Chapter 34 - Part 2

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*Leigh's POV*

"Come along Love." Simon murmured as I trailed behind him, His decision to have Isabella and I join the boys promotion was instantaneous. His mind already being made when he saw me in the early morning.

"Now, I don't say this out of bitterness, its their job to do so. Its how they make a living. - But needless to say, much as Louis explained, there is nothing to be confirmed, because nothing happened, I have been, and will continue to be faithful to Leigh."

Harry's low voice filled my ears as we walked backstage, chills running up and down my spine at the sound.

Seconds later, I heard the boys exit the stage, most likely having left from the other side.

"Its now or never Lee." Simon whispered, my eyes already filling with tears, my nerves running high as I nodded.

I followed him now, my feet silently padding along the floor, my eyes casted downwards, watching my ring flicker in the light as I fidgeted nervously with my hands.

"Well, that was quite a show." Simon's abrupt voice broke me from my daze, my eyes darting upwards as Harry's gaze fell on me, his mouth agape.

But not for long, within seconds he was racing towards me, my tears flowing freely now as my hands tangled in his curls, his arms wrapping tightly around my body. His lips brushing against my skin as he whispered his apologies, his worries, his love.

I stayed silent, my sobs, yet again causing me to shake as I stood there in his arms, my face buried in his shoulder. My heart slowly seeping blood throughout my body. My pain slowly leaving me as his warmth surrounded me.

But even though this was my step towards many forms of healing.

These wounds, despite what stage.

Left a bitter aftertaste.

*Harry's POV*

My hands finally reached her, my arms wrapping tightly around her torso as her hands knotted themselves in my hair. Her tears already soaking my shirt as I held her. But I didn't care.

She was here.

In my arms.

And that was all that mattered.

"Baby, sshh, Leelee, I'm so sorry."

"Its all over now love, were together."

"I love you."

I whispered these things, god knows how many times, my lips brushing against her skin as I did so, chills running up and down my spine as she nodded, her lips leaving a soft kiss on the crook my neck as she nuzzled her face there.

My ears tuned in to the sounds around me, the door to our dressing room softly closing, the boys most likely having left now. Giving us some well needed privacy.

I leaned back now, Leigh's hands on my face, a small smile on her lips as she slowly wiped my own tears away, a sigh escaping my lips at the site of her engagement ring. Which was still, thankfully, in the right place.

"Your here." I murmured, my hands holding her face now, her eyes fluttering shut momentarily as I softly kiss both of her cheeks. My heart beating rapidly as a small blush spread across her tan skin.

"Here I am."

"We need to talk..." I whispered, my eyes darting around the room, the sound of fan's echoing through the walls.

"When we get back to the hotel." She murmured, leaving my embrace, her hand suddenly grabbing mine as she slipped her aviators back on her face, her other hand pulling her hood up in the same instant. Her dark tousled hair flowing out of it every which - way, framing her face in its usual beautiful fashion.

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