Chapter 24 - Part Two *Unedited*

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*Harry's POV*

I walked into the office, handing Isa too Lou after leaving a soft kiss on her forehead, Leigh's hand still intertwined with mine.

"I'm Simon, Simon Cowell, pleasure to finally meet you." Simon said suddenly, making his presence known in the room as he shook Leigh's hand, her words stuck in her throat as she tightly nodded.

I sat at the table, across from two Modest reps I had gotten to know well over the years. My blood boiling at the site of them.

"Carmen. James." I stated simply nodding to them as I pulled out a chair for Leigh, her eyes filled with worry as she watched me.

"So - What's up." I stated nonchalantly sitting now as well. Intertwining my right hand with Leigh's as my other was making soft swirls in the wood of the table.

"Well. You two too seem to have hit it off quick." Carmen said her eyes hard as she watched Leigh now. My temper spiking at the comment.

"Actually no its been almost a year." I hissed. Leigh squeezing my hand as if to calm me down.

"You do realize, that neither her nor her sister have had any exposure to the press. Your engagement will cause a field day. Harry your our Ladies man. Think properly here."

"Uhm. I am in the room." Leigh chimed in, her anger filling her voice now as she locked her steel eyes with James. Simon cracking a small smile at the end of the table.

" I am not YOUR ladies man. I have never been A Ladies man. I've been Harry Styles. A typical guy who's been trapped under your stereotypical advertisement of me." I shot coldly, Simon's eyes now growing wide at the statement.

"You signed a contract Harry." James intervened now, his voice filling with reason.

"I did not however, sign my life away."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Carmen added watching me now.

"It means -" I started only to be swiftly cut off by James.

"All were asking is Harry for you to wait. For Christs sake None of us know her. For all your know she just wants a piece of the contract." He said simply.

And that. Is when I finally snapped.

*Leigh's POV*

I watched as Harry stood suddenly, my voice trapped at James' harsh words.

"You see this?" Harry Hissed now, pulling up the sleeves of my jumper. His hands cold against my heated skin.

"This. Is what happened while I was on tour making Money for YOU." I flinched at the anger in his voice as he hissed at them. His eyes filled with malice.

"Harry." Simon said sternly, his voice cutting in suddenly.

"Harry. Were just saying to consider it. Other wise we may need to find a new member for One Direction." The red headed woman blurted.

I froze at the statement. My eyes growing wide as I watched Harry now.

I would not let him throw his career away over me.

Suddenly, Harry opened the door. His body stiff as he stuck is head out.

"Lads. In here. Now." He called.

Within seconds, the boys were in the room, there faces grim as they took in the scene. Liam motioned for me suddenly, causing me to go to his side. His left arm wrapping loosely around my waist as he watched the scene before him.

"You see these five boys here." Harry started, motioning between the boys.

"These are not just my band mates. They are my brothers. My family. My future groomsman." He explained, the room remaining quite.

"Do you really think, that you can just throw my contract out the window? Because I've found someone to spend the rest of my life with? The boys LOVE her, she has became there sister." He hissed now, his temper heightening as he paced.

"If you really think, you can get rid of me. So be it. But I can guaranty that these lads will follow." He breathed now, his eyes on me as he continued.

"We named ourselves, One Direction for a simple reason, we were, and still are, Five lads. Not only singers, but human beings. Who all want the same things. We support each other. We love each other. And sometimes. We are all each other has."

I watched as Simon began to smile now. His blues eyes crinkling.

"So don't you dare threaten me with replacing me. Because you may be able to attempt it. But you will never. Never. Be able to replace One Direction." Harry said proudly, the boys all nodding in agreement. Their eyes filled with pride as they watched him.

"Because that, is what family, is all about."

*Harry's POV*

I breathed slowly, having finally finished my monologue. My hands reaching out for Leigh in the next second, my arms wrapping around her as she left Liam's side.

"Hes right." Liam said now, his eyes soft as he watched Leigh and I.

"They, are our family." Zayn chirped in, his hazel eyes bright at the statement.

"She's my best friend." Niall said happily, standing beside her now, his blue eyes filled with mischief.

"She's also the only one who will go to Nando's with me when everyone is sleeping still." He added, causing the room to burst in laughter.

"She's my sister." Lou said simply, grabbing her hand as we stood now.

Simon sighed, a small smile on his lips.

"I don't think, I have ever been more proud of you til now." He started. My heart beat racing.

"It is clear to me, that you all are not those little boys who I met two years ago on the XFactor stage." He added a grin becoming evident on his face.

"So whens the date?"

That one sentence was all it took for my heart to burst. The boys cheered as I suddenly lifted Leigh in the air, her giggles piercing my ears as I spun her, my lips now landing on hers softly.

"June 10." We said together, her smile bright as she giggled at Simon's expression.

"So be it." Simon chuckled with a smile, Carmen and James leaving the room now, having realized they were of no use now.

"Simon! Simon!"

The boys sang suddenly, my eyes wide as I watched them.

"You have to meet Isa!" Lou cheered his eyes sparkling.


"I have custody of my little sister." Leigh stated simply, a proud smile growing on her face at the mention of Isa.

"Well, bring here then." Simon chuckled.

Zayn and Lou grinned, knowing they were Isabella's favorites besides me.

"No one can resist the Isaboo" They sang in unison. The room bursting with laughter as they walked to the door, expecting to go get her from our receptionist, Leigh and I tight on their tails. Our grins wide.

Except when we opened the door.

Isa was no where to be found.



Lol how are you guys? I hope you like this chap :P let me know what you think.

Last chapter got SO MANY comments you guys are amazing! its hard for me to reply from my phone though (its spazzing hysterically today) So if I dont reply to comments its not that I dont want to! Its my phone O_O but i will first thing when I hit a cpu :3

Vote vote vote vote and vote some more ;3 comment of course too hehe

Next update may be tonight or tomorrow.

Take Care



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