Chapter 37 (The Final Chapter) *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

The wedding had inevitably, and easily came to a close, the reception now in full swing.

"Is it almost dinner?" Niall chirped, causing the rest of us to chuckle as we came to the park, Simon has arranged the reception, and it was well, phenomenal. Lights were strewn through the trees, Illuminating the dark summer sky, much like the first night here, the night that started everything.

The night I proposed.

"Where's Leigh?" I questioned suddenly, her absence making my blood run cold as we came to the large tables.

"Zayn took her back to get changed - I guess there's two dresses?" Liam said, half explaining half questioning as Louis rolled his eyes.

"Well of course, she cant just walk around in that dress the whole time Li!" He exclaimed his eyes now locked on two figures walking forward. My eyes adjusting to the absence of natural light, my heart suddenly speeding at the realization.

I jogged forward, unable to wipe the grin off my face as Leigh reached me, Zayn sending me a wink as he strode ahead towards the boys.

She was gorgeous, having pulled her hair out of the low knot, her tousled hair flying in its usual disarray, Even in a simple white eyelet dress and bangles she was gorgeous.

"Mr.Styles - Your staring." She chuckled, her finger softly poking my dimples.

I chuckled, sweeping her into my arms my face buried in her hair. I still hadn't uttered the simple title she had just been given. It was almost as if I was afraid to. As if it would crack this all too perfect dream right at the foundation. The moment only to crumble away.

"You still don't believe this is happening huh?" She giggled, leaning back now, having read my mind once again as usual. Her knowing look instantly telling me to stop overthinking. To know that this moment was very real - and was also ours. And ours alone.

"Its just.. perfect... your perfect...I just... I never imagined..." I stated simply, her grey eyes soft as I held her face in my hands, our foreheads touching.

"Will you guys save the make out for the honey moon! Food. Eat. Drink. Now!" Niall yelled out, his blue eyes filled with joy as he motioned for us to join them. Isa grinning as she sat on his shoulders.

"Well - Mrs.Styles care to join them?" I teased, her eyes dancing with light as she giggled taking my arm as we walked ahead.


Was perfect.

But little did I know of the surprises the boys had planned. And just how perfect this night truly was.

*Leigh's POV*

I giggled as the boys all began talking, Simon shooting me a wink from the head of table. We had decided to keep the reception extremely small. Consisting mainly of the boys and their parents.

"Alright alright!" Louis said happily, suddenly standing, his eyes filled with mischief as he raised his wine glass. Everyone's eyes instantly on him.

"As Harry's First man I do believe its my job to do two things." He started, Harry grinning as he grabbed my hand. My other arm wrapping around Isa's small body as she climbed into my lap.

"One. Is to give the big Ol' emotional speech that all best men give. - And two. Is to tell embarrassing stories about the bride and groom." He chuckled sending me a wink as I opened my mouth in protest. Harry's face filling with mock horror as the table bursted into laughter.

"Ahem." He stated, his face filled with hurt, causing silence to fill the air. A wide grin spreading across his face.

"Now - as I was saying..."

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