Chapter 36 - Part 2 *Unedited*

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*Leigh's POV*

"Alright, all done." Zayn murmured, doing his final glance at my hair after using what smelled like at least two cans of hairspray.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I glanced up at the boys, their eyes filled with love as they all watched me. My eyes growing wide as I saw tears form in Zayn's.

"Aw Zaynie." I murmured, standing suddenly, unable to move as fast as I planned, my dress slowing me down slightly.

"Your just so beautiful." He murmured into my hair, his arms engulfing me in a tight embrace. His familiar scent filling my nostrils. Despite everything that had happened with everyone over the past few months. Regardless of the drama between Liam and Harry. Zayn and I had grown a tight bond. Much tighter than I would of Imagined. His brotherly manners, much like Lou's embedded on my heart.

"Hey now, don't make her cry, she hasn't even seen herself yet." Niall chirped, opening his arms for me suddenly, a wide grin on his face as he held me.

"Take care of him." He simply said his voice filled with emotion. His Irish accent bringing a smile to my lips as usual. I glanced up now, realizing that Zayn had Left the room. Niall giving Liam a tight nod before kissing my forehead. His own exit quiet as well. Leaving Liam and I alone. His brown orbs watching my every move.

"Well come along love, have a look at Zayn's handy work." He chuckled, motioning for the mirror. A gasp escaping my lips as my eyes found themselves in my crisp reflection.

Surprising, Gemma has gone very light on my makeup, just adding enough to give me eyes a slight pop, my skin looking completely flawless. Zayn having swooped my hair into a classic style. A loose knot at the base of my neck, simply yet elegant, pieces of my tousled hair framing my face.

I was completely astonished.

It was perfect.

I was perfect.

Today, would be perfect.

"Your missing one thing though." Liam's soft murmur broke me from my daze. A small box in his hand as his eyes met mine.

"Something blue."

I looked at him questioningly the old rhyme coming to me now as I watched him open the small box. My eyes growing wide.

It was a Locket, a large deep blue sapphire embedded into the cover, intricate designs swirling around it. Framing it perfectly.

"Liam - I -." I stuttered, only for him to chuckle as he handed it to me, my eyes reading the small inscription on the back.

"Family - Brought together by fate. Bound by love."

A small smile forming on my lips at the small and simply inscription. Its deep meaning warming my heart.

I gasped as I opened the locket, tears flooding my eyes at the site. On one side, there was a picture of Isa and Harry, their eyes bright as they smiled. On the other, there was a picture of the rest of the boys, each of them so different yet so similar as they smiled proudly.

"Liam." I simply stated. Throwing my arms around his neck as we stood. His arms wrapping tightly around me.

"Now hush, no tears, you'll ruin your dress." He murmured, turning me as he clasped the necklace, the metal cold against my hot skin.

A sudden knock on the door cause me to freeze. Simon's eyes filled with pride as he entered the room. A knowing look passing between him and Liam.

"Well that's my que. Love you sis." Liam whispered quickly pecking my cheek before diving from the room.

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