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Once things settled, they returned and decided not to press this situation further and continued to focus leaving their emotions behind. Although Sage felt relief his heart clenched when he saw his beloved shed tears. The only thing he could do was just offer comfort of silence for her, letting her carry on.

After talking for a bit Yuna redirected everyone's attention towards the imminent task at hand. The pack huddled and emphasized the crucial need to locate the final orb for their future peace and tranquility. The wolves embarked under the blanket of the night and with time, the path grew increasingly arduous as they encountered a formidable obstacle: a towering cliff veiling a deceitful cascade that concealed a deadly secret—acidic waters.

They stood at the precipice of danger; their exhaustion overshadowed by the dangerous revelation before them. The ground convulsed beneath their paws, inducing panic and chaos within the group. Forced to confront the ominous cascade of acid, they rallied their remaining strength and leaped across the treacherous pools, their will to survive overpowering the looming threat.

Emerging on the other side, their chests heaved with exertion, knowing they their resilience had carried them through the trial, only to face the uncertainty of what lay ahead. Yuna felt a surge of unexplained energy coursing through her, signaling that their odyssey was far from its conclusion. The darkness slowly began to lift, giving way to a dim eerie light.

"Great Alpha's...If you can hear me, please, guide me," Yuna's thoughts whispered into the unknown. And then, as if in response to her plea, a soft glow emanated from her pad, its power pulsing in tandem with her heartbeat, leading her and the pack through the treacherous darkness.

Once again, they found themselves at the edge of the acidic waters, the cliff ahead dauntingly steep. Fear gnawed at her heart, but the pull urged her forward. The pack's voice was imbued with unease and concern, fearing for her safety. But her strength was steadfast as she plunged into the unknown, trusting in the Alpha's guidance. To her surprise, no pain seared through her being as she descended into the depths of the murky waters. Following the symbol's faint glow, she navigated through the narrow cracks and crevices, bringing her closer to her elusive goal.

Finally, she made it through and sought the beautiful orb she now held, its power glowing immensely. As she returned, each pair of eyes had widened in disbelief and then burst with tears of joy. The wolves knew that this was a pivotal moment in their quest for freedom. Just as they began to cheer and celebrate, a faint whisper cut through the air, beckoning her attention. The voice, soft yet commanding, spoke directly to her, "Follow the guidance of the symbol, Yuna. It will lead you to a desolate landscape filled with challenges and tests. But be wary of your surroundings, for a dark being will attempt to seize the power you are about to possess."

Her heart raced as she tried to comprehend when suddenly a pair of mysterious eyes locked onto hers. Her head shook with vigor, making the pack gathered around her, their worried faces reflecting her own inner turmoil. Before she could gather her thoughts, the ground trembled beneath her, and she was ripped away from them. Clutching the glowing orbs that had captivated her, panic set in. The pack's distant cries spurred her into action, her instincts screaming at her to reunite with them, but she couldn't.

Shadow attempted to follow her, however, Sparrow and Sage held him back knowing they had no time but to get out of harm's way. Little did they know that things were about to change.
The symbol continued to guide and pull her through the mysterious land and the clouds began to darken the sky, filling it with sorrow. Her paws came to a stop when she came across the dark waters. Sensing danger yet intrigued by the unknown, she approached the edge cautiously. "Touch it," a whisper echoed through the still air.

She noticed the shimmering orb resting inside the large leaf, emanating a hypnotic glow. Without hesitation she reached for the orb, its energy pulsating beneath her touch. A surge of power coursed through her veins, infusing her with strength and purpose as she tentatively stepped into the dark waters, a sense of weightlessness enveloped her defying the laws of nature. With each step she took, the waters parted effortlessly, guiding her towards a new realm of land.

 With each step she took, the waters parted effortlessly, guiding her towards a new realm of land

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Water Orb

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