Oh Great Alpha's

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Deep slumber took over her until her eyes slowly opened to a world of darkness, guided only by the shimmering and glittering of the moonshine - Galaxy Water. "I must be dreaming", Yuna thought to herself. She began to run, her paws carrying her towards the four glowing lights in the distance, she felt a gravitational pull towards them, almost as if the universe itself was guiding her steps. The voices calling out for help stirred a sense of compassion within her, compelling her to press forward. And then, the Great Alphas materialized before her, their presence commanding the very essence of the universe itself. Each alpha exuded an aura of power and wisdom that transcended time and space, their forms a tapestry of ethereal grace.

Yuna's eyes widened in awe and reverence. "We are the Great Alphas," one of them spoke, their voice resonating with the ancient wisdom of the cosmos. She listened intently, feeling a sense of awe and reverence for these wise, otherworldly beings. "The planet was once a beautiful place," one of them spoke. "But now it lies in ruins. Since you arrived on Earth, you have seen for yourself the damage that has been done. The surroundings are strange to you, and it's quite dangerous and different from how it was before." She looked at the Great Alphas with a determined expression. 

"I know that I have been chosen to restore everything," she said. "But I need to know - what is the purpose of the symbol on my paw?", she continued. The Great Alphas exchanged a knowing glance before one of them spoke. "During the creation of the universe, we created a power known as the Ultimate Source," they explained. "However, we realized that it would be much too powerful if it were combined into one, so we decided to split it into four - the Main Four Elements: Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. The symbol on your paw is the key to combining all four elements into the ultimate power. It was meant to protect and keep every fellow wolf safe in times of danger from enemies or restore balance."

Yuna listened intently, feeling a sense of awe and responsibility wash over her. "Why me?" she asked. "Why was I blessed with this symbol?" "We chose you because we knew that the next fellow wolf to receive it would be strong-minded, with a caring heart, pure mind, and soul," the Great Alphas replied. "We decided to take another chance, having faith that one day, a fellow wolf could use the ultimate power for good, not evil." The revelation of the Ultimate Source and the significance of the symbol on her paw enveloped Yuna in a whirlwind of emotions. She understood now the gravity of her role as the chosen one, entrusted with the power to restore balance and protect her fellow wolves from the encroaching darkness. "I understand. I will do my best to honor and protect the power that has been entrusted to me," Yuna replied. The Great Alphas nodded in approval. 

"Once this is all over, what will happen to the symbol on my paw?" Yuna asked. "The symbol will remain with you as long as you do not commit any acts of violence towards your fellow wolves or until the end of your natural life. If either of these events occurs, you will no longer be the chosen one, unless a miracle happens," the Great Alphas explained. Her brows began to furrow, not understanding. The weight of their words hung in the air like constellations. "What kind of miracle?", curiosity piqued her.  "That is something you will have to discover for yourself, little wolf," the Great Alphas replied cryptically.

The Great Alphas bestowed their final words of guidance upon her, and Yuna felt a sense of peace and assurance wash over her. With a grateful nod, she prepared to continue her journey, knowing that she carried within her the spark of the cosmos and the strength of a thousand stars.  Yuna nodded as she understood. "Thank you for your guidance, Great Alphas. But before I go, how will I know my way to find the Orbs?", she inquired. "Do not worry, we will guide you as you continue on your journey. Now go, Yuna. Your fellow wolves are counting on you," the Great Alphas said before letting out a harmonious howl. The dream then faded.


Yuna's eyes fluttered open, surprised to see that the sky was already beginning to darken. Had she slept for that long? As she looked around the cave, her gaze fell upon Shadow, who was lying nearby. She attempted to move but winced in pain as she felt a sharp twinge in her hind leg. Shadow's ear perked up at her groan, and he quickly rose to his feet. "Ah, you're finally awake," he said with a hint of relief in his voice. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to involve yourself in this," Yuna replied, her tone firm. "How about a little gratitude?" Shadow shot back. "I never asked for your help. And besides, I'm fine," she retorted. "Fine!? You were unconscious when we found you. If we hadn't brought you here to recover, who knows what might have happened."

"Who is 'we'?" Yuna asked, her curiosity piqued. "Me, Sparrow, and that feisty little Water wolf," Shadow replied. "Her name is Aqua," she corrected him. "Right, my bad," Shadow rolled his eyes. Just then, Sparrow and Aqua arrived with food. Aqua had caught two hares, while Sparrow had brought a large bird. "Oh, you're finally awake! I was so worried about you," Aqua exclaimed as she rushed over to hug her. Yuna smiled, grateful for her concern. "I'm alright, Aqua. Don't worry," Yuna reassured her. Shadow and Sparrow introduced themselves to Aqua, and she returned the gesture with a smile. "It's nice to meet you both," Aqua said, bowing her head slightly in respect. "I'm sorry for earlier. I just wanted to protect her."

"It's okay, we understand. We meant no harm," Sparrow replied, nodding in understanding.
As they sat together, chatting and enjoying their meal, Shadow suddenly spoke up. "There is one thing we don't know yet from you. You asked for our names, but you never told us yours. What's your name?" "Yuna," she replied. "Yuna," Shadow repeated, his mind racing. "Such a unique and... strange name," he thought to himself, though he kept his thoughts to himself and simply nodded in acknowledgment. After they ate, the small pack slept, except for her. She kept tossing and turning and finally got up, limping a bit and went out of the cave. Shadow pretended to be asleep and heard movements. He got up quietly and noticed Yuna sitting and staring at the sky, looking for something.

"Yuna," he whispered. She was lost in thought and couldn't hear him. Shadow came close to her and nudged lightly, getting her off guard. He covered her mouth with his paw, not letting a sound come out. "Shh, you're going to wake them up." "I thought you were asleep." "I was until I heard some movements." "Oh, sorry if I woke you." "What are you doing outside the cave at this hour?" "I slept sufficiently, so, I'm not tired. I've been having some thoughts and other things that come and go." "I see. Care to tell what thoughts have been running in that mind of yours."
"Well not exactly thoughts but a dream." His ear twitched, waiting for her to speak. "In my dream, I saw four lights, each had a different color. I could not see anyone, not until the Great Alphas appeared. It was utterly amazing. I did ask them something."

"What did you ask them?" "I asked what the symbol meant on my paw. They told me that during the time of creation, they had made this symbol to use ultimate power when the four elements were combined. It was meant for good use, not for evil. I am worried if-" "I'm sure nothing will happen. I think you're thinking too much." She paused for a moment then she replied, "You're right, I guess I'm just overthinking. But thank you, Shadow, for those words; I needed them." She looked at Shadow with her soft gaze, capturing his dull golden eyes. 

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