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Shadow and Yuna continued to roam the place of mystery and danger, its sharpening foliage threatened to ensnare any who dared to enter. They moved deeper as it became more menacing, a gamble for a dance with danger. Some of the tips were stained with old blood and the twisting paths had a sense of foreboding, hanging heavy in the air. The two worked with each other trying to find their pack members. Yuna's mind raced while doubt crept into her heart, threatening to overwhelm her with fears and insecurities.

Sensing her inner turmoil, Shadow stole glances at her. "Yuna... is something wrong?", his voice suffused with a low tone. "I'm fine. Let's just keep going", she replied, not giving in to her negative thoughts. Their task demanded their full focus, she couldn't afford to let her emotions distract her. The jungle began to play with their senses with strange whispers echoing through the thick undergrowth. Shadows danced between the trees creating an eerie atmosphere, which meant that creatures began to roam nearby. Each stride was a challenge, yet she mustered the strength to quell her fears.

They stumbled upon a clearing that emerged, revealing a tranquil oasis bathed in "sunlight". Sighs of relief didn't last long till a loud yelp echoed throughout the darkened area. They took off without hesitation following the faint scent that lingered in the air. Their legs carried them forward, pushing them to pick up their pace as another yelp echoed again. As they arrived at the source of the commotion, a heart-wrenching sight unfolded before their eyes. Their pack was surrounded by a group of black wolves, outnumbered and overpowered. Aqua was being held by the scruff of her neck, while Sparrow lay helpless on the back of one of the wolves, another holding him down. The rest of the pack struggled to break free.

A growl escaped from Shadow's throat as anger and protectiveness surged through him. He immediately positioned himself in front of Yuna, shielding her from the danger, determined to take on the wolves himself. The group of wolves sensed his challenge as they bared their teeth and growled in response. But amidst the chaos, one particular wolf caught his attention. It wore a distinctive mask and had crimson eyes that seemed to hold a mysterious aura. Rather than growling, the masked wolf spoke.

"Ish Elhi Uah?" it asked in a tone that surprised even Shadow, who had no idea he possessed the ability to communicate in that manner. He froze, his thoughts racing. Mustering all his courage he replied using the same unusual tone, "Ahui Do Mion?" "Ih Fahnd Uah Ilh Ahsl, Liy Bael..." the masked wolf responded, revealing a hint of familiarity. "Byi Bael? Shzomba?" Shadow's eyes widened in astonishment, searching for answers. "Ish Mah, Uah Byi Bael, Shzomba," It confirmed, pulling off its skull mask, revealing its true identity. Shadow sprinted towards the wolf, unable to contain his emotions any longer.

He pressed himself against the wolf's side and began to break down, tears streaming down his face. The other wolf returned the embrace. The pack watched in confusion unaware of the connection between the two. No one knew what transpired between him and the masked wolf. Their shared history remained a mystery but, at that moment, it didn't matter. They had found each other against all odds, reuniting. The wolf, his voice trembling, spoke once more. "Auh Ma Daere Liy Bael... Ozul..." Tears poured out more from Shadow, upon hearing his origin name.

It was a name forgotten by time and swallowed by his darkness. He continued to sob, trying to call out his name properly. "Sombra...", his voice trembled. The two wolves held onto each other, savoring this heart-wrenching moment with his long-lost brother. The world around them seemed to fade. It had been a miracle that they found each other again against all odds. Words finally found their way each sentence filling with untold emotions and regrets. "Ozul... is that you?", another wolf asked. His eyes looked at a skulled face, hiding its identity.

Sombra looked back at the wolf and nodded. Shadow stood in place, frozen, not knowing how to comprehend what was happening. Was it her? or, someone else? The figure before him revealed her face slowly, as if time itself had come to a halt. Their eyes met, and in that moment a flood of memories washed over him. "Lela, I thought I'd never see you again," His voice instilled with relief and disbelief as he whispered. She took a step closer to him, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "I missed you, big brother. I missed you so much", she quivered, trying not to break.

Shadow held her tight with his big paw, his heart clenched at her words. It was more than just an embrace, it was a reunion of three souls torn apart by tragedy, finding solace in each other's presence once again. His vile memory had played in his mind, remembering the river of blood. His little sister saved him from being clawed by a horrifying creature attack back then, only to find her body lying lifeless. When the embrace broke his gaze spotted the large scar she had near her abdomen. He nuzzled and gently licked her face. It was her.

"Shadow?" Sparrow's voice broke through the flood of memories, prompting him to look up. The concern in his eyes was evident as he gestured towards the motionless figure. "Is this your family?" With a rare display of emotion, he nodded with a faint smile. The pack surrounding them, initially confused, now understood the profound connection between them. Sombra studied their fellow wolves till his gaze finally found Yuna with a curious glint in his eye. "And who are you?" His voice was low and rumbling like distant thunder.

"I am not from here," she began, her voice soft and commanding. "I am from the moon clan. I was chosen to be your savior, to restore your home and bring peace to these lands. But for me to fulfill my destiny, I must find all the orbs." Sombra's fur bristled as he processed her words. The moon clan? The orbs? It all seemed like a fantastical tale spun from the winds themselves. But as he looked at her, a profound sense of certainty washed over him. There was something about her, something powerful that resonated deep within. He turned to the other wolves, their eyes were bright with confusion and awe.

Sparrow, Rosalie, Sage, Tor, and Aqua, stood beside her as a pack. Taking the big leaf that was left behind, she showed them the orbs. Fascinated by its beauty and power, they nodded in unison. The darkness blanketed the depressed sky, leaving only darkness behind.


As the pack huddled close for the night, the Shadow clan took their leave to lurk and guard, as requested by Sombra. Their little sister, Lela, was fast asleep. Moving away from the pack, Shadow (Ozul), and Sombra finally spoke. "Sombra. Tell me, what exactly happened that day?" his voice laced with concern and anxiousness. Sombra's gaze bore into the distance, his crimson eyes reflecting the pain of recollection. "The Alpha... was the one behind it all," his voice was bitter and sorrow. "The neighboring clan sought control of our territory for resources, and our Alpha, blinded by false promises, welcomed them in. It was a trap, a betrayal that led to ruination. They led the creatures into our land."

As the pieces of the traumatic puzzle started to fall into place, Shadow's mind raced to the past, trying to grasp the fragments of what had transpired. "I remember now," he muttered, realization dawning. "Lela and I were scouting near our den that day. I remember you calling us, only to come back to a scene full of violence." Sombra's breath caught at the mention of those haunting moments. "I was ambushed and taken by surprise and dragged away. It took all my strength to break free and return to the pack, only to find a scene of devastation. Everyone lay lifeless, or so I had thought. A few were alive and so was Lela, her body barely clinging to life. I searched for you, but I couldn't find you anywhere."

Shadow's ear twitched slightly, now understanding the whole story. "And, what happened to the Alpha's?" Sombra inhaled and exhaled before responding. "The Alpha was murdered, and the neighboring pack fled but I managed to kill that traitor with a bit of help from our pack. By the way, how do you know these fellow wolves you're with?" Sombra's tone was now in curiosity. "After that incident, I was a wanderer in the forests of Sequoia where Sparrow found me, and his family took me in. He may be my friend but he's like a brother to me," He replied.

And as for the others," he added, his gaze drifting to where Yuna lay in peaceful slumber, "let's just say it was her doing that brought us all together." His eyes gleamed in happiness, feeling grateful.

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