Chapter 18 - Part One *Unedited*

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*3 Months later.*

*Leigh's POV*

I sighed, marking another day off of the Calender, my heart sinking at the date.

Just three more months.

And he'd be home.

But even three months, was far too long of a wait.

I kept telling myself this repeatedly as I walked upstairs to Isa's room, knowing she was asleep, I still wanted to check on her. Something that had become a compulsive habit lately.

I guess I was just afraid that eventually, she'd leave me too.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, the movement instantly breaking me from my daze as I answered, already knowing who it was.

"Hey Babe!" Harry's voice rang in my ears, a smile instantly spreading across my lips.


"Have you looked at the calendar?" He sang happily, I could all but hear the smile in his voice, my own smile instantly growing wider.

"I actually just marked it off." I chuckled, leaning against the doorway, my eyes on the pictures of us Harry had hung up before leaving for tour. A constant reminder of how we were more than just a couple.

We were a family.

"I'M COMING JEEZ LOUIS STOP THROWING THINGS AT NIALL! WHERE ON EARTH IS LIAM?" His loud voice breaking me from my thoughts as I chuckled.

"Sounds like Lou's at it again" I laughed Imagining Louis being his typical self as the boys got ready for another show.

"Babe can I -"

"Yes, call anytime, go and make sure Lou doesn't break something" I laughed interrupting him, my heart silently sinking at the fact that our conversation had to end so soon.

He chuckled, his voice suddenly serious " Love you."

I hung up then, my words stuck in my throat as I sunk to the floor. My tears already spilling over before I knew the had arisen. My emotions had been tied up tightly lately, trying my best to stay strong for Isa just as I always have.

But harry not only made me stronger.

He made me weaker as well.

The sudden knock at the door broke me from my daze, my emotions running high as I opened it, my mind in such a blur, I didn't think before the action.

I opened the door, my heart stopping instantly at the site.

There once again was a large vase, filled with red roses, a crisp white note tied to a stem.

But rather than it being on the ground.

It was in someones hands.

My fathers.


Woo surprise surprise ;3

The next part will be up HOPEFULLY soon :3

Theres actually only a 6-7 chapters left surprisingly /.\ Upcoming chapters will be much much longer though. especially part two of this chap and chapter 19

BUT I will say I am working on another fic that will be connected to this one ;3 ( not number one suspect for those of you who have read the sneak peak of that )

So?! What do you guys think?

Vote/comment? :3

Take care



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