Chapter 25 - Part One *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

"Isa!" Leigh and I boomed, our eyes scanning the office frantically. My heart pounding hysterically.

"She was just here, I had gone for a smoke and. -"

"You left her alone?" Leigh shrieked launching herself at the blonde. My hands wrapping around her waist instantly, trying my best to restrain her.

"Ssh, Ssh Well find her." I murmured Louis coming to my side. Simon right behind him.

"Lets just spread out aye?" Niall interjected, surprisingly he was only the calm one out of the group.

"I want this place locked down. No one gets in, no one gets out." Simon explained seriously, Leigh bolting from my arms in the next second, her black hair flying behind her.

"Leigh!" I yelled, running after her, Zayn right on my heals.

But just like she had all those months ago, in a matter of seconds, faster than my own breath.

She was gone.

*Leigh's POV*

I sprinted down the hall way, my feet flying underneath me.

Where was she?

Isabella always, always, knew not to go anywhere with out telling one of us. Harry and I had engraved that in her.

"Leelee?" I heard a soft cry, my ears tuning into the sound.

"Leelee!" The sound pierced my ears again. My heart stopping.

"Isabella!" I yelled now, making a sharp left down the hallway only for my face to collide with someones chest.

I stumbled back now, shaking my head, in confusion.

I looked up, only to see a pair of eyes that were once again, all too familiar to me.

My eyes.

My fathers eyes.

*Harry's POV*

"Leigh! Isa!" Liam and I called in unison now. My nerves high as I walked down the hallway.

"Hazza?" The soft sound of Isabella's voice caught my attention

"Isabella?" Liam and I called out. My mind way ahead of itself, causing me to sprint ahead of Liam, making a sharp right as I went.

I paused, my eyes having seen a sudden blur.


*Leigh's POV*

"Where's Isa?" I hissed backing up slightly, my eyes scanning the area behind him. His body, as always radiating of alcohol.

He shook his head now, a dark chuckle as he stepped forward. His movements fluid, similar to how a lion hunts his prey.

"I'm not going to let you take her from me again." He hissed, his voice as sharp as razors as he came closer to me now. My body getting the best of me as it froze with fear.

I shook my head fiercely. He was beyond delusional. I never took her to begin with.

"She's mine." I stated simply, a hand swiftly coming across my face in the next second.

He chuckled now. His hands tight around my neck, lifting my slightly in the air, my back against the wall as he squeezed.

"Even if you kill me she wont be yours." I snarled, gasping for breath, the memory of my latest appointment filling my mind. I has signed Harry as my beneficiary. Meaning if anything were to happen to me. Isa was his.

I coughed suddenly, my hands trying their hardest to pry his away from me. But he just squeezed tighter. Laughter bubbling at his lips as I began struggle more. My eyes fluttering now. The all too familiar feeling of darkness welcoming me now. My body slowly sinking.

"Leigh!" Harry boomed breaking me from my daze, his voice as cold as Ice as he ran forward. My words stuck in my throat as my father dropped me suddenly. His eyes wide as he bolted from the corridor. My back slowly sinking down the wall. My breath coming in short gasps.

"Lee.-" He started his eyes filled with pain as he watched me.

I shook my head fiercely now. Cutting him off.

"Follow him!" I choked out. My breath still coming in spurts as I sat.

He nodded, sprinting down the hallway now, his brown curls behind him.

*Louis' POV*

I quietly walked down the hallway, Isaboo's voice having caught me off guard moments before.

I turned now, spotting Leigh's dad. Isa struggling in his hold. His eyes filled with fury as he struggled with her.

"Hey!" I yelled cautiously, Isa's eyes growing bright as she saw me. A smile playing on my lips. She was so much like my little sisters.

"Back up." Her dad spat stepping backwards, his eyes tight as he watched me.

"You don't wanna do this..." I started, walking forward slowly my heart beat speeding at the terror in Isas eyes.

"She's all I have." He mumbled, his alcoholic mind shifting suddenly, his thoughts taking a depressing turn.

I could work with this.

"She's not all you have..." I started, edging myself a little closer now. My eyes beckoning Isa to stay still.

"You have Leigh as just have to mend things." I lied now, knowing very well that none of us would let him within ten feet of her.

He shook his head now, his eyes so similar to Leigh's, pooling with tears.

"No, you can..but first you have to give me Isa.." I murmured, reaching out slowly.

"No!" He boomed cutting me off. Backing further down the hall way now.

"You can only be forgiven if you forgive yourself." I argued, watching as his hand slipped around Isa's delicate throat.

She coughed suddenly, her eyes wide as she silently pleaded with me.

"It's too late for me..and I wont go without my little girl." He whispered darkly, a dangerous double meaning ringing behind his words.

"Don't do this..." I pleaded again, stepping forward. My mind racing.

He shook his head, his tears pouring now.

"I'm sorry." He whispered brokenly his voice stinging my ears. His hands squeezing Isa's throat tighter, causing me to lurch forward instinctively.

He stepped back, thinking to evade me a wicked look growing in his eyes now, the angry side of him coming back out to play.

But little did he know, that I was already one step ahead of him.


Hey loves ;3

So! intense chapter sorta eh?

I PROMISE part two will be up tonight. (: The more votes this chap gets - The sooner part two will be posted. Hehe

So what do you guys think?

Vote vote vote vote and vote some more - comment as well of course lol

Next update shall be soon ;3

Take Care



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