finally took its toll, drifting into an eternal slumber, never to see the light again. The young pup's teeth clenched, holding back the broken sobs that threatened to escape, but he couldn't contain it any longer. 

He buried his head against the cold body, screaming in pure rage and sadness, his voice echoing through the desolate landscape. The young pup, now alone and broken, wandered aimlessly through a harsh and unforgiving world. Every step he took was burdened with the weight of loss, every breath he drew haunted by the memories of that tragic day. The once vibrant colors of the world had faded to dreary shades of gray, mirroring the emptiness within him. 


Shadow awoke from his dark vision, his head shot up, ears perked, eyes wide open. He calmed down, seeing the peaceful sight of his pack, slumbering in harmony. The gentle rise and fall of their chests, the soft sounds of their breathing, reassured him that all was well. He cherished these moments of tranquility and yearned for them to last forever. The harsh world where survival was the utmost priority, such moments of solace were rare and precious. His eyes gazed into the distance, a storm brewing within his dark soul. 

The tranquil ambience around him whispered tales of peace and harmony, yet within him raged a tempest of emotions, a tumultuous sea of conflicting desires. His mind couldn't escape its incessant thoughts of revenge, as he remembered his family had been cruelly torn away from him in an act of unspeakable violence. The memory of that tragic incident haunted him, fueling his relentless pursuit for justice. The being responsible for his agony would pay the ultimate price.

But there was more to his troubled heart than the thirst for vengeance. Something deeper, something fragile, yet undeniably present. It was a goal that he desperately wanted to ignore, hesitant to acknowledge the truth that resided within his heart. It was a goal entangled with emotions that scurried in the shadows, hidden from the harsh light of retribution.
That goal was to protect. He had failed before and the thought of failing struck him like a bolt of lightning. Looking at Yuna once more, his thought spoke. "This time I won't fail..."

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